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2025年03月03日 星期一


  • E1756PB72/C模块

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每个电源模件上备有供每个外部电源用的在线缓燃保险,装在模件之内。需要换模件时,不需要折卸任何接线或卸掉电源模件—只要把模件从机架上卸下即可。 系统接地选择的接线端



—直接连接到Tricon内部信号地(  功能地)

—直接连接到机架地(   ,保护接地)

通常,Tricon在发货时带有足线,装在RC和信号地( )之间。您可以把这个跳线取掉而使用别的接地方式。进一步的资料可阅4.2节,“Tricon的正确接地”。 电源输入/报警连接用的接线端


#1电源端子 说明

L 火线(热线)或DC+

N 中线或DC-


NO NO机架报警接点

C 公共报警接点

NC NC机架报警接点

#2电源端子 说明

L 火线(热线)或DC+

N 中线或DC-


NO NO机架报警接点

C 公共报警接点

NC NC机架报警接点







手机      :18150695049(微信同步)

QQ        :2880842794                        


传真      :0596-3119658(请备注林工收)                                         








1:Invensys Foxboro(福克斯波罗):I/A Series系统,FBM(现场输入/输出模块)顺序控制、梯形逻辑控制、事故追忆处理、数模转换、输入/输出信号处理、数据通信及处理等。

2:Invensys Triconex: 冗余容错控制系统、基于三重模件冗余(TMR)结构的现代化的容错控制器。

3:Westinghouse(西屋): OVATION系统、WDPF系统、WEStation系统备件。

4:Rockwell Allen-Bradley: Reliance瑞恩、SLC500/1747/1746、MicroLogix/1761/1763/1762/1766/1764、CompactLogix/1769/1768、Logix5000/1756/1789/1794/1760/1788、PLC-5/1771/1785等。

5:Schneider Modicon(施耐德莫迪康):Quantum 140系列处理器、控制卡、电源模块等。

6:ABB:工业机器人备件DSQC系列、Bailey INFI 90等。

7:Siemens(西门子):Siemens MOORE, Siemens Simatic C1,Siemens数控系统等。

8:Motorola(摩托罗拉):MVME 162、MVME 167、MVME1772、MVME177等系列。

9:XYCOM:I/O 、VME板和处理器等。

10:GE FANUC(GE发那科):模块、卡件、驱动器等各类备件。


12:Bosch Rexroth(博世力士乐):Indramat,I/O模块,PLC控制器,驱动模块等。



Allen Bradley PLC Module, 8500-E151, Ser A, , Warranty

Takex Takenaka, F1RMPN, Fiber Optic Sensor w/ cable, , Warranty

MAC Valves Inc. 50006.PCB Board, SSM I/O Version, A-B RIO, PEM2204, Rev B

Fanuc PC Daughter Board, # A20B-2901-0960 / 04C, , Warranty

Honeywell Direct Mount Electric Spring Actuator, MS7520A2007, S20010, 

Nachi Solenoid Operated Directional Control Valve, SA-G01-A3X-C1-31, 

Monarch-Courtland Input Board, # E49557, , WARRANTY

NEW Nachi Modular Valve, OG-G01-P-5900A, NNB, OLD STOCK, WARRANTY

MAC Valves Inc. SSM I/O Version PC Board, # 50006.PCB, Rev A, , WARRANTY

Continental Hydraulics Directional Valve, VS5M-2A-GB-68L-J, 120V, , WARRANTY

Hitachi Deskstar Hard Drive, HDP725032GLAT80, 320Gb, MLC BA2830, P/N 0A35393

Scientific Columbus Halltiplier Transducer, # WT5C5-A4-X, , WARRANTY

Tokyo Keiki Directional Valve, DG4VC-3-3G-M-PS2-H-7-54-JA872, , WARRANTY

Yoshida PLC, PSWR-50V8/LB35, Off Okuma CNC Turning Center, , Warranty

Fanuc PC Daughter Board, A20B-2901-094, , WARRANTY

Brother PC Board, # B521033-2, , WARRANTY

Toyo oki Pneumatic Poppet Type Solenoid Valve, 1/2" NPT, AD-SL231-304C, 

Fanuc PC Board, # A20B-2902-0082 / 02A, , Warranty

(?) Fuji Electric Oil Pump, , WARRANTY

Cincinnati Acramatic Base Board 3-531-3849A, , WARRANTY

PARKER 13F58ED Pneumatic Filter, , WARRANTY

Sharnoa CNC Control PC Board, SE-114 C, , Warranty

Norgren Pneumatic Valve V62S511AA318JA No Cables, , Warranty

Festo Valve Bank W/ 4 Valves, CPV-10-VI3120 / CPV10-GE-ASI-4E4A-Z M8, 

Mitsubishi Heavy Overload Relay, TH-675N, 24 - 36 ARC, , Warranty

Nordson Gun Controller PC Board, P/N 102718E, , WARRANTY

Yaskawa / NSM Conecta Connector Board, MTB050, NEW, WARRANTY

Okuma D6 Encoder, , WARRANTY

Numatics Pneumatic Valve, # 123BA400M, WARRANTY

Wieland Bamberg 99.804.5257.0, Relay Module, , Warranty

Yasnac / Mori Seiki JANCD-GSP01 Control Panel PC Board, DF7000064, WARRANTY

Control Techniques System I/O Board, # C20004/3.0, , WARRANTY

Daikin Pressure Switch, MPS-02A-1-10, , WARRANTY

Trudex KT0-0936-00 KT0-936-00 Tool Holder / Okuma LT25 CNC Center, Mfg'd: 1998

Micron 50-303-812-0335 Encoder, , WARRANTY

Mitsubishi PC Board, MC231C, BN624A780G51, , Warranty

Allen Bradley Starter Contactor, # 509-TOD-A2D, , WARRANTY

Siemens PC Board, VVGA, 31.136.1010.1, Pep Modular, , WARRANTY

Allen Bradley Contactor Relay, 100-A24NL3, Ser C, 220/240 V Coil, , Warranty

Hartmann & Braun Transducer, P 28370-0-1518320, , WARRANTY

SMC Pneumatic Heavy Duty Cylinder, 1-3/16" Max Stroke, , Warranty

NEW National Steel Rule 1.50" Steel Flatstock, # NF-5235, # 25070506MTRC, Un

Schmitz Encoder Unit, # CP-850-22MT-BD-P-12, DVB 5103, , WARRANTY

Dengensha PF-0532-6 PC Board, , Warranty

Dengensha PF-0532-2 PC Board, , Warranty

NEW DME Straight Leader Pin, 2 1/2" x 14 3/4", # 5824GL, WARRANTY

Numatics Pneumatic Valve W/ Manifold, 32SAD4410, 120V .36Amp 150psi 1/4" NPT

Nachi Modular Valve, OCF-G01-W20-Y-20, , WARRANTY

CKD Hydraulic Valve, CVS2-15-02H-1, Solenoid 110V, 1/2" NPT, , Warranty

Sanyo / NEC PC Board, PTRC 163-236220, 163-265599, , WARRANTY

Toyo-Oki Hydraulic Solenoid Directional Valve, HD3-3W-BG1A-025A-WYA1, 

Elco Power Supply, # K100A-5, Output: 5V, 20A, 137W Max, , WARRANTY

Vickers Directional Control Valve, DG4V-3-2A-M-WLB-40, , WARRANTY

Vickers Directional Control Valve, DG4V-3-2C-M-WLB-40, , WARRANTY

Okuma OPUS 5000 Main Card13 RS232, E4809-436-033-A, , Warranty

Parker Hydraulic Valve B10-3-C3F, , WARRANTY

Warner Electric Power Supply Amplifier Unit, # MSC-154-3, , WARRANTY

NEW ASCO Solenoid Valve, # CS 8380B002, WARRANTY

Mitsubishi IOP Unit, Unit# IOP 03A, Board# MC072, BN634C225G51, , WARRANTY

Sugino Synchrotapper Controller, # RCD-A, , WARRANTY

Load Controls, Inc. Load Monitor, # PCR-1800V-OG, , WARRANTY

Nachi Valve, # OG-G01-PC-K-5581A, , WARRANTY

NEW Box Wej-it Ankr-Tite Wedge Anchor Bolts, 3/4"x 4-1/4", # AT3441, NIB, 16 pcs

Mori Seiki CNC Interlock Panel Unit, AB12C-4144, E54009A02, , Warranty

Newport Electronics Signal Conditioner, # iDRN-RTD/N FS, , WARRANTY

Gould Modicon PCB Board, # AS-S480-207, Rev. B9, , WARRANTY

NEW NKVPI Friction Disk Set, # WKC20DB-193, WARRANTY

Numatics Solenoid Valve, 123SS500K000030, 150 PSIG, , WARRANTY

NEW Fanuc Robot Series R-30iA Manual, RIA R15.06-1999, Japanese, B-82595JA-2/06

Di-Soric Fork Lift Barrier Unit, OGU 051 P3K-TSSL, 10...35 VDC, , Warranty

Daikin Pressure Switch, MPS-02P-1-10, , Warranty

Tokyo Keiki Mini Fan Cooler Unit, MF-2-M0-SI, / MF-2-MO-S1, 200V, , WARRANTY

Numatics Pneumatic Solenoid Valve, TF-585093-2, S2AK-05A1B-BAA2, , WARRANTY

Numatics Solenoid Valve, ISO5599/2, 123SS500K000030, 150 MAX PSI, , WARRANTY

NEW OSG Tap, 1" x 12 NF, HSS, GH4, OLD STOCK, Warranty

NEW Fanuc LR Mate 200iC, Arrc Mate 50iC Manual, Japanese, B-82584JA/08

NEW Fanuc Arc Mate 120iC, M-20iA Manual, Japanese, B-82874JA/05

Pressotechnik Pressure Switch, 167282, , Warranty

Allen Bradley DC Input Module, 1771-IB, P/N 96056272, Rev H01, , WARRANTY

Ross Solenoid Valve # W6076B3401, , Warranty

Festo Valve Bank W/ 4 Valves, CPV-10-VI / CPV10-GE-ASI-4E4A-Z M8, 

Micro Board PC Circuit Board, LW430, Rev 3, , Warranty

Fuji Electric Contactor, SC-5N, (93) 150A, 200-250V Coil, , Warranty

DIJET SCD-11-042-AML, S-CUT DRILL, 0.421" DIA. 4-7/8" OAL, Coolant Thru, NIB

Modicon 2 Position I/O Assy Servo Base, 110-200, 115 VAC, , WARRANTY

Moog Hydrapoint Control PC Board, Serial # 2238 , , Warranty

Leblond Makino PC Board, CHP2, PC-0086, , Warranty

Anilam Base PC Board, FIC BPI-3, Rev A, , Warranty

Furnas Size 0 Motor Starter, 14CP32AA, 120V Coil, , Warranty

Elektromotorenbau Submersible Coolant Pump, Type DKa 8,5, 220/380V, 

Okuma 2SP-150H Parts Book Manual, LE15-197-R5, 


New Furnas Proximity Sensor Switch, 62A1E2A, 18mm, 2 Wire, NNB OLD STOCK

Mitsubishi CNC Module, # BN624A219H02, FX42A, Revision B, , Warranty

PHD Air Cylinder, CVAS6V, 40 X 220,  WARRANTY

Mitsubishi Control Rack Chasis, UF01A, FX30A, # MELDAS-YM, , WARRANTY

Parker Pneumatic Lubricator, 17L34BE, , WARRANTY

NEW OLD STOCK SMC Pneumatic Cylinder, CDG1BA32-100, NNB, WARRANTY

NEW SMC Direct Operated 2 Port Solenoid Valve, VX2341-00-5DZ1, 6mm Orifice, NNB

Norgren Precision Regulator Unit, 11-818-993, , WARRANTY

Cincinnati Operator Panel, 3-525-0915A, Rev A, 3 531 3904A, 3 531 3905A, 

Fanuc A230-0505-X001 Plastic Housing Cover, , Warranty

Parker Linear Cylinder Guide, XLR08-06.75B4P-B, 100 PSI, , WARRANTY

Numatics Pneumatic Solenoid Valve, TF-585523-1, S2AK-05A1B-BAA2, , WARRANTY

Toyo-Oki Hytegra HK3H-P-Q1-025B Hydraulic Check Valve Manifold Block, 

Hurco Max32 Option Interface Board, 415-0259-902, 415-0259-, , Warranty

Vorne Industries Digital Display, 2015C-H-120-CNQ, , AS-IS

Allen Bradley Relay, 700DC-NM600Z24, Ser. B, 24 VDC COIL, , WARRANTY

NEW NKVPI Friction Disk Set, # WKR020NS, WARRANTY

Parker Pressure Reducing Manapak Subplate Sandwich Module, PRDM2PP16SNS, 

Kennametal HSK63A Shank Tool, TG50 Collet Holder, HSK63ATG050100M, 

Fanuc 7-Key Keyboard w/ Ribbon Cable, A20B-1000-0840 /01A, , Warranty

ABB CC-E TC/V Analog Signal Converter, 1SVR011753R2000, , WARRANTY

Fanuc Circuit Board, A20B-2900-0370/04B, , Warranty

Nachi Dual Hydraulic Cartridge Valves, HHC-01R0-0464C, w/ Manifold, 

Hitachi Seiki PC Main Base Board, Seicos Controller, # TL-N-1, , WARRANTY

SMC Media Valve, # VP742-5DZ1-04A, , WARRANTY

C.I.E.M. AC Motor, # CRF7 1BN2, 3 Phase, 220 / 380 VAC, , WARRANTY

Lot of 4 Hitachi Seiki CR-20151 H-Cut EDM 304S, , WARRANTY

Fanuc PC Board, # A20B-2900-0553 / 01A, , WARRANTY

Allen Bradley PCB Circuit Board, # 96038321, 960260, , WARRANTY

Giddings & Lewis 502-02721- 50 ALU PC Board, , Warranty

Mindman Pneumatic Solenoid Valve MVSD-260-4E2, , WARRANTY

Subaki 15:1 Gear Motor, 0.1 kW, GMT010L15, 4 Pole, 460V, 120 RPM Output, 

Computer Products Frequency Counter Card, 021-0061-000M, 140-0176-000G, 

Numatics 92242U Pneumatic Valve w/Regulator Gage Proportional Sandwich, WARRANTY

Global CNC Lathe 2" Boring / Turning Tool Holder, 51.4050, , WARRANTY

Mori Seiki CNC Turning Center PC Board, LINK NP082100, , Warranty

Rexroth Directional Control Valve, 4WE 6 Q62/EG24N9K4, 24 VDC, , Warranty

SMC VG342-5DZ-04A-Q Solenoid Valve, 24VDC, , Warranty

Numatics Pneumatic Air Filter, F50B-08, Max Press. 250 PSI, 3/4" Ports, 

Numatics Hydraulic Valve, Replacement Part # 123RD100J029S, , WARRANTY

Sandvik Cat 50 Taper Varilock Collet Chuck, # A392.4514-50 32, , WARRANTY

Barksdale Pressure Switch, B1T-M48SS, , WARRANTY

Mitsubishi Type R-UNIT-1 Discharge Unit, FR-SFJ/SGJ-2-0.75K~3.7K, TN577A165G64

PC Relay Board, 13631-C2 / 13631-L255, , WARRANTY

IFM Efector PN5200 Pressure Sensor, 0-5800 psi, 1/4" NPT Port, , Warranty

OKUMA New Position Read Divider PC Board, E3900-596-006, , WARRANTY

Digital Equipment PC Board K201, K201A, Dual 1KHZ Flipflop, , Warranty

Festo Solenoid Valve, MFH-5/3G-D-1 C, 2) MSFG-24/42-50/60-DS-OD, , Warranty

Control Board 1578-4154, , Warranty

DGD Gardner Denver BUS400 18 Slot Rack / Chassis, , WARRANTY

Keyence Ultra Digital Laser Switch, # LV-12SBP, , WARRANTY

Bridgeport ZDI Circuit Control Board, 1930271, , WARRANTY

Command CAT 50 Taper 1-1/4" End Mill Holder, C6E4-1250, , WARRANTY

Sick Light Curtain Sender, # MGSS60-12, , Warranty

Schneider Automation Communication Module, # TSXSCM2116, V:2.4, WARRANTY

NEW Parker Pneumatic Cylinder, Ser. 2A, 02.00 KC2AU14A14A 6.00, 250 psi, OLD STO

SMC Compact Guided Cylinder, MGPM20-150, 150mm Stroke, , Warranty

Autocon Control Rack Assembly, # 1130-00-02, , WARRANTY

NEW NSK Torr Ball Bearing, # CY505009, 90mm x 60mm x 50mm, Warranty

Collis BT 40 Taper 1-1/2" Shell Endmill Holder, # BTM40SM1.5X2.375, WARRANTY

HY PC Circuit Board, Breakout Board, HY-JKM5,  , WARRANTY

Numatics, 10-130 PSI, Pneumatic Regulator Valve W/ Gage, 554RQ100J, 

NEW SMC Solenoid Valve, # VF2-4-FJG-D-1Z / VF2-4-FJG-D-1Z-TA, 85-120 VAC, NNB

Sharnoa CNC Control PC Board, SE-144 CS, , Warranty

Sharnoa CNC Control PC Board, SE-139, , Warranty

Honeywell Position Transducer, # F56101101, , WARRANTY

Camozzi Solenoid Valve, 961-000-P15-23, WARRANTY

MGM 1 HP Motor, Type 0F 80B4 N. 89187599, , WARRANTY

Okuma Operator Panel, E5415-019-308, Off LT25 Turning Center, , WARRANTY

Kennametal Cat 50 Taper 1" Extended End Mill Holder, # CV50EM100800, 

Parker Flow Control Valve, FM2DDDV, 5000 PSI Max., , WARRANTY

NEW AEG Modicon Aux Cable, # AS-W804-002, Warranty

Tokimec Pilot Operated Check Valve, 4CG-03A-20-JA-S100-J, , Warranty

Festo Valve Bank CPV-10-VI / CPV10-GE-MP6, 4-161-414, 161-416, 161-417, 

Yuken Hydraulic Directional Valve, DSG-01-2D2-A100-60, 100V, 

Mitsubishi Circuit Board LXADC-B, BN624A133A, Rev B, Off Mazak T1 Control, 

STI MiniSafe MS4300 Light Curtain Transmitter MS4328BR, , WARRANTY


ABB Rectifier Module, # DSQC 314B, 3HAB2216-1, , WARRANTY

GE Fanuc PC Board, # A16B-2300-0020/02B, , WARRANTY

Sieb & Meyer Servo Board Unit R-Servo 2.1, #, , WARRANTY

Matsushita / National 100uF, 475007, 200V, 3.63/4.35A, Off Sodick FS-A5C CNC EDM

Active Chloride Power Protection UPS Active 700, 9103-3002-00, , Warranty

Mitsubishi Circuit Board FW712B, BN634E038G51, , WARRANTY

Mitsubishi Solid State Timer, Type DRS-N2, With Base, , WARRANTY

Sanmei. Co., LTD. Solenoid Valve, WR-22B-04, 100 V, , WARRANTY

NEW Omron Photoelectric Switch, # E3C-S30T (W), NNB, WARRANTY

Hurco V2 Machine Relay PCB Board, 414-0240-001 / 415-0240-001, Rev. A, Warranty

Panasonic Digital Color CCTV Camera, WV-CP410, , Warranty

Okuma Opus 5000-II ECP Card Circuit Board, # E4809-436-027-A, , WARRANTY

K & T / Gemini D Control Power Supply Module, 1-2129200, , WARRANTY

Fanuc Bubble Memory Board, # A16B-1211-0091 / 05C, , Warranty

PHOENIX CONTACT FLKM 50/LA, 9852628, 2281513, , WARRANTY

General Electric Interface Board 44A719301-G02, RLV02, 44A717688-002 R02/2, 

NEW Omron Timer, STPMNHAN, 5 Seconds, Warranty

Toyo-oki Kogyo Solenoid Directional Valve, HD3-2WD-BCA-025A-WDA1T5, 110V, 

Fanuc PC Daughter Board, A20B-2902-0193 / 02A, , WARRANTY

Okuma Opus 5000 Panex Card3, E4809-032-492-A, , WARRANTY


Omron Sysdrive 3G3EV Inverter 3G3EV-A2002_3G3EVA2002, , Warranty

Camozzi Pneumatic Solenoid Valve, 961-000-P11-23, 24VDC, , WARRANTY

X-L Tool Cat 50 Taper 3/4" End Mill Holder, 4 795 292, , WARRANTY

SMC Solenoid Valve, # VQ7-6-FIG-D-3Z, , WARRANTY

Trabon Drive PC Control Board, # 160-002-340, WSC-1, WARRANTY

NEW Pepperl+Fuchs Proximity Switch, CPS-F-1, NJ2-F-US-1.025-BHMS3, WARRANTY


Tokin Electronic Noise Filter, # LF-340, Nice Unit, , WARRANTY

Toyo-Oki Hydraulic Solenoid Directional Valve, HD3-3W-BGA-025A-WDA1T5, 

Siemens Sinumerik Memory Card, 6FX1818-0BX01, 570 262 9001.01, , WARRANTY

Okuma OPUS 5000 TCC-A Board, E4809-045-112-C, , Warranty

Fanuc OPT2 Alarm Module, A16B-2203-0031 / 02B, , Warranty

Landis Circuit Board, # A 86561, , Warranty

Valenite 766G101-L01 PC Board, 761G103-L04, , Warranty

Festo LFR-M3-G3/4-E10SG Regulator 10 Bar 145 PSI, , WARRANTY

Cincinnati PC Circuit Board, 3 542 1194A, , Warranty

New Siemens Relay Module, V23154-D0721-B110, Warranty

Hokuyo Automatic Reversible Counter, DC-SXC, , Warranty

Takex Takenaka, F1RMPN, Fiber Optic Sensor w/o cable, , Warranty

Dayton AIR Motor, # 4Z411, , WARRANTY

Tocco Extender Circuit Board, # D-79354, , WARRANTY

Seco EPB Graflex 1-1/16" Shell Mill Holder, M5525 3627 R, , WARRANTY

Mitsubishi Control Unit Rack, # UF701B, MELDAS-YM2B, , WARRANTY

Allen Bradley Logic Card, 1720-L905, Ser. C, , WARRANTY

Norgren Filter Module, C64S-D0366 / F64B-NNS-002, W/ 24V Solenoid, 

Charmilles Robofil PC Board, 851 4270 D, CT8132280C, ECS 4 94V0, NEEDS REPAIR

Trudex ED-15994 Tool Holder / Okuma LT25 CNC Center, Mfg'd: 1998

Yaskawa PC Board, # JZNC-MRK09-19, JANCD-MBB02-1, JANCD-MBB02-2, , WARRANTY

Gould Modicon I/O Housing B241-000, AS-B241-, 000, , WARRANTY

Fanuc Control Interface Board A20B-0002-094, , WARRANTY

Gems Sensors & Controls Pressure Transducer, # 22ETBGG1502AEUB, , WARRANTY

Unitrack Fan Pak Cooling Fans, # D299-857, # F0800-G-1, , WARRANTY

Allen Bradley PC Board, # 900211 05, Rev 2E, 8000 AGW, , WARRANTY

Allen Bradley Overload Relay, 193-EA5EB, Ser A, 1.6 - 5.0 A , , Warranty

Parlec CAT 50 Taper TG150 Collet Holder, # C50-15SC4, , No Collet Cap

Square D 8536SC03V02S Motor Starter, Ser A, 120V Coil, , Warranty

Bosch Hydraulic Relief Valve 9 810 151 152, , Warranty

SMC Pneumatic Slide Unit, 75mm Stroke, CDBX2N15-75BS, , Warranty

Toyo-oki / Toyooki Kogyo Hydraulic Valve Assembly, HK3-ET1-03A, , Warranty

Ingersoll Rand Spindle Module, # 93912244, 130-02, , WARRANTY

6 NEW Vermont TIN-COATED Plug Taps, EDP: 1104289000, M12-1.5, 3-Flute, NIB

Telemecanique 10 Slot PLC Std Rack. TSXRKN8, , WARRANTY

NEW IN BOX! Keyence Power Supply Unit, N-42, NIB, Warranty

ABB GME 3HAA3563-ARA, 92013-313, Robotic Servo 8-Slot Backplane Board, 

NEW Keyence Photoelectric Digital Laser Sensor, LV-22, NIB, WARRANTY

Mitsubishi FX62B PC Board, BN624A263H03, , WARRANTY

Vickers Tokimec Flow Control Valve DGMFN 3 Y A1W B1W 41J, , WARRANTY

Parlec Cat 50 Taper TG150 Collet Holder, C50-15SC4, , WARRANTY

SCI I/O PC Board, # 24764, Rev C, , WARRANTY

Fanuc PCB Operator Panel Connector, A20B-1003-0045 / 01A, , Warranty

Siemens Sinumerik I/O Module, 6FC3984-3RA, 2 - 6FX1124-6AA02, 6FX1124-6AA02 

Yaskawa Drive Keypad, # JVOP-90, , WARRANTY

Numatics Lockout Valve, # VL30N06Y, VERY GOOD, , Warranty

NUMATICS Filter W/ Auto Drain, Model #: F32D-04AC * *  * * WARRANTY * *

General Electric Size 0 Contactor, CR305J0, 120V Coil, , Warranty

Continental Hydraulics Pilot Operated Check Valve "A" Port, C05MSV-PA-30-AA-B

Ingersoll Rand Spindle Module, # 93912244, 130-02, S/W G130L.R02, , WARRANTY


Emco CNC Lathe Board, Y1X075000, Y1X075000 V1 50542 066, , Warranty

Numatics Solenoid Valve, 123BB5Z2MN00061,150 PSIG, , WARRANTY

Matsuura MC-1000 CNC Tool Changer Pod Holder Unit, Cat 40 Taper, 

NEW Torrington Fafnir Ball Bearing, # STO40ZZ, WARRANTY

Fuji Electric Contactor, SC-2N/SEUL, 60A, 24-25V DC Coil, , WARRANTY

WTC MedWeld 3005 Weld Control Operator's Guide Manual, M-032025

SMC Pneumatic Guided Cylinder, 25mm Bore, 40 mm Stroke, EMXS25-40, 

NEW Fanuc Robot Series R-30iA Manual, RIA R15.06-1999, Japanese, B-82595JA-2/08

Fanuc Base Unit, A20B-1003-0230 / 10C, , WARRANTY

Daikin Throttle & Check Valve, MT-02A-50-T, , WARRANTY

Yaskawa PC Board Keypad Unit, # DF6312396, Rev A, , WARRANTY

Gettys Main PC Mother Circuit Board 700-0014-102, 700-0014-00, , WARRANTY

SMC Regulator Cylinder MUB25-25D, , WARRANTY

Dynapath DC I/O Interface Board, Mod# 4201755 A, T4201085, , Warranty

Fanuc Dram Daughter Board Module, # A20B-2900-0154 / 05A, , WARRANTY

NEW Link-Belt Tapered Roller Bearing, # 110SLB22L-0, 4.325" ID X 6.855" OD

Festo Valve Bank CPV-10-VI / CPV10-GE-MP8, 4-161-414, 2-161-416, 2-161-415, 

Indramat Keypad for Servo System, TRANS 01.7/1/OP 01, 

Bosch Hydraulic Relief Valve 9 810 161 152, , Warranty

Bosch Hydraulic Relief Valve 0 811 145 136, , WARRANTY

Bosch Hydraulic Relief Valve 0 811 145 128, , Warranty

Idec Relay PC Board, RB-HX, 09-53359012, , WARRANTY

Bosch Relief Valve 9 810 161 187, 9810161187, FE1 5B AD M01 ABT50, NO KEY, 

Collis CAT 50 Taper 1-1/2" Shell Endmill Holder, 75544 CV50 1.50SMH 6.0 PRO U7

NEW ASCO Solenoid Valve, 8262 Series, USF8262C210, WARRANTY

Ross Lockout Valve w/Muffler, 1523B5002, 1-10 bar, , WARRANTY

NEW OLD STOCK SMC Solenoid Valve, # VT307V-5DZ-02-F, NNB, WARRANTY

Elox / Colt Industries MVB ASSY 320015-004 CNC PC BOARD, , WARRANTY

HP Hewlett Packard IB Interface Board, # 12009-80020, , WARRANTY

NEW Yamamoto Seiki Pressure Gauge, 0 - 0.1 MPa, # 0I11846, Warranty

Fanuc PC Board A16B-2200-0855/03B, , WARRANTY

Fanuc A20B-0007-0361 / 05A, PC Board, , WARRANTY

Yaskawa CNC PC Backplane, JZNCU-MRK09-18, JANCD-MBB02-1 JANCD-MBB02-2, 

Siemens Emergency Control Stop Switch, 3LC6, 80A, 600V, , WARRANTY

Westinghouse Motor Starter, A200MACA-CD2, Size 00, Mod J, , WARRANTY

Leuze Electronic Amplifier, IVS 28/44.5.8, , WARRANTY

Hitachi Seiki Ope.Panel PC Board, HC 500, 851500, , WARRANTY

NEW Black Box Coax Repeater Interface Card, LE6202, 724 -746- 5500, WARRANTY

Milltronics Partner I CNC PC Board, PC-FPSW-01, Ver 1.00, , Warranty


NEW Jayco Valve, 1/2" NPT Male, 3/4" NPT Female, FIG# T2D, Set 110, Cap. 222 NNB

NEW OLD STOCK SMC Solenoid Valve, # VQ4101-5W, NNB, WARRANTY

CRS Directional Valve, # CRSDG4S4-012A-B-60, , WARRANTY

NEW OLD STOCK SMC Media Valve, # VX2231-00-5DZ1, NNB, WARRANTY

Daikin Kogyo Reducing Valve, Mod# MG-02B-03-50-T, , Warranty

Kearney & Trecker Part Programming Manual Pub 929C / Advanced Programming KT-APL

Log-In, Inc. Circuit Board, Type# L-BTR, Rev A, BTR Unit , , Warranty

Panasonic NA1-PK5P Curtain Sensor Unit, 12-24 VDC, , WARRANTY

Reliance Electric PC Relay Card Board, # 0-54374, , Warranty

Weco/Weldon International CRB-SLC504 Program Terminal, , WARRANTY

Sumitomo Directional Solenoid Valve, SD4GS-ACB-02B-D24-21, 24VDC,  WARRANTY

Allen Bradley Processor Communication Interface 1784-KTP, , WARRANTY

Charmilles Technologies I/O Interface Board, 856 1310, , WARRANTY

Phoenix Contact Electronic Component, 6FC9302-2BD-01, Type UMK, , WARRANTY

Master CAT-50 Taper Face Mill Holder, CV50-AA2-2.50, , WARRANTY

Festo Valve Bank CPV-10-VI / CPV10-GE-MP-8, 8-161-414 Valves, 

Samsomatic Air Valve Manifold and Control Regulator, , WARRANTY

Kitamura MyCenter Zero PC Board, 3-E98652, , WARRANTY

Pepperl+Fuchs Proximity Sensor, NRB5-18GM50-E2-C-V1, NEW IN BAG, Warranty

Hyper-Loop PC Board, 162-0110-001, Rev A, , WARRANTY

Mitsubishi M310M, MC413B-2, BN624A994G51 Memory Card, Leadwell MCV-OP, ,

Sumtak Optcoder Pulse Generator, LGF-001-100, , Warranty

Triac Mother Board, # 501-03059-00, , WARRANTY

Landis Circuit Board A-86447 / A86447, , Warranty

Fuji Electric Magnetic Contactor, FMC-4, 200/220V Coil, 80A, , Warranty

10 - NEW Sandvik Carbide Inserts, DNMG 15 04 12-PM, DNMG 433-PM, 4015, Warranty

New Willson 6000 Series Safety Respirator Mask, RP4, Warranty

Toyoda Pressure Measuring X Coordinate Controller, # TP-5095-2, , WARRANTY

Toyoda Pressure Measuring Multi Coordinate Controller, # TP-5095-2, WARRANTY

Okuma OSP3000 PC-1663-B Data Board E4809-032-398-B

New Okuma Howa H014-1FL Tool Holder, NEW OLD STOCK, Warranty

Norgren Filter Unit, F72C-2AD-AL0, 1/2” NPT, , WARRANTY

Bosch Hydraulic Relief Valve 9 810 161 187, 9810161187, FE1 5B AD M01 ABT50

Okuma OPUS 7000 ACP Board, E4809-770-102, "AS IS" READ DESCRIPTION

NEW NSK Deep Groove Ball Bearing, # 6219DU, NIB WARRANTY

Parker 40CN-2 Coreless 10Q Hydraulic Element Filter, 40CN2 10Q E5 25N4N4 198

Parker Schrader Bellows Solenoid Valve 74115-0115, , Warranty

Heidenhain SME 50 X50/2, EXE 50 X50 2 Interpulation Box, Very Nice, WARRANTY

Bridgeport Erickson BTC-1 Floating Collet Tap Tool Holder, C142857, BTC-35 Taper

Leeds & Northrup Circuit Board, 074429, Rev. A1/A1, WARRANTY

NEWPiranha Hose Products Powder Tubing, 3/16", # 00199-S5, 40' Length, WARRANTY

Mitsubishi PC Board, SF-TL J, BN624A961G52A, REV. D, "AS IS - NEEDS REPAIR ???

Siemens Sirius Combination Starter, 3RV1031-4BA10, 14-20 A, , Warranty

Sandvik Cat 50 Taper 1/2" End Mill Holder, # 50VF .500 EM 2.65 PRO E5, WARRANTY

Fanuc PC Board, A20B-0008-0640 / 02A, , WARRANTY

Vickers XG 03 F Reducing Disc Valve, 20 PSI, , WARRANTY

Yaskawa Servo Control Board, # JUSP-DCP-C3, DF8301190, , WARRANTY

10 - NEW Tapco 7/16" x 14 Coated Plug Tap, HSG H5 3FL, 49942TN, NIB Warranty

Indramat PLC Rack, RECO-G.06/01, 8 Slot Rack, , Warranty

NEW OLD STOCK Efector Proximity Sensor, IS5003, IS-3002-ANOG, NIB, WARRANTY

Yaskawa Push Button Switch Circuit Board, DE9403082, , Warranty

MAC Solenoid Valve, 252B-526AAAA, , WARRANTY

Yaskawa Control Board, # JANCD-GMM, DF7000062, Revision C, , WARRANTY

Fanuc PC Board, # A16B-2202-0820 / 02B, , WARRANTY

Daikin Solenoid Controlled Valve, KSO-G02-4CB-10, 200 V Solenoid, , WARRANTY

Kuroda Pulse Encoder, # PC-1024CZ-WFY, , WARRANTY

Nippon Gerotor Orbmark Hydraulic Motor, ORB-M-26-4F, , WARRANTY

Yaskawa Yasnac DCP Unit, # JUSP-DCP60A, , WARRANTY

Okuma OPUS 5000 CPU Mother Board, E4809-032-457, , Warranty

Okuma OPUS 7000 FRP Board, E4809-436-074-A, , WARRANTY

Mitsubishi Keyboard Control Board, KS-YZ-14B, MD2N N057-2106, , Warranty

Okuma OPUS 5000II, CRP II-C, E4809-045-106-A, , 90 Day WARRANTY

Yaskawa Motoman Expansion Board, JARCR-XEB01 / JARCR-XEB01-1, Rev B0, HE9201012

Emco CNC Lathe Processor Board, Y1D853000, X533, , Warranty

Kuroda Pulse Encoder, # PC-1024ZL-WFT-1, , WARRANTY

Cincinnati Milacron Acramatic 850SX PC Board, 3 542 1022A Module, , WARRANTY

Fanuc Output Module, IC693MDL340B, , WARRANTY

Parker Hydraulic Port Reduced Valve, PRM2PAM-20JY, , Warranty

Okuma OPUS 5000 Main Card, E4809-032-473-B, , WARRANTY

Mitsubishi / Leadwell GX02 / GX 02B, Rev. D Board BN624A419H01, , WARRANTY

AEG Schneider, Modicon Output Modbus Plus Tio, # 170 BDO 542 50, , WARRANTY

Allen Bradley Light Driver Cardlok, B1602, Ser. C, 1720 Series, , Warranty

Fanuc Circuit Board, A16B-1200-0210 / 01A, , WARRANTY

Fanuc Memory Module Daughter Board, A20B-2902-0530 / 01A, , Warranty

Telemecanique Inductel Sensor, # XGS-Z24, WARRANTY

Ingersoll-Rand MCM Interface Board, 93961712, Rev G, WARRANTY

Omron Floatless Level Switch With Base, 61F-GP-ND, 100 VAC, , WARRANTY

Indramat Control PC Board, # 109-0645-3B03-01, , WARRANTY

CKD Gauge, GA400-8-PK02, , Warranty

NEW IN BOX! Yamatake Proximity Sensor, # HPF-1200, * NIB * WARRANTY *

PHD TS04 1 x 5-A-DR-J1-M-R1 Pneumatic Cylinder and Slide , WARRANTY

IFM Efector PB5220, Pressure Sensor, , Warranty

Marposs E32r Interface Module, # 8303290000, , WARRANTY

Yaskawa Motoman JANCD-MIF01, Rev D0, DF9200658-C0, , Warranty

Starrag-Rigid CNC Control Circuit Board, # 1832904RP,  , WARRANTY

Barber Colman Temp Controller, 121T-10056-001-1-00, Series 120, , WARRANTY

Emco CNC Lathe PC Board, R3M121000, X515, , Warranty

Norgren IMI L10-000-MPLO Lubricator, , WARRANTY

SMC Solenoid Valve, VP4124M-025, , WARRANTY

AEG Schneider Processor, TSXP5710M, TSX Premium, , WARRANTY

Telemecanique Contactor, LC1-D259, LC1D259, 200-220V Coil, , Warranty

Mazak / Mitsubishi PC Board, MC301 / MC301B, CIN634A822G52A, Rev C, 

Sanyo Yaskawa Circuit Board, A7-1-20068-1B, Off Matsuura VMC, , WARRANTY

Sunx Area Sensor Detector, SA40-8R SA408R, 12-24VDC, , Warranty

Sunx Area Sensor Projector, SA40-8T SA408T, 12-24VDC, , Warranty

Yaskawa Operator Panel, # JZNC-MPB02E, w/ JANCD-MSP02, , Warranty

Rexroth Indramat RME02.2-32-DC024, Input Module, , WARRANTY

Sanyo Denki DC Geared Motor, M603-401-G, 75V, 4:1 Ratio, , Warranty

Yaskawa Motoman JANCD-MIF01, Rev C04, DF9200658-B0, , Warranty

Fuji Electric Magnetic Contactor, CRCa 3631-2/270, 200-220 V Coil,  Warranty

Fanuc Key Board Panel, A20B-1000-0390 / 02A, A350-1000-T392/02, , WARRANTY

Uticor Programmable Message Display, # 180-42A1NO32RO, , Warranty

Mitsubishi R-UNIT Module, BN405U273, S/N 45067002, , Warranty

Parker Air Cylinder, Series 4MA, 02.50 CTEF4MA3U39AC 4.000, , WARRANTY

Yaskawa Magnetic Contactor, HC-16E, 120V Coil, , Warranty

Okuma Opus 5000 II SVP Card II Board, # E4809-436-017-D, , WARRANTY

Square D Data Entry Panel, # DEP-1200, , Warranty

Siemens Sirius Contactor, 3RT1036-1B. .0, 24V DC, , Warranty

Sanyo Yaskawa Circuit Board, A7-1-20068-1D, Off Matsuura VMC, , WARRANTY





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