从市场增速上看2014-2020年M2M模块出货量增长趋势(数据来自ABI research)
1、 道路决定命运。4G M2M模块何去何从成为决战4G应用的问题
B)4G平台选择。 与时俱进的高通没有停止脚步。目前应用比较广泛的是高通MDM9x15平台,这个平台已经上市了5年(预计即将退市),而且每年出货量只有,无法满足M2M市场的爆炸式增长。新高通4G 8909平台的推出可谓恰逢其时,拥有亿级产能,成为新时代物联网应用的主要平台载体。这个时候,作为关注智连的物联网模块企业谁能抢占平台先机,必将成为物联网市场腾飞的弄潮儿。
“通”概念产生于智能手机应用,个人客户希望自己购买的手机能够任意选择三大运营商中的任意一家作为服务商,这种选择基本在较长一段时间内不会变更。而与个人消费品不同的是,行业应用需考虑动态适配,综合性能,更需要克服安装位置偏僻,恶劣而不稳定的环境因素影响,好是能实时切换运营商。同时支持三张SIM卡,支持三大运营商,还要立体兼容各家2G、3G、4G标准,以及基站之间的切换,让产品在不同场地,不同工矿下每次都能提供更稳健、更经济的连接,这是所谓 4G 智能连接的高境界。
显然,“通”技术难度非常大,非长期扎根智能连接领域,拥有深厚移动通信技术底蕴的企业不能胜任。俗语云:能力有多大,责任就有多大。新的高通4G 8909平台目标就是从根本上解决困扰产业多年的现场趴窝,网络切换掉线,乃至SIM卡贴合等诸多问题带来的应用困扰,同时迎来真正三网合一的“通”时代。
3、 真金不怕火炼。物联网终端产品品类、数量和数据量的激增进一步考验模块商
手机 :18150695049(微信同步)
QQ :2880842794
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传真 :0596-3119658(请备注林工收)
1:Invensys Foxboro(福克斯波罗):I/A Series系统,FBM(现场输入/输出模块)顺序控制、梯形逻辑控制、事故追忆处理、数模转换、输入/输出信号处理、数据通信及处理等。
2:Invensys Triconex: 冗余容错控制系统、基于三重模件冗余(TMR)结构的现代化的容错控制器。
3:Westinghouse(西屋): OVATION系统、WDPF系统、WEStation系统备件。
4:Rockwell Allen-Bradley: Reliance瑞恩、SLC500/1747/1746、MicroLogix/1761/1763/1762/1766/1764、CompactLogix/1769/1768、Logix5000/1756/1789/1794/1760/1788、PLC-5/1771/1785等。
5:Schneider Modicon(施耐德莫迪康):Quantum 140系列处理器、控制卡、电源模块等。
6:ABB:工业机器人备件DSQC系列、Bailey INFI 90等。
7:Siemens(西门子):Siemens MOORE, Siemens Simatic C1,Siemens数控系统等。
8:Motorola(摩托罗拉):MVME 162、MVME 167、MVME1772、MVME177等系列。
9:XYCOM:I/O 、VME板和处理器等。
10:GE FANUC(GE发那科):模块、卡件、驱动器等各类备件。
12:Bosch Rexroth(博世力士乐):Indramat,I/O模块,PLC控制器,驱动模块等。
Rosemount 3051CD2A06B1BE7S5 Differential Pressure Transmitter - New No Box
Exair 4625SS NEMA 4X 1,700 Btu/hr 316 St. St. Cabinet Cooler - New Surplus Open
Zener MSC-3R15 AC Drive - New Surplus Open
Zener MSC-3R00513 AC DRIVE - New Surplus Open
Allen Bradley 20B-D3P4A0AYNANC0 480V 2HP - - Series B
Yaskawa JAPMC-CP2210-E CPU Module - New Surplus Open
Prosoft 3100-MCM Modbus Master/Slave Communication Module -
GE Fanuc IC693ALG392A High Density Analog Output 8 Point -
Yokogawa EJX430A-FHS5G-B19DN/SS25/X2/M01/T11/EE/HC - New Surplus Sealed
Rosemount 3051CG3A02A1BE7H2L5 Gage Pressure Transmitter - New Surplus Open
Siemens 1FK7060-5AF71-1DB5-ZN05 Simotics Servo Motors - New Surplus Open
Siemens 6SL3120-1TE15-0AA3 S120 Drive - New Surplus Sealed
Bently Nevada 167384-01 3300/02 System Monitor - New No Box
Moxa VPort 25-CAM3S52P IP66, day-and-night vandal-proof fixed dome IP camera ...
Allen-Bradley 1788-EN2DN EtherNet/IP to DeviceNet Linking Device - Series A -...
Moxa EDS-508A-MM-ST Managed Ethernet switch w/ 2xMM ST Ports - New Surplus Open
Sew MDX61B0008-5A3-4-0T Movidrive Inverter - New Surplus Open
Foxboro DM400YT Input Output Module - Series A - New Surplus Open
Siemens 6ES5 943-7UB21 SIMATIC S5-115U CPU 943B Processor Module -
GEC Industrial Controls 8151-4002 10V 0.20mA Analogue Output Module -
Rosemount 3051CG4A02A1BB3DFH2L4 Gage Pressure Transmitter - New Surplus Open
TOSHIBA 35589Z Circuit Board - New No Box
Bently Nevada 133323-01 Comms Gateway I/O Module RS485 - New No Box
Yokogawa EJX118A-EMSCG-91DDJ-WA13C1SW20-AA26/SU2/X2/M5W/T52 - New Surplus Sealed
ABB 5STP45Q2800 4" Phase Control Thyrsitor PCT - New Surplus Open
Eurotherm TC3001 AC Drive -
Allen Bradley 2711P-RDT12C PanelView Plus Color Touch Screen - - Series C
Modicon NW-BM85C-002 Bridge/Multiplexer Module Modbus Plus -
Yokogawa EJX630A-EBS7N-01DDN/SU2/X2/T06/M15 S1 Differential Pressure - New Su...
Yokogawa EJX110A-FMS5G-91DDJ/SS25/X2/M01/T13/EE S3 Differential Pressure - Ne...
Yokogawa EJX630A-EBS4N-014EL/SU2/X2/T06/M15 S1 Differential Pressure Transmit...
Symax / Square D 8030 PS25 Power Supply Module 12A 120/240VAC - - Series B
Rosemount 8712CR24N0M4TI Magnetic Flowmeter - New Surplus Open
Allen Bradley 20A-C2P1C3AYNANC0 PowerFlex70 AC Drive - - Series A
Allen Bradley 1794-APB Profibus I/O Adapter Module - New Surplus Open - Series B
Telemecanique TCSESM083F2CU0 ConneXium Managed Switch 6TX/2FX-MM -
Rosemount 8800DR020SA3N2P1K7M5 Vortex Flow Meter - New Surplus Open
Siemens 6ES7354-1AH01-0AE0 Simatic S7 Positioning Module 1 Channel - New Surp...
Symax / Square D 8030 PS25 Power Supply Module 12A 120/240VAC - - Series A1
Allen Bradley 1746-NI16I SLC 500 Analog Current Input Modul - - Series A
Allen Bradley 1771-OAN PLC-5 Digital AC Output Module - - Series A
Allen Bradley 2711P-RDT10C Touchscreen - - Series B
Allen Bradley 1785-L60B PLC-5/60 Processor 64K - Remanufactured - Series E
Bently Nevada 136188-02 Gateway Ethernet RS485 Modbus - New No Box
Proface FP2500-T42-24V FP2000 Series Touch Screen - New Surplus Open
Siemens 6ES5470-4UB12 SIMATIC S5 470-4 Analog Voltage Output Module - New Sur...
Moeller DS4-340-7K5-MXR Soft Starter 16A 3 Phase 110-500VAC 24VDC 7.5kW - New...
Schneider LC1 F265F7 Contactor 265A 3P 110 Volt Coil LX1FH1102 - New Surplus ...
Modicon TSXP57104M Unity Processor - New Surplus Open
Yokogawa EJX630A-FDS4N-01DDN/SS25/X2/T15/M15/EE S1 Differential Pressure Tran...
Yokogawa EJX110A-FMS5G-91DDJ/SS25/X2/M01/EE S3 Differential Pressure - New Su...
Mitsubishi A970GOT-SBA Operator Interface Touchscreen 10.4 Inch -
Emerson 12P4689X012 (KJ2008X1-BK1) Deltav Virtual I/O Module - New Surplus Open
Allen Bradley 150-A135NBD Motor Controller SMC PLUS - - Series A
Yokogawa SC450G-D-A/UM Conductivity Resistivity Converter - New Surplus Sealed
Yokogawa AXFA14G-E2-41/X1 S1 Electromagnetic Flowmeter - New Surplus Open
Yokogawa EJX430A-FHS5G-B19DN/SS25/X2/M01/T11/EE/HC - New Surplus Open
Symax / Square D 8020 SCP-312 PLC Processor - - Series-E16
Siemens 6ES7 318-2AJ00-0AB0 Simatic DP Controller -
Allen Bradley 20A-C8P7C3AYNANC0 400 VAC, 3 PH 8.7 A - - Series A
Allen Bradley 2711-T10C15 PanelView 1000 - - Series D
Modicon 490NRP25400 Fiber Optic Repeater 110/120V 24VDC -
Telemecanique ATV71HU55N4 SPEED DRIVE 7.5HP 460V ATV71 - New Surplus Open
GE Fanuc 531X300CCHAXM3 DC300 Control Board -
GE Fanuc 531X300CCHAHM3 Control Card DC300 -
GE Fanuc F31X139APMALG2 PC Board Application -
GE Fanuc 531X300CCHAFM5 PC Control Card Module DC300 -
FSC 10024/I/F Module Card -
Siemens 6ES7 314-6CF02-0AB0 Simatic Compact Controller -
MOXA VPort 461-ON-T Full Motion Industrial Video Encoder - New Surplus Open
Siemens 6FX1123-7AA01 Sinumerik 3 Measuring Module - New Surplus Open
Allen Bradley 1404-M505A-RIO Master Module - New Surplus Open - Series A
Allen Bradley 1756-IF6I ControlLogix Input Module - New Surplus Sealed - Seri...
Allen Bradley 2711-T6C20L1 PanelView 600 - - Series B
Sprecher + Schuh PDS-104-480V Smart Motor Controller 200-480V 3P -
Foxboro IDP10-T2GE25V-M2S2 Differential Pressure Transmitter - New No Box
Honeywell S3KAL2 S3KXSH1SS Series 3000 MkII H2S Sensor - New No Box
Honeywell Series 3000 MkII S3KAL2 - New No Box
ProSoft Technology MVI56-MNET Modbus Communication Module -
Micro-Poise 541-4999-00 Analog Rack Card - New Surplus Open
Micro-Poise 541-4996-00 Uniformity Control Processor - New Surplus Open
Micro-Poise 541-5000-X1 Probe Rack Card - New Surplus Open
Micro-Poise 440-2237-00 Analog Input Module - New Surplus Open
Omron H8PB-Y-30 Cam Positioner -
Allen Bradley 1785-L80B PLC-5/80 Controller 100K - - Series E
Kawasaki 50817-1281R00 Teaching Pendant Touch Screen Panel -
Allen-Bradley 2711-K9A1 PanelView 900 Monochrone Keypad - - Series B
Pilz PSS1 SB CPU Processor -
Mitsubishi FR-F740-00380-EC Inverter Drive -
Mitsubishi FR-A540-1.5K Inverter Drive -
Foxboro P0972VA Address Translator Station -
Allen Bradley 20AC8P7A1AYNADNN PowerFlex70 AC Drive - Series A -
Allen Bradley 284D-FVD6P0Z-25-CRN-DB1-SB-SM Variable Frequency Drive - -...
Mitsubishi FR-A740-00250-EC Inverter -
Panametrics 710-1326 Circuit Board - New No Box
Analog Devices RTI-815-A Circuit Board -
Elfab FLOTEL2 Sensor - New Surplus Open
Allen Bradley 2711-T10C20 PanelView 1000 Color Touch - Series E -
Allen Bradley 2711P-RDT12C PanelView Plus Color Touch Screen - - Series B
Advantech PPC-6170 Industrial PC -
Siemens 6ES5 318-3UA11 SIMATIC S5 IM318-3 Expansion Rack -
Yokogawa Gauge Pressure Transmitter EJX630A-EBS7N-01DDN/X2/T06 S1 4-20mA - H...
Sick S30A-6011CA Safety Laser Scanner -
Yaskawa SGDR-SDA060A01B Servopack - New Surplus Open
Allen Bradley 2711P-T6M1D PanelView Plus 600 - - Series B
Allen Bradley 1785-BEM PLC-5 Backup Communications Module - - Series B
Galil DMC-1842 Motion Control Card -
Danfoss 175H1027 VLT3002 Variable Speed Drive -
Allen Bradley 1797-OE8 FLEX Ex I/O Output Module - Series A -
Modicon 140AMM09000 Analog In/Out 4 Channel/2 Channel - New No Box
Allen Bradley 25B-D013N114 PowerFlex 525 AC Drive - New Surplus Open - Series A
Siemens 6ES5 308-3UB11 IM308-B Interface Module F. Distr. Conn. -
Allen Bradley 1305-BA03A Variable Speed Drive - New Surplus Open - Series C
Allen Bradley 2711P-K4M5D PanelView Plus 400 - New Surplus Sealed - Series D
Allen-Bradley 1769-L32E CompactLogix Processor Controller - - Series A
Siemens 6ES5 544-3UB11 SIMATIC S5 CP 544B Communications Processor -
Telemecanique LD4LD030U CONTACTOR BREAKER 63 - New Surplus Open
Allen Bradley 2711P-T6C20D PanelView Plus 600 Color - - Series C
Siemens 6AV6 640-0CA11-0AX1 Simatic Panel 5.7 Inch Touch - New Surplus Open
SEW MDS60A0015-5A3-4-0T SEW Movidrive MDS60A0015-5A3-4-0T -
Siemens 6FC5203-0AD10-1AA0 OP032S Machine Control Panel, US Layout -
Foxboro P0700WB Node Bus Extender - Series R - New Surplus Open
IPC-BIT900 PCI Board - New No Box
Allen Bradley 1757-SRM ProcessLogix & ControlLogix System Redundancy Module -...
Allen Bradley 1756-IF16 ControlLogix Module - New Surplus Sealed - Series A
Allen Bradley 1794-IE8H Flex I/O Analog Input Module - - Series B
Allen Bradley 1785-L80B PLC-5/80 Controller 100K - - Series D
Yokogawa EJX110A-FHS5G-91DDJ/SS25/X2/M01/T13/EE S3 - New No Box
Allen Bradley 20G11RC8P7JA0NNNNN PowerFlex 755 AC Drive - Series A -
Sick S30A-6011XX Safety Laser Scanner -
Rosemount 3051CD1A02A1BB3DFE7H2L4 DP Transmitter - New Surplus Open
Allen Bradley 1771-IXE PLC-5 Input Module - - Series D
Allen Bradley 2711-T6C20L1X Panelview 600 Colour - - Series B
Moeller ZWK-500-EM Intelligent Control-Signaling-Protection System - New Surp...
Rosemount 3051CD2A22A1KM6DOI7L4S4Q4A0259 DP Transmitter -
Merlin Gerin 32657 Current Transformer 3 Pole 400/5A - New Surplus Open
Merlin Gerin 32857 Current Transformer 3 Pole 630/5A - New Surplus Open
Rosemount 3051CD3A07A1BB3DFE7H2L4P9 DP Transmitter - New No Box
Rosemount 3051CD3A02A1BB3DFE7H2 DP Transmitter - New No Box
Rosemount 3051CD3A02A1BB3DFK7H2L5D4 DP Transmitter - New No Box
Festo CMMP-AS-C5-3A Motor Control -
Advantech PPC-L158T-R90-DXE Touch Panel PC -
GEC Industrial Controls 8917-4003 Power Supply 110/220VAC/DC 370W 50/60HZ -
Allen-Bradley 1746-NO8V SLC500 Output Module - - Series A
Symax / Square D 8020 SCP-631 Processor 600 Model 16K RAM - - Series A5
Symax / Square D 8020 SCP-631 Processor 600 Model 16K RAM - - Series B
ABB ACS800-31-0025-3+E200 Variable Speed Drive 22kW 415V 44A 3 Phase -
Siemens 6ES7 216-2AD00-0XB0 CPU Processor Module 216 Simatic 21-28VDC -
Allen Bradley 1756-EN2T ControlLogix EtherNet/IP bridge Module - Series C -
Yokogawa EJX630A-FDS7N-01DDN/SS25/X2/T15/M15/EE S1 - New No Box
Yokogawa YTA320-FA4DN/X1/SS25 S3 Transmitter - New No Box
Schneider TSXAEY810 Input Module Analog 8 Point High Level - New Surplus Open
Allen Bradley 1771-OW16 PLC-5 Output Module - New Surplus Open - Series B
Allen Bradley 1336120659 Main PCB Circuit Board - Series A - New Surplus Open
Bently Nevada 126399-01F 3500/15 Power Supply - New No Box
Baldor ZD18H405-E AC Vector VFD Drive 7.5 HP 460VAC -
Braun E16A346.211 Triple Channel Protection System - New No Box
Allen Bradley 2711C-F2M PanelView Monochrome - New Surplus Sealed - Series B
Moxa CN2508 Server 8 ports Multi-Functional Communication Server for TCP-IP N...
Siemens 6SC6170-0FC01 Simodrive 610AC Power Circuit Board - New Surplus Open
ABB 804A010-1 Chassis Assembly FPD Electrometer PGC2000 - New No Box
Siemens 6ES5 241-1AA12 Digital Position Decoder Basic Module -
Nordson 1028378 PCI Controller Circuit Board -
ProSoft PS69-DPM Profibus DP-V1 Master Communication Module -
Honeywell XNX-AMSI-NHNNN Universal Transmitter - New Surplus Open
Sick GM901-2032400 Sender - Carbon Monoxide Measuring Device -
Sick GM901-2032347 Receiver Carbon Monoxide Measuring Device -
Allen Bradley 1769-L23E-QB1B CompactLogix EtherNet Controller - - Series A
Honeywell Series 3000 XPIS S3KAX - New No Box
Rosemount 5303HA2N0N0NN00000NAE7Q4 Radar Level Transmitter - New No Box
Siemens 7KG7750-0DA03-0AA0 Power Meter SICAM P50 - New Surplus Open
Cisco Systems IEM-3000-8TM 8 Port Expansion Module 8 x 10/100Base-TX RJ45 -
Sprecher + Schuh CA6-110-EI-11 220Amp 600VAC contactor 3 pole 208-277 coil - ...
Trojan 931066-001 PC Board -
ASCO EMET8327B102.24/DC Solenoid Valve - New Surplus Open
Sick C40S-1803AA030 Light Curtain Transmitter -
Sick C40E-1803AH030 Light Curtain Receiver -
Sick C40E-1503AH030 Light Curtain Receiver -
Sick C40S-1503AA030 Light Curtain Transmitter -
Yaskawa JZNC-MPP20E Teach Pendant -
Sick C40E-1203AH030 Light Curtain Receiver -
Sick C40E-1303AH030 Light Curtain Receiver -
Sick C40S-1303AA0302 Light Curtain Transmitter -
Sick C40E-0903AH030 Light Curtain Receiver -
Sick C40S-0903AA030 Light Curtain Transmitter -
Sick C40E-1201CA010 Light Curtain Receiver -
FSC 10105/2/1 Fail Safe Analog Input Module -
Kollmorgen S60300-550 Servo Drive 3A IP20 230-480V 2kVA -
Danfoss 175H1030 VLT3002 Variable Speed Drive -
Danfoss 175H1156 VLT3006 Variable Speed Drive -
Sick LUT3-820 Luminescense Scanner - New Surplus Open
Atlas Copco 1900 0710 01 Panel Controller -
Sick DME2000-000 Distance Sensor -
Sprecher + Schuh CA6-180-EI-11 24VDC Contactor 24VDC Coil - New Surplus Open
Advantech PPC-L127T LCD Panel -
Delta Electronic DVS-110W02-3SFP 10 Port 7 Fast-E - New Surplus Open
Delta Electronic DVS-110W02-3SFP 10 Port 7 Fast-E - New Surplus Open
Sames BSC-607 72-0524-01 Speed Control Module (63-0525-10) -
Allen Bradley 1746-A10 10 Slot Modular Chassis - New Surplus Sealed - Series B
Yokogawa PLC DCS Centum VP FCS VI451-10/S2 Communication Model Transmitter Me...
GE Fanuc IC660TSA020A Genius Terminal Assembly for (TSA Only) -
Yokogawa EB501-10 S2 Bus Interface Module -
Yokogawa AXF015G-F2AH1H-AA11-42B/X2/M01/T01/EE Flowmeter - New Surplus Open
Yokogawa RM82*A - AS S9942 AN-0 Memory Card Board - - Series A
Eldon Enclosure IP65 (350x250x155) with 160A 3 Pole Isolator - New No Box
Modicon TSXP57103M PLC Processor -
Allen Bradley 1336T-MCB-SP33B PC Board Rev A 74101-774-53 - Series A -
Siemens 6ES7 153-2BA81-0XB0 Interface Module - New Surplus Open
Allen Bradley 2711P-T6C20D PanelView Plus 600 Color - - Series B
Yokogawa EJX110A-FMS5G-91DDJ-/SS25/X2/M01/EE S3 - New No Box
Pilz Programmable Safety System Rack 24VDC 30W 3Slots PSS1 BMPS 3/1RACK PSS31...
ProSoft RLX-IH-AU Radiolinx Industrial Hotspot - New Surplus Open
Foxboro CM400YH Interface Module - Series E - New Surplus Sealed
Siemens 3TF6844-0CP7 Contactor Size 14 3 Pole 335KW 400/380V -
Siemens 6SL3120-1TE15-0AA3 S120 Drive - New Surplus Open
Sprecher + Schuh CA5-550 Contactor 760 Amp 420HP 315kW -
Vishay 5961-63143 5,836 ?F Capacitor - New No Box
Proface FP570-TC21-24V HMI -
Telemecanique ATS22C11Q Soft Start Controller -
Danfoss 131F7543 VLT HVAC Drive 15kW 32A 3 Phase -
Sick DT500-A112 Photoelectric Distance Sensor -
Allen Bradley 1791-0A16 Block I/O Output Module - New Surplus Open - Series B
Burkert 8619 Multicell Controller 12-30V 2A -1-60 Degree IP65 - New No Box
Rosemount 3051CD2A22A1AM5B4D1TR DP Transmitter - New Surplus Open
Modicon TSXPSY8500 100/240VAC 85W Power Supply - New No Box
Telemecanique LC1F265 Contactor 285A 110VAC 3 Phase - New Surplus Open
ABB IMMPI01 Processor Interface Module PLC DCS Card - New Surplus Sealed
Siemens 6FC5211-0AA10-0AA0 SINUMERIK Analog Input Module -
Allen Bradley 1771-P4S1 PLC-5 Power Supply - Series A -
Proface ST400-AG41-24V OPERATOR INTERFACE 24VDC .29AMP CLASS 2 - New Surplus ...
Allen Bradley 1771-IXE PLC-5 Input Module - - Series C
Allen Bradley 1794-IE8H Flex I/O Analog Input Module - - Series A
Allen Bradley 1794-IE8 Flex I/O Module - New Surplus Sealed - Series B
Toshiba SF2500EX23 Thyristor - New Surplus Open
Yokogawa EJX630A-EBS7N-01DDN/X2/T06 S1 DP Transmitter - New Surplus Open
Bently Nevada 149992-01 Output Module 16 Channel Relay - New No Box
Allen Bradley 2711-K6C1 PanelView 600 Color Keypad - - Series C
Telemecanique LC1F400 CONTACTOR 400AMP 3 POLE (No Coil) - New Surplus Sealed
Moxa EDS-405A-SS-SC Ethernet switch 3 x ports 2 x single-mode SC fiber - New ...
Allen Bradley 1756-PA72 Power Supply - New Surplus Sealed - Series C
Yokogawa EJX630A-FBS7N-01DDN/SS25/X2/T06/M15/EE S1 Differential - New No Box
Siemens 6ES7 951-1KM00-0AA0 SIMATIC S7 MC 951 Memory Card for S7-300 -
Siemens 6ES7 357-4AH03-3AE0 SIMATIC S7-300 FM 357-2 System Firmware L v05.03....
Omron C200HE-CPU42-ZE CPU Unit 8K with RS232 -
Proface GLC150-BG41-RSFL-24V Touchscreen Operating Interface 6" - New Surplus...
Sew MCH41A0030-5A3-4-0T Drive 50/60HZ 500VAC -
Allen Bradley 1771-NIV PLC-5 8 Point Analog Input Module - - Series A
Allen Bradley 193-EC3ZZ Panel Mount Device - - Series C
Reliance Electric Rockwell DC2-42U VS 1.0/2.0 HP 50/60 Hz Drive -
Endress Hauser Radar Level Transmitter - FMR240-E5V1APJAC2A - New No Box
Pepperl and Fuchs 10004/H/F Module Card -
Symax / Square D 8030 PS51 I/O Power Supply - Series A1 -
Allen Bradley 1785-KA5P PLC-5 Communication Module - - Series A
Endress Hauser FMX21-AA221GGD10A Hydrostatic Level Measurement - New No Box
Allen Bradley 1756-DMD30 ControlLogix Interface Module - - Series A
Panametrics 703-1253 Power Supply Card - New No Box
Allen Bradley 8520-CRTM1 CRT Monochrome Monitor Series 9 - Series A -
Gassonic - Ultrasonic Gas Leak Detector - OBSERVERH-3-1-3-1 - New Surplus Open
YOKOGAWA Vortex Flowmeter - YF102 - New No Box
Danfoss 131B0981 FC 300 3.0 KW / 4.0 HP, 380 - 480 VAC -
Danfoss 131B0993 380-480V 50/60Hz 9/7.4A IN. 0-Vin 0-1000Hz -
Terasaki S400-GE 4P 400A Circuit Breaker 800V 8kV 50/60Hz 400A 4P - New Surpl...
Allen Bradley 2711-K10C15 PanelView 1000 Color 10 Inch - - Series D
Terasaki XMD 9 Motor Operator suited for XS1250SE Circuit Breaker -
GEC Industrial Controls 8191 Expansion Module I/O Processor -
Bently Nevada 143729-01 Cylinder Pressure I/O Module - New No Box
Bailey IMAMM03 Module Analog Master PLC DCS Card -
Bailey INICT01 Transfer Module INFI-NET to Computer -
Allen Bradley 1756-HSC ControlLogix High Speed Counter Module - New Surplus O...
Siemens 6ES5 523-3UA11 SIMATIC S5 CP 523 Communications Processor Module - Ne...
Allen Bradley 2711P-RP2 Logic Module 128 MB - - Series G
Allen Bradley 2711-M3A18L1 PanelView 300 - - Series A
Allen Bradley 1791-8BC Block I/O Module 24V DC - New Surplus Open - Series A
Modicon 140ARI03010 Input Module RTD 8 Channel -
Rosemount 3051CD2A04A2BB3DFE7H4L4P2 Differential Pressure Transmitter -
Allen Bradley 20AC8P7A0AYNANNN PowerFlex70 AC Drive - Series A -
Allen Bradley 1791DS-IB4XOW4 DeviceNet Module - New Surplus Sealed - Series A
Siemens 6ES7 331-1KF01-0AB0 Analog Cur/Volt/RTD Input, 8-P - New Surplus Sealed
Yokogawa NP53*C Basic MFCU Processor Card -
Siemens 6ES5 928-3UB11 SIMATIC S5-135U CPU 928B Processor Module - New Surplu...
Honeywell STD110-E1H-00000-A1,A6,CA,CR,DE,MB,S2+XXXX - New Surplus Open
Allen Bradley 100-D110EZY11 CONTACTOR - New Surplus Open - Series A
Schneider TSXAEZ414 I/O Module 4 Aanalog Isolated Input 16 Bit -
Modicon 490-NRP-254-00 Fibre Line Drop Repeater -
KEB 09.F0.200-1228 Frequency Converter -
Mitsubishi GT1450-QLBDE GT14 Series Touch Screen HMI -
FSC 10300/1/1 Module Card - New No Box
Pepperl + Fuchs IC-KP-B6-V15B Control Interface Unit - New Surplus Open
Bently Nevada 133396-01 Overspeed Detection I/O Module - New No Box
Siemens 6SL3244-0BA20-1PA0 SINAMICS CU240S DP -
Allen Bradley 1786-RPA ControlNet Adapter - New Surplus Sealed - Series B
Allen Bradley 2711P-RP2 Logic Module 128 MB - - Series F
Symax Power Supply 8030-PS-50 - - Series E
Symax Power Supply 8030-PS-50 - - Series D
Allen Bradley 1756-A13 ControlLogix Chassis - New Surplus Sealed - Series B
Allen Bradley 2711-K3A2L1 PanelView 300 - - Series B
Siemens 6GK1143-0TA00 SINEC CP 1430 TF Basic Communication Processor Module -...
Hima F3417A 4-Fold Fail-Safe Relay Amplifier PLC Board - New Surplus Sealed
Allen Bradley 20A-C011A0AYNANNN PowerFlex70 AC Drive, 400 VAC,3P,11.5A - ...
Hirschmann 24M IP67 Octopus Managed IP67 Ethernet Switch -
Siemens 7MF1303-1DE41-1BC4 Differential Pressure Transducer - New Surplus Open
Modicon 140NOE77101 Ethernet TCP/IP Module -
Siemens 6ES5441-4UA14 Simatic S5 Digital Output Module - New Surplus Sealed
Foxboro P0971WV Dual Nodebus Module - Series E - New Surplus Open
Allen Bradley 1756-L62 ControlLogix Processor with 4 MB Memory - - Series B
Allen Bradley 1786-RPFM ControlNet Fiber Module - New Surplus Sealed - Series A
FSC 10300/1/1 Module Card - New Surplus Open
ABB RVT-6 Power Factor Controller -
Proface GLC100-LG41-24V Graphic Logic Controller HMI - New Surplus Open
Allen Bradley 1794-IT8 Flex I/O Input Module - New Surplus Sealed - Series A
Siemens 6ES7 951-0AG00-0AA0 SIMATIC S7 MC 951 Memory Card - New No Box
Allen Bradley 2711P-RP2 Logic Module 128 MB - - Series E
Bently Nevada 135489-01 I/O Module 4 Channel Internal Barrier -
Bently Nevada 133323-01 Comms Gateway I/O Module RS485 -
Allen Bradley 1756-L61 ControlLogix Processor - - Series B
Omron NS5-SQ10B-V2 Operator Interface Touchscreen 5.7 Inch 24VDC 15W -
Allen Bradley 20AC011A0AYNANC0 PowerFlex70 AC Drive - - Series A
Symax / Square D 8030 RIM-131 Counter Module High Speed - - Series A
parker 590PXD-0010-UK-0 Parker SSD Spare Control Door Assembly - New Surplus ...
Pilz PSS1 DI 2 Digital Input Module - New Surplus Open
Pilz PSS1 DI2O T Safety System Digital I/O - New Surplus Open
Allen Bradley 2711-T5A8L1 PanelView 550 Monochrome - - Series B
Allen Bradley 1771-DE PLC-5 Absolute Encoder Module - - Series A
Allen Bradley 2711P-RP2 Logic Module 128 MB - - Series D
Allen Bradley 2711-M3A19L1 PanelView 300 Micro Monochrome - - Series A
Bently Nevada 149992-01 Output Module 16 Channel Relay -
Allen Bradley 1771-DXPS PLC-5 Control Coprocessor Serial Expander Module - Us...
Siemens 3RV1042-4MA10 Circuit-Breaker Size S3 - New Surplus Open
Siemens 6RX1700-0AK00 - New Surplus Open
Modicon 140ACI03000 Analog Input Module - New Surplus Sealed
Schneider ILA2D572TB1A0 Lexium Motor 24-48VDC / 3,6-7 A - New Surplus Open
Schneider LC1 F225 Contactor 225A - New Surplus Open
Allen Bradley 1756-A13 ControlLogix Chassis - New Surplus Open - Series B
Allen Bradley 2711P-RDT10C Touchscreen - - Series A
Allen Bradley 2711P-T6C5D PanelView Plus 600 Color - - Series B
ABB Bailey SPDSI22 Digital Input Module - New Surplus Sealed
Schneider LC1F330 Model: LC1F330U7 Contactor application - New Surplus Sealed
Yokogawa RB301 S2 RIO Bus Interface Master Card -
Allen Bradley 2711-K3A2L1 PanelView 300 - - Series A
Bently Nevada 126399-01G Power Supply - New Surplus Open
Allen Bradley 6189-RDB7 Versaview 700 - - Series B
Pepperl and Fuchs KFU8-UFC-EX1.D ROTATION SPEED CONVERTER - New Surplus Open
Yokogawa YTA 320-EA4DN/SU2/CM1 S3 PressureTransmitter - New Surplus Open
Siemens 6SC6170-OFC51 Simodrive 610AC Power Circuit Board -
MTL MTL5044 Two Channel Repeater Power Supply - New Surplus Open
Yaskawa JEPMC-CP210 CPU Module Type 2 -
Bently Nevada 125792-01 3500/25 Enhanced Keyphasor Module -
Sew MOVITRAC31C110-503-4-00 Driver 380V 11KW -
Fuji FRN55G1E-4A Frenic Mega Drive 85KVA to 114KVA -
Allen Bradley 2711P-RP1A PanelView Plus Logic Module 64MB - - Series G
Allen-Bradley 2711-K6C10 PanelView 600 - - Series C
Moxa AWK-1200-AC-EU IEEE802.11g IP67 Wireless AP Client - New Surplus Open
Siemens 6ES5246-4UA11 Simatic Positioning Module 2 Channel - New No Box
Rosemount 2088G1S22A2M5K7Q4 Gage Pressure Transmitter 100 to 100kPa HART -
Rosemount RFT97122PRS Remote Flow Transmitter Junction Box - New No Box
Hirschmann OCTOPUS 16M Ethernet Switch -
Allen Bradley 1770-KFD Interface Module RS-232C to Devicenet - Series A -
Modicon 174CEV20030 Modbus Ethernet Bridge -
Rexroth VT-11029-12 Amplifier Module -
Sew MDX61B0011-5A3-4-0T Drive Inverter -
Socapel ST1-80-310 Servo Drive -
SSD Drives Parker 590P/0015/500/0011/UK/AN/0/0/0 Converter - New Surplus Open
Modicon NW-BM85-000 Bridge/Multiplexer Module -
Omron S8AS-24006N Power Supply -
Toyopuc THU-6404 Toyoda 2PORT-EFR Module -
Toyopuc TCC-6353 Toyoda PC10G-CPU Processor -
Allen Bradley 2711P-RP1 PanelView Plus Logic Module 64 MB - - Series E
Westermo DDW-120 Ethernet Extender Switch -
Siemens 1FK7042-5AF71-1UG0 Electric Motor - New Surplus Open
Telemecanique TSX-T407-00 Base Terminal -
Foxboro P0400YD Input Module - Series Y - New Surplus Open
Foxboro P0400YD Input Module - Series P - New Surplus Open
Allen Bradley 2364-SPP01A Pilot Bus Indicator - New Surplus Sealed - Series A
Allen Bradley 2711P-RDB7C Color 6.5-in Display Module - - Series B
Allen Bradley 1771-OFE1 PLC-5 Analog Voltage Output - New Surplus Open - Seri...
Mitsubishi A3NMCA8 Memory Module - New Surplus Open
Keyence EX-V02 Digital Inductive Displacement Sensor - New No Box
Mitsubishi FR-A740-00083-EC High Specification Inverter -
Schneider TSXAEY1600 Analog Input Module -
Allen Bradley 842D-60131331BDA DeviceNet Encoder - - Series A
Allen Bradley 2711P-RN8 DH+ Communication Module - - Series A
Allen Bradley 1747-PIC SLC 500 Interface Converter - New Surplus Open - Series A
Allen Bradley 280D-F12Z-10B-CR-3 ArmorStart Control Module - - Series C
Schneider HMISTU855 Magelis Touch Screen HMI - New Surplus Open
Symax / Square D 8030 ROM-271 Output Module - New Surplus Open - Series-B1
Sieger 05701-A-0302 Single Channel Control Card - New Surplus Sealed
Rockwell Automation 173286-01 PLC Board - New No Box
Siemens 6ES5 095-8MA01 SIMATIC S5-95U Compact Controller -
Telemecanique ABL7-UPS24400 Power Supply -
Weidmuller 7940010174 Relay Output Module - New No Box
Weidmuller 7940014450 Relay Output Module - New No Box
Symax / Square D 8055 SCP-452 Processor Module - - Series C
Bently Nevada 81333-01 3300/20 Dual Thrust Monitor -
Modicon 140CPS11420 PSU Power Supply Module 115V/230VAC - New Surplus Open