隔离 1000VAC或1500VDC,输入对输出
推荐输入电压范围 120VAC/VDC(-15%+10%)
延宽的输入电压范围 85-140VAC,95~180VDC
低线开/关迟滞 15VAC/VDC
输入功率要求 每个电源模件小240瓦
输入频率 47~63Hz
功率因数 0.70,典型的
峰值因数 2.5,典型的
稳态 0.75安,典型的;2.75安,大
涌流(1/2AC循环) 2安,典型的;18安,大
输入保险型号及额定电流 5安,时间延迟的
输出电压 6.5VDC,+/- 1%
输出电流 在60℃(140°F)室温1, 小为27安
输出功率 在60℃(140°F)室温1, 175瓦
输出保持时间,在0伏输入时 20ms min;80ms,典型的
输出超压保护 115%,典型的;重起动时用电力重新循环法
输出过电流限制 135%,典型的,自动重起动
温度过高报警感应器 当温度比环境温度60℃(140°F)高时温度监控器跳闸
手机 :18150695049(微信同步)
QQ :2880842794
邮箱 :2880842794@qq.com
传真 :0596-3119658(请备注林工收)
1:Invensys Foxboro(福克斯波罗):I/A Series系统,FBM(现场输入/输出模块)顺序控制、梯形逻辑控制、事故追忆处理、数模转换、输入/输出信号处理、数据通信及处理等。
2:Invensys Triconex: 冗余容错控制系统、基于三重模件冗余(TMR)结构的现代化的容错控制器。
3:Westinghouse(西屋): OVATION系统、WDPF系统、WEStation系统备件。
4:Rockwell Allen-Bradley: Reliance瑞恩、SLC500/1747/1746、MicroLogix/1761/1763/1762/1766/1764、CompactLogix/1769/1768、Logix5000/1756/1789/1794/1760/1788、PLC-5/1771/1785等。
5:Schneider Modicon(施耐德莫迪康):Quantum 140系列处理器、控制卡、电源模块等。
6:ABB:工业机器人备件DSQC系列、Bailey INFI 90等。
7:Siemens(西门子):Siemens MOORE, Siemens Simatic C1,Siemens数控系统等。
8:Motorola(摩托罗拉):MVME 162、MVME 167、MVME1772、MVME177等系列。
9:XYCOM:I/O 、VME板和处理器等。
10:GE FANUC(GE发那科):模块、卡件、驱动器等各类备件。
12:Bosch Rexroth(博世力士乐):Indramat,I/O模块,PLC控制器,驱动模块等。
Yuken Check Modular Valve, MCP-01-0-30, , Warranty
NEW Allen Bradley Sight Glass Mount, Delrin, X 871A BGD12, WARRANTY
Mitsubishi ADU40A B1493 Controller PC Board, TR115A, BN624C728G52 , WARRANTY
Allen Bradley Keyboard Interface PC Board, # 8000-VA, 900036, , WARRANTY
Vickers Hydraulic Valve, FNM-3B-30-JA, , WARRANTY
Mazak Mitsubishi PC Board, # BN624A353H02, FX84A-5, Revision D, WARRANTY
ATC 319 Ranger 319B-001-Q-1X Time Delay Relay, 0-1.0 Sec Timer w/ Base,
Analog Devices, 3B01, 16 Channel Backplane PC Board, , WARRANTY
Nachi Modular Valve, Model # OCP-G01-B1-20, , WARRANTY
Fanuc PC Daughter Board, A20B-2900-014 / 05A, , Warranty
Emco CNC Lathe PC Board, Y1A853000, X530, , Warranty
Emco CNC Lathe PC Board, Y1C853000, X 532, , Warranty
Fuji Electric Magnetic Contactor, SRC3631-5-1Z42, 110V Coil, , Warranty
Mitsubishi Circuit Board, # BN624A243H03, FX06D, Revision D, . WARRANTY
Okuma TCC-B PC Board, E4809-045-113, , WARRANTY
Yaskawa PC Board, JANCD-G10 01, Rev C1, DF7000063, , Warranty
Daikin Solenoid Controlled Valve, KS0-G02-2BA-10, , Warranty
United Electric 111H Temperature Controller, B54-15696, P/N 721T-63,
Yaskawa PC Control Board, JANCD-EW02, DF8202426-C0, Rev C0, , WARRANTY
Nachi Modular Valve, Model # OCP-G01-B1-11, , WARRANTY
Mitsubishi Circuit Board GX 96D / GX96D, Rev B, BN624B548H02, , WARRANTY
Mitsubishi GX-06B PCB Board, BN624A421H02, Rev L, , WARRANTY
Mitsubishi GX-07C PCB Board, BN624A538G53B, Rev D, , WARRANTY
Fanuc PC Display Board, A20B-1000-0500 / 01A, , WARRANTY
Fanuc BMU 256-1 Circuit Board, A87L-0001-0017 / 03F, BMU 256-1, WARRANTY
Fanuc Key Board Panel, A350-1000-T382 / 01, , WARRANTY
Sumitomo Check Choke Valve, SFTCM-02W, , WARRANTY
Sumitomo Pilot Choke Valve, SDPCM-02W, , WARRANTY
Sumitomo Brake Valve, SPBM-02AB, , WARRANTY
Yaskawa Rotary Encoder, PREH-2E5T/100-M1, 100 P/R, 5/12 VDC, , WARRANTY
Fanuc PC Board, # A20B-1001-0050 / 09D, , Warranty
Mazak VQC-15/40 CNC Vertical Mill Cat 40 ATC Tool Holder Finger,
Fanuc Base 1 Auxiliary PC Board, A16B-1600-0280 / 02A, , WARRANTY
Nachi Wet Type Solenoid Operated Directional Valve SL-G01-C5-GR-C1-10,
Mitsubishi Circuit Board, # FX84A-3, BN624A353H02, Rev. D, , WARRANTY
CKD Pneumatic Valve, 3KA110-C2, , WARRANTY
Nachi Solenoid Operated Valve, SL-G01-A3X-GR-C1-11, 100V Solenoid. WARRANTY
Fanuc 2 Slot Backplane, Series 21-TB, A02B-0218-B502, , WARRANTY
Mitsubishi Controller Board, MC632B, BN624A920G52, , WARRANTY
Murr MICO 4.6 Distribution Power Supply 24V / 6A Power 9000-41034-0100600,
Okuma OSP E.I.O. Card PC Board, # E0241-653-033B, , WARRANTY
Okuma OSP3000 PC-1661-B Program Control Board, E4809-032-396-B, , Warranty
Okuma OSP3000 PC-1663-C Data Circuit Board E4809-032-398-C, , Warranty
Nachi Wet Type Solenoid Operated Valve, SS-G01-C6S-GR-C1-9787A, , Warranty
Okuma ATC PANEL 5000, E0189-653-014, , WARRANTY
Mitsubishi GX16 / GX16B PCB Board, BN624A421H02, Rev B, , WARRANTY
Valenite BT 40 Taper Collet Holder, # BT-40-10SG-070, , WARRANTY
Nachi Wet Type Solenoid Operated Valve, SS-G01-A3X-GR-C1-12, , Warranty
Daikin Solenoid Operated Valve, JSO-G02-4BA-20-4T, 100VAC, , WARRANTY
Mazak Mitsubishi PC Board, # BN624A353H02, FX84A-, Rev D, FULL OF CHIPS WARRANTY
Mitsubishi Circuit Board, # BN624A243H03, FX06D, Revision A, , WARRANTY
Pittway System Sensor Air Duct Smok Detector, DH400ACDC, w/ B60-321-00 Board
NEW Keyence Proximity Switch Amplifier, ES-X38, NIB, WARRANTY
GE Fanuc I/O Module, IC660ELD100C IC660ELD100, 115 V, w/ Terminal Assy.,
SMC Valve, # SY5340-5DZ, , WARRANTY
Reliance Electric Reversing Relay Card, 0-51382-3, , Warranty
3 - NEW Advanced Control Technology Temperature Switches, B2000BW036, WARRANTY
Vickers Directional Valve, DG4V-3S-2A-M-FPA5WL-B5-60, , WARRANTY
Sanyo Denki Tape Reader Unit, # 2401C-1, A7-1-20111-1, , WARRANTY
Square D C52A2 Limit Switch, Class 9007, Series A, , WARRANTY
Toshiba Overload Relay, Type # RC4-10ST, 1.1-1.6 RC(A), , Warranty
Fanuc HCGF4A Capacitor, 3900MFD, 450 VDC, , WARRANTY
Omron SET-3B Current Converter, 64 - 160 Amps, Turns: 1, , WARRANTY
New 7 - Lawson Pedal Return Springs, Part# 11101, 17-13/32" Long,
Matsushita Timing Relay, CDX-2C-10S-24VDC, AD1252, , WARRANTY
Indramat Keypad for Servo System, TRANS 01.7/1/OP 01, 233216-04860, WARRANTY
OKUMA OSP FDD, PUNCHER, BOARD RS-232-C E0241-653-002D , Warranty
Omron Heater Fault Detector, K2CU-F20A-C, 100 VAC, 50/60 Hz., , Warranty
GE Fanuc Compact I/O Carrier Box Style # IC200CHS022A, , Warranty
Toshiba Overload Relay, Type # RC4-10ST, 0.56-0.84 RC(A), , Warranty
Toshiba Overload Relay, Type # RC4-10ST, 1.9 - 2.8 RC(A), , Warranty
Toshiba Overload Relay, Type # RC4-10ST, 2.9 - 4.3 RC(A), , Warranty
Okuma Display Panel, E0189-653-015, , WARRANTY
Hitachi TR25-FS1-6 Thermal Overload Relay, 6 - 9 A Range, , Warranty
Valenite CAT 50 Taper ER32 Collet Holder, V50CT-SAC32-394, , WARRANTY
Okuma OPUS 5000II Main Card 16, # E4809-045-138, , WARRANTY
Fanuc PC Daughter Board, A20B-2901-0340 / 01A, , WARRANTY
Nachi Modular Valve, # OG-G01-PC-K-3078A, , WARRANTY
Kearney & Trecker Feedback Subsystem Module, # 1-20661-01, Revision 9, WARRANTY
SMC Multistage Vacuum Ejector, NZL112-G, , Warranty
Yaskawa Power Board, JANCD-MTU01 / JANCD-MTV01, DF9200471-E0, REV. E0 ,
Fanuc PCB Ram Module Daughter Board, A20B-2902-0531 / 01A, , Warranty
Siemens Parameter Board, 6SN1114-0AA01-0AA0, 462007.9400.01, , WARRANTY
New Allen Bradley 140U-H-EA1 Aux. Contact, Ser B, NIB, Warranty
Fanuc Servo Amplifier Base Board, A20B-1003-008 , Warranty
Hokuyo Type AC-NKBA4-U Auto Counter - 24VDC, , WARRANTY
EWO Combination Filter System, 429.5102 & 430.5102, , Warranty
Fanuc Board A20B-8001-0120 / 03A & ABRIO Control Board, A20B-1006-0220/01A
Gold Star Printer Card, # KJDKEN-1BEPLUSV4, , WARRANTY
NEW Lenox Welded Band Saw Blade 15'6" ( 186" ) x 1" x 10/14 TPI, 1608109
Fanuc PC Board, A20B-1006-0290 / 02B, , Warranty
ATC 5704 Hour Meter, Reset Model, 5704B109Q00XX, , Warranty
ATC Time Delay Relay, U2338H, Series 328, 5 Amp, , WARRANTY
Mitsubishi Output Rack, RC1A, D70MA001860, BN624A259, , WARRANTY
Vickers Hydraulic Valve Body, FNM-3A-30-JA, , WARRANTY
Vickers Hydraulic Valve, FN1M-3A-30-JA, , WARRANTY
Weidmuller RS Interface Module, RS-F 64 2247.6, RS-F 2246.6, , WARRANTY
Mitsubishi Circuit Board Module, # BN624A223 H01, FX20A, , WARRANTY
12 - Chicago-Latrobe 9/32" (0.812) 2 Flute, 6-1/4 OAL, Extra Length, MADE IN USA
Leukhardt BK Mikro 5 Time Delay Relay 8.0502.03, 5-RL, , WARRANTY
Festo Digital Pressure Sensor, SDE1-D10-G2-R18-C-P1-M8, , Warranty
Fuji Electric Reversing Magnetic Contactor, SRC3938-06M, 110V Coil,
Nachi Modular Valve, Model # OY-G01-T-20, , WARRANTY
Fuji Electric Contactor, SC-4N, (80) 135A, 100V Coil, , Warranty
Toyo Cooling Fan TE420A, 100 V, 4-3/4" X 4-3/4" X 1.0" , WARRANTY
Allen Bradley AC Contactor, 500FL-AOD93, Ser. A, 120 V Coil, , WARRANTY
Allen Bradley AC Contactor, 500FL-AOD93, Ser. B, 120 V Coil, , WARRANTY
NEW Rohs SS 1" S.84 EN331 Gas & Potable Water Ball Valve, NNB
Command CAT 30 Taper ER20 Collet Chuck, # B2C4-0020, , WARRANTY
General Electric Contactor CL01A310T, w/BSLR2K, 110/120V Coil, , WARRANTY
Moeller AC Contactor, DIL AC-31 / DILAC-31, 24VDC Coil, , Warranty
2 - Star 20 Linear Aluminum Bearing Block, w/ Bars, , Warranty
Fanuc Board A20B-8001-0120 / 04B & ABRIO Control Board, A20B-1006-0220/01A
Nachi Modular Valve, OG-G01-P1-20, , WARRANTY
Tokimec Lucifer 121K01 Valve, 9 W, 100 VAC, , WARRANTY
Nachi Wet Type Solenoid Operated Valve, S-G01-C6-GRZ-D2-32, , Warranty
Okuma OPUS 5000 II Main Board II B, # E4809-045-091-C, , Warranty
Pilz P1H-1SK Safety Relay Module, 230V - / 1U, , Warranty
Mitsubishi / Okuma AC-3 Circiuit Board, # E808385, , WARRANTY
Double A Check Valve, DNNNC-3-10A1, , WARRANTY
SMC Pneumatic Pressure Switch, Mod# ISG130-030, , Warranty
SMC Precision Regulator IR2000-02BG, , WARRANTY
Fanuc Board A20B-8001-0120 / 02A & ABRIO Control Board, A20B-1006-0220/01A
Sony PH-100 Sensor and Cable, , WARRANTY
NEW Tool Makers International Bearing, R68x762-3C 2nd OP SS TN, WARRANTY
Festo Pneumatic MS4-LFR-1/4-D7-ERM-AS Filter / Regulator, 529158, , Warranty
Fanuc Memory Module, A20B-2900-0492/02A, , Warranty
NEW AAC Advance Automation Pneumatic Cylinder, B490 x 3-1/2, NIB, WARRANTY
Balluff BIS-C-440-U2-BIN ID System Processor, BIS-C-440, , Warranty
Datalogic CM900 Auto ID Module, (Modicon AEG), , WARRANTY
Allen Bradley Safety Control Relay Complete 700S-CF530DJ, Ser. A, , Warranty
Siemens Fast Bus Terminal Bus Bar, # FBT250, , WARRANTY
New DADCO Nitrogen Gas Spring, 95-0750 x 75MM-TM, WARRANTY
Efector PB4312 Pressure Sensor, 50-1000 psi, , WARRANTY
Fuji Electric Magnetic Contactor, SJ-1SG (18), , Warranty
Benshaw Magnetic Contactor RSC-40, 120 VAC Coil, , WARRANTY
6 - NEW Seco Carbide Inserts, WNMA060408 TP05, WNMA 332 TP05,
Mitsubishi Meldas MEM-A1, MC411-2, BN624A993G51, , WARRANTY
ACM EGR/TPS Position PC Board, 1700-004, P/N 9210-016, Rev B, , WARRANTY
General Electric Mini Contactor, MC0C301AT, w/MARN220AT Aux. Contact, WARRANTY
Multi Comat Relay, CN 135, 24 V, 8 Amp, , WARRANTY
Parker Pneumatic Cylinder, 01.50 CKC2ANU14A14AC, 2.000, , WARRANTY
NEW Grove Gear J-Mount Base Feet, # 1206-12182, WARRANTY
Schrader Bellows Air Cylinder, 1.06DSRB05.0, 5" Stroke, , WARRANTY
Bayer Industries CNC Circuit Board, PCB 117-131, , WARRANTY
Erickson TG75 Collet Chuck, CV40TG075275, Cat 40 Taper, , WARRANTY
Numatics Solenoid Valve, L22BB452B, 24VDC, , WARRANTY
Numatics Flexiblok Coalescing Fliter F32D-06AC. , WARRANTY
Norand Radio Data Terminal, # RT3210, , WARRANTY
Yaskawa Circuit Board JANCD-PC20, DF8203490-A0, , WARRANTY
Nachi Modular Valve, OW-G01-B1-CR-D2-3104B, , WARRANTY
Okuma OPUS 5000II Main Board IIB, # E4809-045-091-E, , Warranty
Emco CNC Lathe PC Board, R3M122000, X516, , Warranty
Norgren Excelon F74G-3AN-AP3 Pneumatic Filter,150PSIG, 125°F, , WARRANTY
Carboloy Systems Cat 50 Tool Holder, # CV50-EM4.00-1500, WARRANTY, Shaved
Fanuc Module, A03B-0819-C182, AOD16DP, , Warranty
SMC Pneumatic Cylinder, 16mm Bore, 15 mm Stroke, MXH16-15, , Warranty
NEW MAC Solenoid Valve w/ Regulator, PR63C-21FA, WARRANTY
Parker Hydraulic Valve, F8008-11FW, 5000 PSI Max, , WARRANTY
Phoenix Contact 2281568, FLKMS 26, Connector I/F Module, , WARRANTY
Redington Electric Counter, P32-1026, 115 V, 8VA, 6 Digits, , Warranty
Allen Bradley AC Control Relay, # 700-PK400A24, Series B, WARRANTY
Kearney & Trecker Control Maintenance Manual, Pub 894C, Modular - D,
Fanuc I/O Interface Board A20B-0008-0540 / 01A, , WARRANTY
Toyoda / Toyopuc Output Module, OUT-18, 24VDC 0.5A, THK-2753, , WARRANTY
Square D Proximity Switch, Class 9006, Type PSH-321 9006PSH-321, 24-240 VAC
Sodick CNC PC Machine Relay Unit A Board, ML-30A-12P, ML-30A-10P,
NEW SMC Pneumatic Air Filter Regulator Unit, AR40K-06B, NO BOWL, NNB, WARRANTY
Yaskawa Magnetic Contactor, HI-20E, 110V Coil, , Warranty
Nachi Modular Valve, OG-G01-B1-20, , WARRANTY
Numatics Air Pilot Solenoid Valve, NF3BAN524N00061, 24V, , WARRANTY
Ranco Pressure Control Swtich # O16-SPDT, 016 3015 8055,125/250V, FLA 20, LRA 80
PHD Air Cylinder, ML22163, Rev.C, WARRANTY
Numatics 123BA400MP14D Solenoid Pneumatic Valve, , WARRANTY
JCE Dual Power On Device, DPD-001-3, , WARRANTY
SMC Media Valve, # VX2240V-03-5DZ1-B, , WARRANTY (2)
Valenite Cat 50 Taper TG100 Collet Holder, V50CT-10SG-75, , WARRANTY
NEW Koyo Ball Bearing, # 32204R, WARRANTY
SMC Valve Lockout, Type# VHS4510-04-X1, , WARRANTY
Fanuc Interface Adapter, A13B-0073-C001, A14B-0075-B120-01, , WARRANTY
Parker / Watts 3/8" Lubricator, L606-03W/M10, 250 psi Max., , WARRANTY
General Electric Contactor, CR4CB / CR4CB-10, 110-120 Coil, , Warranty
Allen Bradley 700-HSF22F13Z24 Timing Relay, Time Delay, 24VDC, 1 Sec Fixed,
Minebea Flowmax Box Fan, # 3610PS-10T-B30, , WARRANTY
Omron AC Contactor Relay, MA415N -22, 220V Coil, , WARRANTY
Pilz PNOZ X3 24VAC 24VDC 3n/o 1n/c 1so, Safety Relay Module, , Warranty
GEM-SOL GEM 24V Solenoids, 50 Hz, 8W, , Warranty
ABB Contactor, BC7-30-10-1.4, w/BC6/60 Contact, , Warranty
NEW Kennametal Indexable Cartridge, MTFNL20CA-22, Warranty
General Electric Size 0 Motor Starter, CR206B000AQA, 120V Coil, , WARRANTY
Telemecanique Contactor, LP1 D253, LP1D253, , WARRANTY
Fanuc Circuit Board A20B-0007-0090 / 03B, , WARRANTY
ATC 5703 Hour Meter, Non Reset Model, 5703B102Q00XX, , Warranty
Yaskawa Board, # JANCD-GRT01, DE6429673, Revision A, , WARRANTY
Mitsubishi Magnetic Contactor, MSO-C12UL, TH-K20KP, 6.6, Size 00, , WARRANTY
Takagi Percentage Gauge, KMA-80-R, 0-120%, , Warranty
Takagi RPM Gauge, KMV-80-BJ, Class 2.5, 0-3600, 50-1000, , Warranty
Schneider Automation Communication Module, TSXSCM2116, Ver. 2.3, WARRANTY
Omron Metal Detector Amplifier, F2LP-WK4-US, , Warranty
FANUC Input Module, A03B-0801-C127, ID64D, , WARRANTY
Fanuc PC Board, A20B-2901-0340/02A, A20B29010340 02A, , Warranty
DGD Gardner Denver PC Board Module, # SMK-2.0F, S112602, , Warranty
Allen Bradley 3 Phase Reactor, # 1321-3RA8-B, , WARRANTY
Centon Memory Card, CPCB00104, Warranty
DGD Gardner Denver PC Board Module, # SMK-3.0F, S112602, , Warranty
Allen Bradley Miniature Contactor, 100-K12*10, Ser A, 120 V Coil, , Warranty
Toyo-Oki Hytegra Valve, HF3H-W-40SK-025B, , WARRANTY
Beckhoff Bus Terminal Extension, KL9050, 24V, , WARRANTY
Nachi Directional Control Valve, S-G01-C6-GRZ-D19-9390A, , WARRANTY
Okuma Encoder Unit, ER-TC-1D / ERTC1D, TS2670N1E1, , WARRANTY
Humphrey Compact Air Cylinder, HTDA6x1/2, , WARRANTY
Fanuc RIO Remote Motherboard, # A16B-2200-0431/03A, W/ A/B 96635301, WARRANTY
Ross Lockout & Exhaust Valve, D1523 C 4002, , WARRANTY
Fanuc PC Daughter Board, A20B-2900-0310 / 04A, A20B29000310 04A, , WARRANTY
Sylvania 3 Line Overload Relay, # KTM31-12, , Warranty
Fanuc Connection PC Board, # A20B-1000-0970 / 03A, , WARRANTY
Dynapath S10 Servo Output I/F-4 Axes Board, # 4200479, , Warranty
Yaskawa PC Board, JANCD-SR21-1, DF8202904-A1, Revision A11, , WARRANTY
Oriental Motor Gear Head, 5GK25K, Ratio 25:1, , WARRANTY
Fuji Electric Magnetic Contactor, SC-N2/SE (35), SC35BAS, 24VDC Coil,
Toyo-Oki Hytegra Valve, 05 E M, HK3H-W-Y2-025B, , WARRANTY
Toyo-oki Kogyo Solenoid Directional Valve, HD3-2S-BG-025A-WDA1T5, 110V,
Fanuc PC Daughter Board, A20B-2900-0160 / 03A, , WARRANTY
NEW Linatex Pinch Valve Sleeve, # JR103A-L, VS7010101, WARRANTY
Fanuc Display Keyboard PC Board, # A20B-1000-0890, , WARRANTY
Square D Reversing Starter, Size 00, 8736 SA0-16, Ser. A, 120V, NO HEATERS,
Tokin Electronic Noise Filter, # LF-320, Nice Unit, , WARRANTY
Telemecanique Safety Relay, XPS-VN, XPSVN1142, , Warranty
Daikin Kogyo Throttle & Check Valve, Mod# MT-02A-11, , Warranty
GE FANUC Dynamic Brake Resistor, # A05B-2052-C452, , WARRANTY
Mitsubishi / Mazak PC Board, S-315H5, H-500N, , Warranty
Okuma OSP E-I-O Base Board, # E0241-653-082, WARRANTY
New Turck Proximity Sensor, Ni8U-M12-AN4X-H1141, Warranty
MAC Solenoid Valve, 252B-116AAAA, , WARRANTY
GC Valves Solenoid Valve, S301YF16V3BD5, , WARRANTY
Wieland 80.020.6003.0, Phase Reversing Relay, CEMOS-SSPHC-400V-2,5A, Warranty
Okuma Main Rack Board, # E4809-436-029, , WARRANTY
Keyence Safety Light Curtain SL-C Series Instruction Manual, 96M0974,
Keyence Intelligent safety Relay Unit SL-R11 Instruction Manual, 96M0975,
Allen Bradley Motor Starter, 509-BOA, Ser. B, No Heaters, 42185-800-01,
Siemens Contactor 3TF4320-0B, , Warranty
Wieland Bamberg 99.808.5257.0, Conversion Module, , Warranty
Kuwano Load % Gauge 0-180, LM-80B, , Warranty
Parker Double Solenoid Valve, H22VXPG023B, 120V, , WARRANTY
Allen Bradley Overload Relay, Complete Device, X592P-B1CT, Series A, 592-B1CT
Keyence General Purpose Dig. Laser Sensor LV Series Instruction Manual, 96M1134
Nagano Japan Radio Co. Line Filter, LF205PEW-UL, 5 Amp, , WARRANTY
Komet Cat 50 Taper 1-1/8" End Mill Holder, # A524035D, , WARRANTY
NEW SMC Pneumatic Solenoid Valve, # VSS8-8-FJG-D-3EZ-V1, Warranty
Fanuc Main CPU PC Board, A16B-2200-0842 / 08E, "AS IS"
4 - NEW Kok Oil Seal, # SC10012512, WARRANTY
Kele / Wentech Isolated DC Transmitter, DT13-120 120VAC to 5/10/15V Output,
General Electric Overload Relay, # CR4G1WJ, 2.5-4.0 A, , Warranty
Kennametal Cat 50 Taper TG050 Collet Chuck, # CV50TG050300, , WARRANTY
Taco Economiter, MVS-214-02Z1S-07, 120V Solenoid, , WARRANTY
Peter Paul Electronics Solenoid Valve 78PP9ZCV, 24VDC, 60 PSI, , WARRANTY
NEW DME Straight Leader Pin, 2" x 8-3/4", # 5612GL, WARRANTY
Vickers Directional Valve, # DG4S4-017C-50-S87H, , WARRANTY
Kennametal 1" Carbide Insert Tool Holder, # KCLPR 1646C, , WARRANTY
Turck Ni4-G12-AZ33X -B3131 Proximity Switch Inductive, , WARRANTY
Sunx Light Curtain Receiver Sensor, NA1-5P, , Warranty
Toyo-oki Kogyo Solenoid Directional Valve, HD3-2S-BG-025A-WDA1T5, 110V, "AS IS"
Indramat Software Module, DSM02.1-FW, , WARRANTY
Di-Soric Laser Diffuse Sensor, OT 6-18 FM 400 P3-B4, , Warranty
TOYO-OKI Hytegra Valve, HF3H-P-40S-025B, , WARRANTY
SMC 2 - Way Process / Media Valve, VX224EGXB, 24 VDC, , WARRANTY
2 - Mitsubishi Thyristor Modules, RM60C2Z-H, , WARRANTY
Allen Bradley Photoelectric Sensor, 42GRU-9000, Ser. A, , Warranty
Kennametal Cat 50 Taper TG100 Collet Chuck, # CV50TG100350, , WARRANTY
SMC Pneumatic Mist Separator, NAFM4000-N04D, 3/4" NPT, , Warranty
NEW Norgren Lubricator, L07-200MPAA, WARRANTY
Uticor Programmable Message Display, # 76536-1, , WARRANTY
Parker Pneumatic Regulator Valve, 14R115FC, , WARRANTY
NEW ISI Automation Pneumatic Gripper Jaw, # Y 16771, WARRANTY
Komet ABS-32 ER20 REGO-FIX Collet Chuck Adapter, A3312130, , WARRANTY
Seiki / NES PC Board, Off of Hitachi Seiki, 163-532260, VAPAFA, , WARRANTY
Fanuc Battery Backup Unit, 4 Battery Type, Size D Batteries, , WARRANTY
Valenite BT 40 Taper TG100 Collet Holder, , WARRANTY
Allen Bradley Reversing Motor Starter, 505-AOD / 505-A0D, 120V Coil,
Spower Power Supply Board Module, # E8082501, # HR-9-5V, WARRANTY
NEW DME Straight Leader Pin, 2-1/2" x 8-3/4", # 5812GL, WARRANTY
NEW DME Straight Leader Pin, 2-1/2" x 10-3/4", # 5816GL, Warranty
Robotron WTC Welding Module, Type# 100-6820-3, 2005 WTC, , Warranty
Schubert & Salzer Solenoid Valve, 6014 C 2,0 FKM MS, , WARRANTY
Omron Subminy Timer & Base, STP-N, 40-2-M4X20, 0 - 30 Sec., , WARRANTY
Potter & Brumfield KCP-5-2500 Relay, W/ Base, RB08, , Warranty
Vickers In-Line Hydraulic Check Valve, DT8P1-06-5-11-JA, , WARRANTY
NEW Asahi Linear Bearing Assembly, Type# AR20CR, OLD STOCK, WARRANTY
SMC Compact Cylinder, CDQ2L25-30D, W/2 SMC Reed Switches, w/ Ind.Light,D-A73
Rexroth Hydraulic Cylinder, CDT3 25 F11 HUV, 7 472 421 250, SLIGHTLY
Telemecanique AC Contactor, # LP4 D0910, LP4D0910, 24V Coil, , Warranty
NEW OLD STOCK Banner Photoelectric Sensor, T8RN6RQ, Warranty
Yamatake-Azbil Photoelectric Switch, # HP300-S1-CN03, 12/24 VDC, , WARRANTY
Redington Hour Meter, 711-0007, 234.2, , WARRANTY
NEW Diamond Carbide Insert Turning Holder, # 84-90-946, NNB, WARRANTY
SMC Air Cylinder, CM2RA25-150, , WARRANTY
Mitsubishi / Micron Brake Resistor, BK0-NC1120-H07, , WARRANTY
ATC Time Delay Relay, 0-3 sec. , Warranty
Nachi Modular Valve, OW-G01-A1-CR-D2-3104B, , WARRANTY
Rexroth Valve, ZDB 6 VB2-40/100V, , Warranty
Numatics Actuator Air Cylinder, KDMM032N015000, 32MM, 15MM, , WARRANTY
Balas Flexi-Grip Collet Chuck, S16-8-C12, 2" Shank x 8" Long, , WARRANTY
Klockner Moeller Thermal Overload Relay, Z00-24, 16-24 Amp, , WARRANTY
Tobishi Prince Cooling Fan, Type # L12A5-6, 200 VAC, , WARRANTY
NEW 5 - Guhring HSS Core Drill, Diam. 0.2940" Extra Length, MADE IN USA
NEW Lyndex 5.0 mm FDC High Precision Collet, FDC16-196, Warranty
TRW Nelson Stud Welding POWER COMPACT Part, P/N 86-02-39, NEW, WARRANTY
MAC 24 VDC Input Module, # IMA BA, , WARRANTY
Numatics Solenoid Valve, 152SS500M017N61, 150 MAX PSI, 24VDC, , WARRANTY
NEW NSK Ball Bearing, # 6004ZZAV2S, WARRANTY
Fanuc Main CPU PC Board, A16B-2200-0842 / 08E, "AS IS"
Bayer Industries PC Board Assy, # 117-182, , WARRANTY
Eagle Signal Electric Counter, FCC-14, 115 V, 7.8 W, 6 Digits, , Warranty
Rexroth Z2FS 6-2-42/2QV Flow Control Check Valve, , WARRANTY
Edward Andrews Co. 1/2" Bar Extension, # EA48-63, 1.50" OD x 6" L,
Action Pak Controller Relay, # 1400-7547, , WARRANTY
YCI Supermax Max-1 Control Panel PC Board, 511-E04-102M, , Warranty
Fanuc / Hitachi Transistor Module, Type# MDB30C6 6Y67, , WARRANTY
Mitsubishi PC Board, 60651150 A, 60651151 Off Wire EDM, , Warranty
Kearney & Trecker Control Maintenance Manual Supplement, Pub 699E,
Kearney & Trecker KT/PMI Ladder Diagram Manual, Version 5, Control# 5883308
New SMC Filter Element Replacement, 11104-40B, 1110440B, NNB, Warranty
Fanuc Velocity Control Unit, A06B-6047-H002, MISSING TOP BOARD! SOLD AS IS!
Omron Subminy Timer w/ Base Unit, STP-N, 0 - 10 Sec., , Warranty
Weidmuller RSO Module, 910127 / 67, 34234, , WARRANTY
Valenite 1" Carbide Insert Lathe Tool Holder, HP-VWR-16-3. , WARRANTY
NEW OLD STOCK SMC Pneumatic Cylinder, CG1FN32-25, NNB, WARRANTY
DIJET SCD-17-065-AML, S-CUT DRILL, 0.656" DIA. 6-3/4" OAL, Coolant Thru,
Parker Pneumatic Filter W/ Gauge, 07E21A13AC, 150 PSI, , WARRANTY
NEW OLD STOCK SMC Pneumatic Cylinder, CGBA25-40, 1-5/8" Travel, NNB, WARRANTY
IFM Efector PB5320 Pressure Sensor, 250-5000 psi, 7/16" UNF Port, , Warranty
5 - NEW Tin HSSE-V3 Form Tap Plug Taps, 5/16-24 GH5 4FL, Warranty
Allen Bradley 3 Axis Servo Controller, # 1771-HS3A IMC-123, Series A, Warranty
Automation Direct T1K-08TR Output Module, , WARRANTY
Hardinge Tool Holder, CC-14, , WARRANTY
SMC Air Cylinder, CDM2E32-100, , WARRANTY
Global CNC Industries 1" ID x 2" OD x 3-1/2" Length Under Head, Type# 86-05B
8- New Chicago Miniature Lamp Bulbs, CC8-A233, Not In Box, Warranty
Hokuyo Automatic Co. Sensor Module w/ Base, DC-GBK, 24VDC, , WARRANTY
Allen Bradley Panel Mount Disconnect W/ Fuse Block, 1494F 30A, , WARRANTY
Allen Bradley, Power Extension, 1738-EP24DC, , WARRANTY
Numatics Pneumatic Regulator Filter, P21B-03, , WARRANTY
Sigmatek Power Supply NT 220/24-4, NT240244, , WARRANTY
Allen Bradley AC Drive 160-BA02NPS1 Series C, Preset SPD, , Warranty
Ross Filter 5011B3008 W/ Regulator 5211B3017, , Warranty
Norgren Pressure Regulator, 11-002-061, , WARRANTY
Edward Andrews Co. 3/8" Bar Extension, # EA48-63, 1.50" OD x 5-3/4" L,
1.25"x1.25"x7" Carboloy Carbide Insert Tool Holder, TFR-20-5, , WARRANTY
Banner Push Button Smart Self-Checking Touch Button, STBVP6Q, , WARRANTY
Sun Hydraulics Hyd Valve, YPC1 LAN HA-224, Solenoid Valve 24VDC,
IBT 2-Channel Analog Signal Box, AFB 1 B1 d1, FNR 1012014, , WARRANTY
IBT 2-Channel Analog Signal Box, AFB 1 A2, FNR 0611033, , WARRANTY
Basic Line Cat 50 Taper 3/4" End Mill Holder, CAT-50-.750-4, , WARRANTY
Siemens Time Delay Relay, 7PR2200-1ER, , WARRANTY
Allen Bradley Size 0 Starter, # 509-AOD-A2D, w/ 592-A2DA, , WARRANTY
Yaskawa Board, # JANCD-GRT01, DE6429673, Revision B, , WARRANTY
Vickers Hydraulic Valve, XAM-02-JA-20-J, , WARRANTY
Nachi Modular Valve, # OG-G01-PC-K-21, , WARRANTY
Mitsubishi Magnetic Contactor, MSO-C12UL, TH-K20KP, Size 00, , WARRANTY
NEW Misumi Couper Unit, CP0C32-10-10, WARRANTY
Taco R31-200-C000 Pressure Regulator w/ Pressure Gauge, , WARRANTY
Toyo-Oki Solenoid Operated Hydraulic Check Valve, HK2-ST0-03B-D2, 24V,
LOT OF 10 New Cotter Connecting Link, C210-H C/P C/L, WARRANTY
SMC Pneumatic Cylinder, CG1LN32-420, , WARRANTY
Kearney & Trecker Part Programming & Operating Manual Supplement, Pub 932A
NEW BMS Tevac Adjustable Depth Thermocouple, # AJB-72, WARRANTY
Siemens 82E Contactor, 3TH4382-0B, 3TH4382-OB, 24VDC Coil, , Warranty
Kearney & Trecker Installation Manual, Pub 762E, MM-200 and MM-600
Briney 1" Cat 50 End Mill Holder, V50E-100-400, C1046K, , WARRANTY
Fanuc Mother Board, # A16B-1212-0360/01A, , WARRANTY
Sti MiniSafe Light Curtain, MS4300B-2, MS4312B-2, , WARRANTY
Brook Compton AC Contactor, Mod# HR1710, 120V Coil, , Warranty
Numatics 081SA400K Solenoid Valve, Regulator 081RS400J and Manifold,
GE Fanuc Power Supply Booster Carrier # IC200PWB001B, , WARRANTY
Micron Brake Resistor, BK0-NC1120-H15, , Warranty
Square D Cylindrical Proximity Switch, 9006 PJH121, Series A, , Warranty
Festo Solenoid Valve, EVZ5143, 24VDC, 1.5-7 bar, , WARRANTY
Numatics Series 125 Manifold Body, w/ 2 End Caps, , WARRANTY
Allen Bradley Error Correcting RAM Memory Board, 1775-MS8, , Warranty
Komet ABS-32 ER20 Collet Chuck Adapter, # A3312130, , WARRANTY
Allen Bradley Contactor, 500-AOD920, Ser. B, Sz. 0, , Warranty
Siemens Simatic Net Profibus, w/Profibus Connector, 6XV1, 8ES7972-0BB12-OXA0
Continental Hydraulics Check Valve "A" Port # C03MSV-PA-30-GA-A, , WARRANTY
Murr Elektronik Distribution Box, Art# 27762, 24VDC, , Warranty
SMC Filter Regulator, AW40K-06BDG, , WARRANTY
Numatics Pneumatic Air Regulator, R50R-06, 0-125 PSI, 3/4" Ports,
SMC Pneumatic Valve, VS7-6-FG-S-1NA0, 100V Solenoid w/ Manifold, , Warranty
Numatics Pneumatic Valve, # L12BA452O, , WARRANTY
Allen Bradley Servo Cable, 9101-1369-TAB, Rev. B, , WARRANTY
1.5"x1.5"x6" Carboloy Carbide Insert Tool Holder, TJNL-S-24-5, , WARRANTY
SMC High Precision Digital Pressure Switch, # I SE30-01-65, , WARRANTY
CKD Regulator, R1100-6-L, , Warranty
Fanuc CRT / KB PC Circuit Board, # A20B-1003-0230/07C, * * * AS-IS * * *