TSX A250 DEP 112模块
TSX A250 DEP 112模块
TSX A250 DEP 112模块
■ 低转速大扭矩点击;高动态,定位控制旋转运动
■ 直线电机;高动态,定位控制直线运动
■ 正弦、余弦编码器;针对,高动态要求的系统
■ 旋转变压器式编码器,可在恶劣环境中使用
■ 可同时连接两个编码器,机械配合产生的误差,定位精度可达u级
■ 选配CANOpen,PROFIBUS DP现场总线接口
■ 内置灵活的电子凸轮控制器,可根据转子位置控制机械设备
■ 编码器仿真输出,替代传统的电压控制给定的定位系统
■ iMOTION,可用内置程序编制运动控制过程
■ 的铝锌涂敷金属外壳,提高了电磁兼容性(EMC)和运行的可靠性
手机 :18150695049(微信同步)
QQ :2880842794
邮箱 :2880842794@qq.com
传真 :0596-3119658(请备注林工收)
1:Invensys Foxboro(福克斯波罗):I/A Series系统,FBM(现场输入/输出模块)顺序控制、梯形逻辑控制、事故追忆处理、数模转换、输入/输出信号处理、数据通信及处理等。
2:Invensys Triconex: 冗余容错控制系统、基于三重模件冗余(TMR)结构的现代化的容错控制器。
3:Westinghouse(西屋): OVATION系统、WDPF系统、WEStation系统备件。
4:Rockwell Allen-Bradley: Reliance瑞恩、SLC500/1747/1746、MicroLogix/1761/1763/1762/1766/1764、CompactLogix/1769/1768、Logix5000/1756/1789/1794/1760/1788、PLC-5/1771/1785等。
5:Schneider Modicon(施耐德莫迪康):Quantum 140系列处理器、控制卡、电源模块等。
6:ABB:工业机器人备件DSQC系列、Bailey INFI 90等。
7:Siemens(西门子):Siemens MOORE, Siemens Simatic C1,Siemens数控系统等。
8:Motorola(摩托罗拉):MVME 162、MVME 167、MVME1772、MVME177等系列。
9:XYCOM:I/O 、VME板和处理器等。
10:GE FANUC(GE发那科):模块、卡件、驱动器等各类备件。
12:Bosch Rexroth(博世力士乐):Indramat,I/O模块,PLC控制器,驱动模块等。
Siemens 6sl3120-1te21-0aa1 Single Motor Module
Siemens 6sl3120-1te21-0aa1 Single Motor Module
Siemens 6es5375-1la71 EPROM SIMATIC s5 Memory Modules E-Stand 01
Siemens 6es5375-1la71 EPROM SIMATIC s5 Memory Modules E-Stand 01
Siemens 6es5375-1la71 EPROM SIMATIC s5 Memory Modules E-Stand 01
Siemens 6fc9320-3ls00 Angle Step Generator Encoder Imp 500 with 10 Pole Connecto...
Fanuc a20b-0008-0030/0202b Card
Fanuc a20b-0008-0030/0203b Card
Trans Screw L = 480 mm, pitch = 4 mm, ? Total: 32 mm for AGIE Machine
Trans Screw L = 482 mm, pitch = 5 mm, ? Total: 32 mm for AGIE Machine
SBA udgc 221-142 Transformer
Infranor out 16 Card 9211 00 136 elmetic
Infranor out 16 Card 9211 00 136 elmetic
Infranor Card 9 657 00 027 Bank/1
FAGOR mt-14 Length Measuring Rod 13-3012252 01a 04a, ml 140 MM
IBL 025-10-64-440-085 Ball threaded spindle from EMCO machine
Siemens Module 6fx1190-1ae00/03260
Siemens d30/1114953 Board Medical Equipment
Siemens d20a/8949585 Board Medical Equipment
Siemens d20a/8949585 Board Medical Equipment
Siemens 6es3302-0a memory for 2k EPROM E Stand a 02 UN!!! in ge?ffne
Siemens 6dm1001-2la02-1 SIMATIC Simoreg card version B
Siemens 6dm1001-2la02-1 SIMATIC Simoreg CARD VERSION A
Siemens 6dm1001-2la02-1 SIMATIC Simoreg Card
Siemens 6dm1001-2la02-1 SIMATIC Simoreg Card
Siemens 6dm1001-2la02-1 SIMATIC Simoreg Card
Siemens 6dm1001-2la02-1 SIMATIC Simoreg Card
Siemens 6es7153-2ba81-0xb0 Circuit
Siemens 3vt7100-5br30 BREAKERS
Siemens 3te5202-5ap0 Star Triangle Starter-UN! -
Fanuc a16b-1210-0480 01a Circuit Board-Un -
Fanuc a16b-1211-0860/04a Board
SMA lan4 - 11 40 - 62021 Ethernet Switch
RS Electronics PCD 200 448470 CPU Card
Fanuc Servo Motor (Type UNKNOWN) with emeta 120 Encoder
Sew-Eurodrive s47 dr63s4/br/asd1 Gear Motor
Siemens 6es5615-0ua11 PROGRAMMER PG 615
Sew mc07b0005-5a3-4-00 Inverter Movitrac B 3 x 380 - 500 V 50 - 60 Hz
Siemens 6fc9320-3ms00 Angle Step donor Imp 5000 with 10 Pole Connector "ungeb
Bird mf1/mfe5/bw16/s31 Lubricant Pump-central lubrication system
OMRON cqm1-cpu21-e CPU Unit
Sew Eurodrive mdf60a0016-5a3-4-50 Control Head
Allen Bradley 2094 bc02-m02 Kinetix 6000 power-supply/Servo Drive
Siemens 6sc6120-0fe00 Simodrive Performance Part
Siemens 6sc6120-0fe00 Simodrive Performance Part
Siemens 6sc6120-0fe00 Simodrive Performance Part
Siemens 6sc6120-0fe00 Simodrive Performance Part
Bosch CNC NC SPS Mat. No. 056581-109401 Module
Bosch CNC NC SPS Mat. No. 056581-109401 Module
Bosch CNC NC SPS Mat. No. 056581-109401 Module
Bosch BPF 10e Control Panel 1070056341-305
Indramat as151/015-000 mounted module sn257051-18926
Indramat as151/015-000 mounted module sn257051-18927
Siemens 6fm1680-2fa00 WF 695 Display Unit
Siemens 6fc3171-0aa-z Chassis
Siemens 6sc6120-0fe00 Performance Part
Electronic product 8402.087.a Connector Board For Maho Electronic Handwheel I
Heidenhain ECN 413 2048 03s17-58 Encoder ID. No. 317 945-03 > UN! <
Siemens c98043-a1098-l11 05 Card
Fanuc n860-3158-t001 front panel Series 15-tt
SKF 7012 acdga/p4a Angular Contact Ball Bearings High Accuracy
Bosch 047268-104 Rack GG
Angel D 2965.1/2-g27-b5.15 MOTOR-UN! -
Sew-Eurodrive r73dt71d4 Gear Motor
Framo Mini 01 D/A Screw Drive
ABM r1/g30/df80a-4 rule GEARBOX > UN! <
Heidenhain LS 704 Length Measuring Rod Id. No. 237 133 4l ML 320 MM
Heidenhain LS 704 Length Measuring Rod Id. No. 237 133 4l ML 320 MM
Heidenhain Linear Measuring Rod (type probably ls106 Id. No. 336 958-20 ML 940 m...
Heidenhain Linear Measuring Rod (type probably LS 703 Id. No. 216 750 XX ML 940 ...
Indramat 109-0575-1a04-06 PC Resistor Board-UN! -
AGIE 191.597 Hole Strip Reader fer 202/510001
Siemens 6fx2001-3cb00 a7 Angle Step donor synchroflansch ID NR 358 747 - 15 I
Rexroth sr-1s10 11216a-UN! -
Wagner Magnets 752-lt/ep60 III
Wagner Magnets 752-lt/ep60 III
Wagner Magnets 752-lt/ep60 II Electronic umpolger?t
INA dklfa 2590.2rs Bearings > UN! <
Maho 28a1 RELAY PCB Id. No. 27.69039
KUKA ks5cc-005 AC Servo Motor
AGIE sus-03 Level Measurement Gauge
Infranor SMNB 1690 power supply, rated voltage 3x45-113v 40-60h7
ESR Pollmeier BN 6539.1441 CARD-UN! -
ESR Pollmeier BN 6539.1441 CARD-UN! -
ESR Pollmeier BN 6539.1441 CARD-UN! -
ESR Pollmeier BN 6539.1441 CARD-UN! -
Fanuc a06b-6061-j004 Detector Card/a16b-1200-0744/05c
AGIE 610671.0 Control Unit
AGIE 149852.6 Wire Touch Device wtd-01c
AGIE mjg4502d CPU Board
Westinghouse nlm-1060 Output Module 24 VDC
Westinghouse nlm-1060 Output Module 24 VDC
Westinghouse nlm-1060 Output Module 24 VDC
Westinghouse nlm-1030 Input Module 24 VDC
Westinghouse nlm-1030r Input Module 24 VDC
Westinghouse nlm-1030 Input Module 24 VDC
Daikin 1rx-80 Pump with Motor m15a1x-i-40
Machine EC-IO 01/2 Card
INA ZARF 3080-l-tv-a Needle-axial cylindrical roller bearing > UN! <
INA ZARF 3590-L-TV-a needle-axial cylindrical roller bearing > UN! <
Indramat TDM 3.2-030-300-w1 A.C. Servo Controller
Bird 122 055 300 central lubrication
Bender irdh 265-4 Isolation Monitor b9168001 > UN! <
Okuma Opus 5000 with card board e4809-032-452-c
Okuma Opus 5000 with card board e4809-032-452-c
BALLUFF Rotation donor brge 1-wza9-op-p-l-s No. 110774214 with technical data U
Dr. Müller 340819a/b91-kb40/b-c50 GRINDING WHEEL-UN! -
Beka Mini 2 E.A. ab1329476-001-00-003 lubricant pump/central lubrication
Beka Mini 2 E.A./ab1358186-001-00-008 lubricant pump/central lubrication
Siemens c98043-a1716-l7 Control Interface
Euchner hbl-070544 Handwheel
Hawe PDM 11-44 proportional pressure control valve 24vdc-UN! -
Hübner Hog 100 DN 4096 R Digital Speedometer-UN! -
Hübner Hog 100 DN 4096 R Digital Tacho
Norton 3sg70 JVS 290x95xw22.5 Slip Ring 02r p007190 g081778901-UN! -
Trans Screw L = 1130 MM-UN! -
Trans Screw L = 1255 MM
Phoenix Contact Interbus-C IBC Sin/SL/I 27 53 368 Card
Siemens 03 800-a/03800-a/03800a Card
Siemens 6fc5112-0da01-0aa1 SINUMERIK Interface MMC
Siemens Sinumerik Digital Output 6fx1122-8bd01
Siemens 6fx1122-8bd01 Card
Siemens 6sc6120-0fe00 Performance Part
Siemens 6sc6120-0fe00 Performance Part
Siemens 6sc6120-0fe00 Performance Part
Siemens c8451-a17-a10-2 smp-e356 Video and Printer Module
Allen Bradley 1771-oad Series C-un-in unopened original packaging
Allen Bradley 1771obd Series C-un-in unopened original packaging
Framo Mini 01 D/A Screw Drive > UN! <
ABB procontic cs31 ICSK 20n1 I/O Remote Unit 24vdc
ABB procontic cs31 icso 08r1 I/O Remote Unit 24 VDC
Sew-Eurodrive fa37dt71d4/bmg/tf Gear Motor-UN! -
Invertek Optidrive od-24075-ch Inverter 0. 75 KW 380 - 480 V +/- 10
Impressive digital techniques 720p101-b01
Siemens 6fx2001-3gb00 Angle Step GAUGE IMP/U 1000-UN-IN ge?ffne
Kuhse kea-043 Machine Control Panel 340 x 260 MM
Trustee in h6.0.000 v1 a3 S-Macro 8000 Control Module
Sony ly51 Digital me?anzeigeger?t 100 - 230 V 50 - 60 Hz
Sony sr-721sp Bare Scale Assembly 200 MM-UN -
Bosch I/O 24v Module 1070081376-101 - UN! -
Bosch I/O 24v Module 1070081376-101 - UN! -
Vega vegaswing 63. xagaaxpr Vibration Limit Switch-Un! -
Siemens 6fc5203-0ab10-0aa0 operating panel OP 031
Siemens 6fx11126-4aa00 SINUMERIK Memory Board E Stand C
Siemens 6fx1122-8bd01 SINUMERIK Digital Edition 570 228 9104 E Stand B
Siemens Type 03 800-a SINUMERIK Card E Stand B
Siemens 6fx1122-8bd01 SINUMERIK Expansion Module E Stand a
Num 206202821 maschinenpanel
Siemens Simatic s7 6es7331-7pf10-0ab0 E-Stand 03-UN -
Fanuc a20b-0008-0440/03a PC Board
Siemens Simodrive 6sn1118-0dm11-0aa0 rule Sliding
Fanuc a14b-0076-b001 Input Unit
AGIE rco-04a Machine Control Panel 613740.0
AGIE 613740.0 Remote Control rco-04a1
Slope Normal 100 100/329 15 ° L 15 ° R for gears MACHINE UN!
Slope Normal 100 100/326 15 ° L 15 ° R for gears MACHINE UN!
Rexroth Indramat dkc03.3-040-7-fw Eco-Drive Inverter Serial No. dkc033
Rexroth Indramat dkc03.3-040-7-fw Eco-Drive Inverter Serial No. dkc033
Rexroth Indramat dkc03.3-040-7-fw Eco-Drive Inverter Serial No. dkc033
Rexroth Indramat dkc03.3-040-7-fw Eco-Drive Inverter Serial No. dkc033
Siemens 6fx1124-0ba03 SINUMERIK BGR Dual Port E Stand D
Siemens 6sc6100-0na21 Simodrive FGB scheme
Siemens 6fx1111-0aj02 SIROTEC RCM 3b/3exp to sw03 FBG Slave CPU E-G
Siemens 6sc6100-0na21 Simodrive FGB scheme
Siemens 6fx1123-7aa00 Circuit Board
Siemens 6fc3984-1fc20 Reader t40 with zugspule
Siemens 6fc3988-7ah20 12" Monitor Replacement-Un! -
Siemens 6fc5100-0aa01-0aa1 central device with 6fx1154-3ba00 without cards
Siemens 6sc6500-0uc01 Simodrive A/Edition
Siemens 6sc6500-0uc01 Simodrive input/output
Siemens d4/1114813 Board Medical Equipment
Siemens Simatic s5 6es5374-2kl21 Memory Card
Siemens 6fx1118-8ad01/6fc3158-3ef Machine Control Panel
Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds3317-8ea Pen
Heidenhain EXE 612 5/10 - Fold Id. No. 271183-01 - UN! -
Heidenhain EXE 612 5/10 - Fold Id. No. 271183-01 - UN! -
Heidenhain ROD 426 2500 01-03 Encoder ID. No. 295 434-07
Siemens 6rb2000-0ga00 Power Supply
Siemens 3rk1904-2ab00 mechanical and diagnostic device for active as-I modules E...
Siemens 6fc9320-3ke01 Angle Step donor
Siemens 570 536 9001 .00 Machine Control Panel
Siemens 6fc3478-3ef Control Board
Siemens 6fc5203-0ad28-5ad0 Control Panel Front-UN! -
Siemens 6fc5203-0ad28-5ad0 Control Panel Front-UN! -
Siemens 6fx1192-3aa00 MS 122 RAM Module
Siemens c71458-a6097-a12 Card
Siemens c71458-a6098-a12 Card
Siemens 6fx1881-3bx01-3c EPROM Module E Stand a
Siemens 6fx1126-0bd12 HW EPROM Module E Stand a
Siemens 6fx1881-3bx12-3c EPROM Module E Stand a
Siemens 6fx1126-0bd12 HW EPROM Module E Stand a
Siemens 6fx1133-0ba01 rückwandbus E-Stand a
Siemens 6fx1805-1bx02 EPROM
Siemens 6fx1805-1bx01 EPROM
Siemens 6fx1133-0ba01 rückwandbus E-Stand a
Siemens 6sc6100-0na21 Control
Siemens 6sc6500-0uc01 input/output
Siemens 6sc6500-0uc01 input/output
Siemens 6ra4012-4ba00 Power Inverter (without cards!)
Siemens 6sc6100-0na21 FBG scheme
Siemens 6fx1133-0bb01 Central Bus-UN! -
Siemens 6fc3988-7fc20 Control Panel (without cards, without Monitor!)
Fanuc a20b-3300-0241/05a PCB Servo 6 Axis I-B Series-UN! -
Fanuc a02b-0207-c006 FDD UNIT-UN! -
Schunk ose-a22-4, 45 degree Left-Handed, sealing air Viton, come on. - no 763736...
Trans-ROLLER SPINDLE 64905 2 r32-05-33-0283-735 L = 435 MM
Brother Screw L = 700 mm from tc-321
Bosch 048262-102401 CNC Servo e-a24/0.1 Module
Bosch 056368-202401 e-a24/0.1 Card
Bosch 056368-201401 e-a24/0.1 Card
Bosch ZS 500 CPU Module 056517-507401 - UN! -
Lenze mdemabr 090-32 rotary current motor > UN! <
Siemens 1la7106-6aa11 MOTOR-UN! -
Dietz dr112mc/6-4 Q Motor-UN! -
Atlanta 58 43 905 Angle Gearbox
Atlanta 58 43 905 Angle Gearbox
Festo SOPA-cm2-r1-wq6-2p-m12 549902 bo13 Air Gap Sensor Un in Original Box
Festo Electronic E. FZE/E. Ein-O-E
Festo SOPA-cm2-r1-wq6-2p-m12 Air Gap Sensor 549902-UN! -
Heidenhain Lid 350-0010 Scale Id. No. 246 360 12-UN! -
Heidenhain Lid 3... -0010 Scale Id. No. 245 058 2x-UN! -
Heidenhain Lid 3... -0010 Scale Id. No. 245 058 2x-UN! -
Heidenhain Lid 350 Scale Id. No. 235 592 09-UN! -
Heidenhain Lid 3.. -0010 Scale Id. No. 245 058 2x-UN! -
Heidenhain Lid 350-0010 Scale Id. No. 246 360 09-UN! -
Heidenhain Lid 350-0010 Scale Id. No. 246 360 09-UN! -
Heidenhain Lid 350-0010 Scale Id. No. 246 360 10-UN! -
Heidenhain Lid 350-0010 Scale Id. No. 246 360 09-UN! -
Cymax sz-32-110-b451.1 Swivel Angle swa.00110.b4511
Schiedrum 20k-25 2 WAY Flow Control Valve-un! -
Rexroth m-3 SED 6 ck13/350 C g24 n9k73 L Seat Valve r901257167 with Coil r901207
Rexroth m-3 SED 6 ck13/350 C g24 n9k73 L Seat Valve r901257167 with Coil r901207
Hydraulic Cylinder L = 690 mm ? 95 mm, ? Piston Rod: 65 MM
Indramat trs4 Regulator Board 109-0590-2801-04
Lever z250-101-63/32/130-200/b1/s 1-UN! -
Siemens 6sc6100-0na21 Control
Allen Bradley Cat 1606-xl480e-3w Power Supply-UN! -
NUNOME net-3-e Transformer
Daykin Electric mdgta - 13 440 Transformer-UN! -
Samsung m34krm82x10 monitor use 13"
KUKA fe001/1 Relay Board 69-223-650
CD automation CD 3000 2ph 4-20 MA Thyristor unit (Set Gem. Photo) 440v 35a
Automata mac-3000 Panel 12"
Mannesmann DEMAG to 324 06746465 Module for nc4 controller, serial no. according...
MITSUBISHI/MAZAK fx42a bn624a219h03 Card
Telemecanique TSX ts4 21g Language Cartridge
Telemecanique TSX TS 440g Language Cartridge
Siemens 6fx1118-4ab01 Sinumerik control card Verse a UN!!!
Siemens 6fc9320-3hs00 Angle Step Generator Encoder Imp 500 with 10 Pole Connecto...
Rexroth MNR: r901040716 = HSZ 06 a433-3x/PRDB-lbn-k1ug24n9k4m01 hydraulikvent
Siemens VFK 100/b1 Id. No.: 706 87 220
Phoenix Contact cm 110-ps-3x400ac/24dcu/10 Power Supply 29 42 79 7
RSF Elektronik Sz 412-1 counter/display
SNFA sea100 7ce1 UL 16 ° Spindle Bearing DEF stan 80-34 - UN! -
SNFA sea100 7ce1 UL 15 ° Spindle Bearing DEF stan 80-34 - UN! -
SNFA sea100 7ce1 UL 16 ° Spindle Bearing DEF stan 80-34 - UN! -
SNFA sea100 7ce1 UL 16 ° Spindle Bearing DEF stan 80-34 - UN! -
SNFA sea100 7ce1 UL 15 ° Spindle Bearing DEF stan 80-34 - UN! -
SNFA sea100 7ce1 UL 15 ° Spindle Bearing DEF stan 80-34 - UN! -
SNFA sea100 7ce1 UL 15 ° Spindle Bearing DEF stan 80-34 - UN! -
SNFA sea100 7ce1 UL 16deg. Spindle Bearing DEF stan 80-34 - UN! -
SNFA sea100 7ce1 UL 15deg. Spindle Bearing DEF stan 80-34 - UN! -
SNFA sea100 7ce1 UL 15deg. Spindle Bearing DEF stan 80-34 - UN! -
SNFA sea100 7ce1 UL 15deg. Spindle Bearing DEF stan 80-34 - UN! -
SNFA sea100 7ce1 UL 15deg. Spindle Bearing DEF stan 80-34 - UN! -
INA Horizon 4075-l-tv-a na MRL Bearings
Gardens b7013e.t.p4s.ul Spindle Bearing-Un-in sealed original packaging
Marposs 6321610600 Memory Board
Marposs 6320344900 Board
Marposs 6320340600 Board
Marposs 6320344600 Board
Marposs 6320334300 Board
AMI Electronics AMI 100/4 2500 Imp. 5 Volt
AMI Electronics AMI 100/4 2500 Imp. 5 Volt
Meseltron MOVOMATIC Amplifier 50 Hz pc3125d
Hitachi l200-022hfe2 Inverter
Bosch 048016-109401/Bosch 048017-107401 Panel
Fanuc a13b-0080-b001 Tape Reader Unit
Cutler-Hammer lt3400t Thermal Magnetic Trip Unit Series C-UN -
Prometec cpu5 rev.3
Prometec cpu5 rev.3
AGIE 618662.1 Power Supply mjg3407a
Brittle VG 40/32r02nt31d Gas Solenoid Valve-un! -
Power ohm PKB005 breaking modules > un!
Fanuc a16b-1211-0090/10d memory modules
Card GTS 18 94vo MPMA 1 ASM. No. 44a730170-g01 and fab. No. 44a726808
Fanuc a20b-0008-0741 Rack
Schunk PZN-Plus 64-2-is 3-Finger-centric Gripper 303640
Schunk DKG 64 parallel gripper 0340031-UN! -
Schunk GWB 64 Angle Gripper 0307138-UN -
Schunk GWB 64 Angle Gripper 0307138-UN! -
AGIE 613562.8 displacement Control Board
AGIE 620072.9 Wire Control mjg2138b
AGIE 613912.5 mjg1028c Board
AGIE 620482.0 Interface CPA mjg1032c
AGIE 620452.3 Interface PS MJG 1031a
AGIE 613912.5 displacement Control mjg1028c
Carpanelli mm56b4 Gear Motor with S.T.M. RMI 28 FL Angle Gearbox
B&r 2003 7cp430.60-1 MODULE-UN! -
B&r 2003 7cp430.60-1 MODULE-UN! -
Siemens 1le1001-0eb42-2fb4-z Low Voltage Motor 1av2094b
Siemens 1le1001-0eb42-2fb4-z Low Voltage Motor 1av2094b
Siemens 1le1001-0eb42-2fb4-z Low Voltage Motor 1av2094b
Netstal VC B 110.240.5141/VC B 1102405141 Card
Netstal ad a 110.240.5129/ad a 1102405129 Card
Netstal DA B 110.240.5441/DA B 1102405441 Card
Netstal KP a 110.240.5147/KP a 1102405147 Card
Netstal me a 110.240.5150/me a 1102405150 Card
Netstal MUX 110.240.5132a/MUX 1102405132a Card
Netstal Ti C 110.240.5341/Ti c1102405341 Card
IBC 7024.e.t.2rsz.p4.ul.a15f gs75 Spindle Bearings > UN! <
Volpi 16030.319 approach system
Tahayi since 0355 Control Panel
Baumer Infrascan 3032/5-b Light Grille
Siemens 6sc6901-0ea00-z Simodrive Empty Chassis!!!
Marposs measurement control type F 8302230041 no 10 RT 513
WABCO pc-20 Mr. Control Module
Montfors Control System F machines operating panel
Rittal CP 6392009 operating housings
Schaffner fs5113-100-35 Line Filter Module
Kollmorgen Industrial Services psr4/5a-212-9181 Module
Sew Eurodrive mdx61b0014-5a3-4-00 Frequency Inverter
Kobold df-60gr20klk34 Flow Meter Counter = Un!!!
Siemens 6gk5201-3bh00-2ba3 Net SCALANCE x201-3p IRT
Siemens 6gk5201-3bh00-2ba3 Net SCALANCE x201-3p IRT
Siemens 6gk5201-3bh00-2ba3 Net SCALANCE x201-3p IRT
Siemens 6es7334-0ke00-0ab0 Analog Input/Output > UN! <
Allen Bradley 1326-cpb1-015 Cable, L = 15 MTR. > UN! <
Allen Bradley 1326-ccu-015 Cable, L = 15 MTR. > UN! <
Beckhoff bk4500 Interbus COUPLER-UN! -
Krupp a3.01-179 ignition stage from Infranor SMR a 60
Andron pcb0078b Printer Card
Walter HMC 150 Machine Control Panel 482 x 530 MM/Andron HMC 150 "A"
Infranor Bank/2 Card 11179 00 933
Infranor Feif Card 11634 00 330
Erfurt Electronic EFE 03-71.02 Board o-i16d
Erfurt Electronic EFE 21-70.01 CPU Module
Schmidt PSR e105pf Elm Power
RWT 6021 Control Panel
Third f20485 Receiver 829-0-04 sn.: 6159
MITSUBISHI f-12r-es MELSEC Controller
Infranor BF 35/4.0000.d Rack
MITSUBISHI Melsec f2-40ms-es Programmable Controller-UN! -
MITSUBISHI Melsec koj1e-e56dr Sequence Controller-UN! -
HP gs917at LCD Monitor 17 inch UN! -
HP gs917at LCD Monitor 17 inch UN! -
Third F 20485 Receiver 829-0-04, Ser. no 5316
B&r 7cp430.60-1 Central Unit cp430 Rev. g0
B&r 7cp430.60-1 Central Unit cp430 Rev. g0
Intel PWA 142722-009 H MH Circuit Board
BALLUFF Manual Pulse Generator
REXROTH HSZ 06 a519-4x/a06g24k4m00 Intermediate Plate MNR: r901123481 > ungebrau...
Alpha inengine SPF 90-m1-4 Planetary Gear-UN! -
Tool reception ? 40 mm L = 810 mm from reckermann Primo Milling Machine
Hacalex CHK 13.62.34 cooler operating pressure = 2,5 Bar
NSK Japan aussenmikrometer Ironing measuring bolt 125-150 MM/0.01 MM
IBL 025-10-64-456-086 Ball threaded spindle from EMCO machine
Pink monoguide mg35 SL p2 rollenw?lzführung > UN! <
Lacroix p25vr Transducer
RMP p25vr Transducer
Rexroth 0 822 931 207 Swing Cylinder-UN! -
Ganter/misati GN 864-32 BL/bl-32 Motor Compressor-UN! -
Heidenhain ROD 426b.018 1024 Encoder ID. No. 242 079 01
Heidenhain ROD 426b.018 1024 Encoder ID. No. 242 079 03
SKF BSD 3062 CGB Axial Angular Contact Ball Bearing > UN! <
Siemens 6fx1133-0ba01 rückwandbus E-Stand a
Euchner hbl-070544 Handwheel
Hirschmann rs2-tx Rail Switch-Un! -
LEXAIR Tube-O-Matic tub2-750-a-br-bn-tf Gate Valve 24v DC-UN! -
Klingelnberg 20g Pentac .4/.5 Tensioning Tool-UN! -
Bird 122 024 510 Lube Pump-central lubrication system
IBL 40-12-735 040 -12-63-0735-018 Trans Screw L = 1060 MM
Icpe arm-90.a Resolver-UN! -
Siemens 6es7222-1bf00-0xa0 Digital Output-UN! -
Rexroth Indramat DAE 02.1 Analog Interface-un! -
Rexroth Indramat DAE 02.1 Analog Interface-un! -
Festo dgc-k-40-460-ppv-a-gk Linear Actuator 1312503 > UN! <
Siemens 6fx1123-7aa00 Circuit Board
Siemens 6sc6100-0na21 Simodrive scheme
Siemens 6fx1805-1bx02 EPROM
Siemens 6fx1805-1bx01 EPROM
Festo SOPA-cm2-r1-wq6-2p-m12 Air Gap Sensor 549902 > UN! <
Berger-LAHR RSM 856/3 a FK servomotor > UN! <
Siemens RS 232 C change over switch/RS 232 C
Siemens 6fc3478-3ef Control Board
Siemens 6sc6101-5b-z Rack
Siemens 6fx1126-6aa00 Keyboard
Siemens c98043-a7010-l1 Card
Siemens 6av6574-1ae04-4aa0 Connection Box
Siemens 6sc6500-0uc01 input/output
Siemens 6fx1124-0bb01 Card
Siemens 6fc3984-1fc Reader t40 with zugspule
Siemens 6fc3984-1fc20 Reader t40 with zugspule
Siemens 6fc3984-1fc20 Reader t40 with zugspule