1. 对于非公共端子板,给每点供电,包括不用的点。
2. 大输入触发率可以使I/O诊断正常地运行,探测出所有正常地可测出的故障。小触发率给出一故障覆盖率,可以覆盖在模件的计算出的平均故障间隔时间,(MTBF)的百分之十以内的正常不可探测到的故障。
3. 如5.1.2所述,可通过禁止“OVD”来禁止诊断的跃变。
色标 蓝色
输出信号数 16,非共用的
小负载要求 20KΩ(作为端子板标准负载安装)
电压范围 95~115VDC
逻辑功率 <10瓦
大额定电流 0.8A安/点;4安浪涌/10mS
负载漏电流参60HZ时 2mA,max
保险(现场端子板上) 1个/每点输出(3安,速熔型)
ON或OFF态 1个/每点
点隔离 小1500VDC
大输出触发率 每100ms加上一次扫描
小输出触发率 每3个月
故障诊断周期 大2mS,一般为500uS
底板上 250mA时,<0.5VDC,典型的
带外部端子板,10英尺电缆 250mA时,<2VDC,典型的
带外部端子板,99英尺电缆 250mA时,<3VDC,典型的
反向感应电势保护(反电势) I/O模件上有反向二极
手机 :18150695049(微信同步)
QQ :2880842794
邮箱 :2880842794@qq.com
传真 :0596-3119658(请备注林工收)
1:Invensys Foxboro(福克斯波罗):I/A Series系统,FBM(现场输入/输出模块)顺序控制、梯形逻辑控制、事故追忆处理、数模转换、输入/输出信号处理、数据通信及处理等。
2:Invensys Triconex: 冗余容错控制系统、基于三重模件冗余(TMR)结构的现代化的容错控制器。
3:Westinghouse(西屋): OVATION系统、WDPF系统、WEStation系统备件。
4:Rockwell Allen-Bradley: Reliance瑞恩、SLC500/1747/1746、MicroLogix/1761/1763/1762/1766/1764、CompactLogix/1769/1768、Logix5000/1756/1789/1794/1760/1788、PLC-5/1771/1785等。
5:Schneider Modicon(施耐德莫迪康):Quantum 140系列处理器、控制卡、电源模块等。
6:ABB:工业机器人备件DSQC系列、Bailey INFI 90等。
7:Siemens(西门子):Siemens MOORE, Siemens Simatic C1,Siemens数控系统等。
8:Motorola(摩托罗拉):MVME 162、MVME 167、MVME1772、MVME177等系列。
9:XYCOM:I/O 、VME板和处理器等。
10:GE FANUC(GE发那科):模块、卡件、驱动器等各类备件。
12:Bosch Rexroth(博世力士乐):Indramat,I/O模块,PLC控制器,驱动模块等。
Mitsubishi Magnetic AC Contactor, S-K20, 100V Coil, , Warranty
Peter Paul Electronics Solenoid Valve 72Z00140GM, 24V, , WARRANTY
Festo Solenoid Block, # MUHX2-ZP-D-1-24G, , WARRANTY
Sun Hydraulics Aluminum Valve Body BBP 0H77-A2, W/ Gage, , WARRANTY
Festo VIGK-04-D-1-SA W/ ZSP 328792 Series Manifold Subbase, , WARRANTY
Leclanche Capacitor, EF 350 E 100, Off Charmilles C 200 EDM, , Warranty
Festo Standard Pneumatic Cylinder, DSNU-20-320-PPV V-A, , WARRANTY
Command CAT 50 Taper TG100 Collet Chuck, # C6C4-1000, , No Collet Cap
Honeywell Micro Switch Proximity Sensor, # 205FS1, , WARRANTY
Numatics Pneumatic L21L-03CZ Filter, 1/2" NPT, , WARRNTY
2 - NEW Fukui 6-1/2" L Packing Seal, # B-D035, 838052017, WARRANTY
CKD Regulator & Gauge Unit, R3000-8-L, 0 - 4 MPa,, , Warranty
Fuji APR-MINI Power Relay, Type RPH F106A, 100V, 6A, 50/60HZ, , WARRANTY
NEW IN BOX SMC Pneumatic Pressure Switch, Mod# IS3010-02L5, NIB, Warranty
SMC Solenoid Valve, VF1120-1D-01-F-Q, , Warranty
Norgren Oil-Fog Lubricator Unit, L73C 3AP QDN, 3/8" NPT, , WARRANTY
Acco Helicoid PSI Test Gauge, 0-100 Index, # 2276-0, , WARRANTY
Numatics Valve Body, Model R21R-02L, R21R02L, , WARRANTY
P N Mitsubishi Snubber Module, # NC1124H11 , WARRANTY
NEW Allen Bradley 141A-BCR Busbar Shroud, 800 x 240 mm, Warranty
Western Reserve Controls Discrete I/O Module 1781-A16T, . Warranty
Gomi Electric Spindle RPM Gage Type# SR-80, 0-4000, , WARRANTY
Micron N120W Ceramic Resistor, 64 OHMS J, 6-3/4" Length, , WARRANTY
Micron N120W Ceramic Resistor, 150 OHMS J, 6-3/4" Length, , WARRANTY
Micron N120W Ceramic Resistor, 300 OHMS J, 6-3/4" Length, , WARRANTY
MAYR Flexible Shaft Coupling, Type# ROBA-DX 2/931.341SO, , WARRANTY
Collis Cat 50 TG100 Collet Tool Holder, 50VF 100SA 3.50 PRO, , WARRANTY
Sperry Vickers Flow Control Valve, DGMFN-3 Y A2W 20, , WARRANTY
Numatics Valve Regulator, 122RQ100J016W, , WARRANTY
Weidmuller 915949-67, 25 Position Interface Module Terminal Block,
Schiele MFN Time Delay Relay, 24-240 VAC, , Warranty
CKD / Wilkerson Pneumatic Air Filter, 1219-2C-S4, 3/8" NPT,
CKD / Wilkerson Pneumatic Lube Filter, A3019-1C, 1/4" NPT,
Emco CNC Lathe PC Board, R3M123000, X517, , Warranty
Namco Proximity Switch, EE510-91040, , WARRANTY
Konan Safety Valve, # S401AF02V9BF5, , WARRANTY
Bellofram Corp. Pneumatic Regulator, Type# 10-B-HR, , Warranty
NEW Sony Magnescale Detector Connector Cable, # MSD-705-1, WARRANTY
Numatics Valve Regulator, 122RQ100J016W, (3) , WARRANTY
Allen Bradley Overload Relay, # 193-A2A1, .10-.32 A, Series A, , Warranty
GE Fanuc IC600BF804K 115V Input PC Card, 44A297035-G05, 44A717646-001,
NEW Copeland Gasket Set, 998-0669-19, WARRANTY
New Performance Tech. Strobe Lamp, 62494A, Amber, Warranty
Ram Meter AC Motor Load Analog Panel Meter, 0-50, Model 250, , WARRANTY
Schubert & Salzer Angled Control Valve, A620294US / 02 / 2010, , WARRANTY
Fanuc Servo Amplifier Plastic Cover, A230-0476-X002,
Numatics Valve Regulator, 122RQ100J016W, (4) , WARRANTY
KEYENCE Fiber Optic Sensor FU-A10 / FUA10, 21" Long, , WARRANTY
Di-Soric DCC 08 V 2.5 PSK-TSL/32 Inductive Prox Switch w/ Cable, , WARRANTY
Numatics Pneumatic Valve and Gauge, 92148U, , WARRANTY
Generic EN-2420P 16 Bit ISA Coax Network Card, , Warranty
Humphrey 1/16" Single Sol, 2-3 Way Unit, T062E1 3 10 36, , Warranty
Festo PRMY-5-1/8-4 Valve Manifold, , Warranty
Numatics Valve, 554JA415O, PA55 Valve, , WARRANTY
Omron Relay off of Hitachi MACC-MATIC CNC Machining Center, Type# MM4P,
New NTN Single Row Ball Bearing, 6205UC3, Warranty
AGUT Overload Relay, RILO-5,25, RIL0-5,25, , Warranty
VM Connect Jumper Board, # 278 086 01, VM-TB2, , WARRANTY
WTC DEP-100S Hand-Held Terminal Programming Manual, M-035019
Giddings & Lewis AC Output Board Cover 502-03211-00, , WARRANTY
Seiki 00-03-02 PC Board, Off of Hitachi Seiki HMC HC400, , WARRANTY
Vickers Hydraulic Valve, 4C2M-3-30-JA, , WARRANTY
Fanuc PC Daughter Board, A20B-2900-0143 / 04A, , Warranty
NEW Martin Double Pitch All Steel Sprocket Gear, # 2042B24, 1.00" Bore
Cincinnati Milacron PC Board, 1269078, PCB-FSC-457-95, Issue 3, , WARRANTY
Rexroth Bosch Pneumatic Base Manifold Unit, 1 825 503 898, , Warranty
Nachi Modular Valve, OCY-G01-W-Y-20, , WARRANTY
Numatics Valve Regulator, 122RQ100J016W, (5) , WARRANTY
Okuma / Fudow MC-4VA CAT 40 Tool Pod off ATC Tool Changer, , WARRANTY
Siemens Control Switch, 3LD22 30-0TK11, , Warranty
Flyback Electric Coil, # FC0-2030BE, , WARRANTY
Moeller Manual Motor Starter, PKZMO-10-SC, PKZM0-10-SC, , Warranty
Moeller Manual Motor Starter, PKZMO-1-SC, PKZM0-1-SC, , Warranty
Moeller Manual Motor Starter, PKZMO-0,25-SC, PKZM0-0,25-SC, , Warranty
Flyback Electric Coil, # KF48120A, 19.70006.001, , WARRANTY
Fuji Electric Contactor, 4NC0G0, SC-05, 20A, 100-110 Coil, , Warranty
IEE-Argus Power Supply W/ Control Boards, 03096-16, 24355, , Warranty
Idec Control Box Emergency Stop Control Panel, Type AGA, , Warranty
Festo Aluminum Manifold Body, 2-VDMA 24 345- DA/DB-2 & 2 - NAVW-3/8-2-NPT,
NEW OLD STOCK SKF Ball Bearing W/ Casing, VAT 205-100, NNB, Warranty
Fanuc Backplane 4 Slot Rack, A05B-2300-C002, , Warranty
NEW Martin Sprocket Gear, # 20BS20, 1-1/8" Bore, WARRANTY
Festo Pneumatic Lubricator Unit, 1/4" NPT, LOE-1/4-S-B, , Warranty
Festo Solenoid Valve, CPE10-M1BH-5/3G-M7-B, 24VDC, , WARRANTY
Tobishi Cooling Fan, Type # N3901, 100 VAC, , WARRANTY
Oriental Motor Reversible Motor, # 5RK40GK-A2, 100V, , WARRANTY
Oriental Motor Reversible Motor, # 5RK40GK-AA, 115V, , WARRANTY
Allen Bradley Encoder Unit, Mod# UNKNOWN, Item has been Repaired, , WARRANTY
EGR Valve Exhaust Gas Recirculation, 04593894AA, , WARRANTY
Numatics Solenoid Valve, 081SS500K, 110-120 V, 150 PSIG, , Warranty
Kennametal 1" Carbide Insert Tool Holder, # DDQNL-1646C, , WARRANTY
Conta Clip Relay Board, XBSM12, , WARRANTY
Koala 25 Supply Fan, WEJ55B2, 9 / 7.5W, 100V, , WARRANTY
Mac Valve, 451A-BOA-DM-DDAJ-1KE, 451ABOADMDDAJ1KE Solenoid Valve, 24V,
NEW Lyndex 16.0 mm FDC High Precision Collet, FDC16-629, Warranty____MAKE OFFER_
Digital Equipment Transceiver, Model # H3105-A, , Warranty
6 - Chicago-Latrobe 9/32" (0.812) 2 Flute, 6-1/4 OAL, Extra Length, MADE IN USA
New Pepperl+Fuchs Sensor, NBN2-F58S4-E8-V1, NEW OLD STOCK
Murr Elektronik Cube67 DO16 E Valve CPV, Art# 5665100, , Warranty
Howard DC Electrical Fan, # 3-15-8506, 24 VDC, , WARRANTY
NEW 100 PSI 1/4 / 3/8" Pressure Test Gauge, # G20-100, New in Box
Fuji Electric AC Contactor, SRC3631-5-1, 100/110V Coil, , Warranty
Nachi Modular Valve, OW-G01-W1-CR-D2-3104B, , WARRANTY
Kearney & Trecker Operator / Maintenance Manual, Pub 935B / Multipoint Tool Sens
New NTN Angular Contact Roller Bearing, # 3202S, Warranty
Allen Bradley Motor Starter # 505-AOD, 505-A0D, W 40-49 Heater, , Warranty
Bayer Industries 116-538, Board Assy 116-541, Rev# 3-13-84, , WARRANTY
Toyoda / Toyopuc THR-2813 Six Slot Base Module, , WARRANTY
NEW Mini Control Relay Board w/ Cordset, # 493145, 111896, Revision B, WARRANTY
Giddings & Lewis Aux. Station Board, 502-03951-02, 502 03951 02, 5020395102
Hitachi Ltd. Thermal Overload Relay, TR40-1E-TH1, 14 Amp Range,
Daikin Flow Control Valve, S Series, SF-G02-060-15, , Warranty
NEW KHK Ground Spur Gear, SSG2-28, WARRANTY
Valenite 1" Carbide Insert Threading Tool Holder, # PTMR 16-32 , WARRANTY
Kearney & Trecker Control Operating Manual, Pub 883C, KT-GEMINI D
Fuji Electric Aux. Relay Contactor, SRCa50-3F/X, 8a 110V Coil, , WARRANTY
Toko Incorporated Secondary PC Board, # SW099914T63, , WARRANTY
NEW OLD STOCK SMC Double Acting Pneumatic Cylinder, CG1WFN32-150, NNB, WARRANTY
SMC Pneumatic Cylinder, CQ1B50-10S, Off Sodick EDM Machine, , WARRANTY
SMC Filter Lubricator w/Gauge, AW2000-02BDG, 0.05-0.85 MPa, , WARRANTY
HI-JET50 Gas Pressure Regulator, Stainless Steel,
Oriental Motor Brake Pack, w/Base, SB32S-IN, , Warranty
Fanuc I/O Module, A03B-0807-C105, AID32E1, MISSING COVER, , Warranty
Yamatake Proximity Switch, # FL7M-3J6HD-CN03, , WARRANTY
Taiyo Filter / Regulator Unit, EVF-10, , WARRANTY
Sunx Area Sensor Projector, SA40- T SA40T, 12-24VDC, 8" Length, , Warranty
SMC Shoketsu Solenoid Valve, VTW 2105, Press. 0~10, AC 100V, 1/4, , Warranty
Fuji Electric Magnetic Contactor, # SRCa3631-05 (4a1b), 200-220V Coil,
Allen Bradley AC Output Module, 1771-OA, Rev. N01, 120V, P/N 96026873 C01,
Universal Eng. NST 50 1-1/4" End Mill Holder, 464461, , WARRANTY
Numatics Solenoid Valve, 152SA415K000030, 150 PSIG, 120V, , Warranty
Hitachi Ltd. Thermal Overload Relay, TR40-1E-TH2, 24-33 Amp Range,
Fuji Electric Magnetic Contactor, C-5N, 30A, 110V Coil, , WARRANTY
Allen Bradley AC Contactor, 500FL-BO*93, Series B, 30A, , WARRANTY
Valenite Cat 50 3/4" End Mill Holder, # V50CT-E75, , WARRANTY
Festo Solenoid Valve, CPE10-M1H-5/3G-M, 24VDC, 1.3-8 bar, , WARRANTY
NTE Electronics Time Delay Relay, R34-11A12-120K, , Warranty
Action M100 Lathe Boring Bar, # IE-1006L, WARRANTY
Universal Eng. NST 40 Taper Acura-Grip Collet Holder, # 911108, , WARRANTY
SMC Solenoid Valve, VFS2220, 2 - Solenoids, 120V, , WARRANTY
GE Fanuc Ribbon Cable, 44C742961-001R01, , Warranty
GE Fanuc Ribbon Cable, 44C742960-001R01, , Warranty
Tsubaki Sprocket Gear, # 50B26F-1, 1", WARRANTY
New SKF Bearing, # 6006 2ZJEM UE01, Warranty
Cutler Hammer Contactor, CE15ANS3, Series B1, 110/120 VAC Coil , Warranty
Sprecher + Schuh Overload Relay, CT7-24-4, , WARRANTY
PLC Direct 4 Slot Backplane, D4-04B, U04B, , WARRANTY
NTO Module / Transistor, Type# BP34-3M12, , WARRANTY
Nana Electronics Current Transformer, # NNC-20CAW, , WARRANTY
Wieland Bamberg Seant Module, WEB 1002, REL08-24DC5, , WARRANTY
NEW Tokin Electronic Noise Filter, # LF-310, NNB, WARRRANTY
National TH 2346 Hour Meter, 100VAC, 60HZ, 1.5W, , WARRANTY
Texas Instruments Disturbuted Base Controller, # 500-2109, , Warranty
Kennametal HSK63A Shank Tool, Shrink Fit Holder, HSK63ATT08080M, 0.314"
Fanuc PC Circuit Board, # A16B-1211-0170 / 11E, , WARRANTY
Cincinnati Ribbon Cable Connector, P/N 3-422-3013A, 35" Long, , WARRANTY
Fanuc PCB Circuit Board, A20B-0004-0270 / 05B, * * * * WARRANTY * *
Fanuc PC Circuit Board, # A16B-1211-0170 / 17G, , WARRANTY
Valenite 1" Carbide Insert Tool Holder, # ALT-TP-WS-16, , WARRANTY
GE Fanuc Compact I/O Carrier Box Style # IC200CHS022J, , Warranty
Allen Bradley Chassis Power Cable 1775-CAP 1775CAP
Numatics Solenoid Valve, 081SS400K, 110-120 V, 150 PSIG, , Warranty
Sanyo PC Board Card, # A 7-1- 2011 -1 B, , WARRANTY
Nachi Modular Valve, OC-G01-TB-8874A, , WARRANTY
New NSK Precision Gear Unit, # 2881-640800, NIB, Warranty
New Pauli Systems Plastic Outer Lens, 478-012-12, Warranty
SMC Solenoid Valve, Type# VPW2135, 110 VAC, , WARRANTY
Sanyo San Ace Electric Fan, 109S006, 7/7 W, 100V, , WARRANTY
SMC RB1412 Non-Adj. Hydraulic Shock Absorber w/ Mounting Bracket, , WARRANTY
Kennametal Nucemet Carbide Insert Tool Holder, # CTANR-854, , WARRANTY
Carboloy 1" x 1-1/2" Shank Lathe Turning Tool Holder, TFR 85, , Warranty
APT Carbide Insert Tool Holder, # PTBL-86, WARRANTY
NEW Martin Taper Bushed Sprocket, # 35BTB26, OLD STOCK, WARRANTY
Gino Bonn/Eisenach Resistor 175 U 0845, 175U0845, , WARRANTY
Bendix Besly Cutting Tools Thread Die Set, 3/8 - 24, WARRANTY
Bendix Besly Cutting Tools Thread Die Set, 1/2 - 12, , WARRANTY
RTP PC Board, 021-0004-000F, 140-0071-000D,
Dayton IEC Overload Relay, 2UXR2, 25, 5.5-8A, , Warranty
Electro-Craft EXT Com Module Chocke, 9101-1160, , WARRANTY
Klockner Moeller Emergency Push Button w/ Enclosure, , Warranty
Phoenix Contact Interface Module, FLK-D37 SUB/S, 2283634, , Warranty
NEW Pauli Systems 1/2" Aluminum Coupling, # 600-035, 174-030-27, Warranty
3 - New Nachi - TDT, M8X1.25 P GT6 H6, Viper-T HSSEV, Taps, WARRANTY
Allen Bradley 1772-LP3 Chasis / Rack, Series A, , WARRANTY
Siemens Manual Combo Motor Controller, # 3RV1431-4DA10, 600 V, , Warranty
Allen Bradley Main Processor Module, # 1775-L3, , WARRANTY
Conta Clip Relay Board, X4R1WG, , WARRANTY
Continental Hydraulics Reducing Valve "A" Port # P5S-PDA-300-G-S-B, ,
Festo Valve w/ 2 - MSV-3 119 807 24 VDC Solenoids, , Warranty
Micron N120W Ceramic Resistor, 72 OHMS J, 6-3/4" Length, , WARRANTY
Rexroth Double Throttle Check Valve, # Z2FS-6-2-43/2QV, , Warranty
Rexroth Hydraulic Check Valve, Z1S 6 P1-33V S090, , Warranty
Elco Power Supply, # J100-24, 24V, 4.5A, , WARRANTY
Elco Power Supply, # J100-24, 24V, 4.5A, , WARRANTY
Fanuc I/O Link Module, IC693BEM320E, , WARRANTY
Nuline Cooling Fan, Item # 04424826, , WARRANTY
NEW IN BOX Browning Split Taper Bushing, # SF 1 1/8 Guard WARRANTY
SMC Filter Regulator Modular, Type# AW30K-02BD, , WARRANTY
Festo Pressure Sensor 534157, SDE1-D10-G2-R14-L-P1-M12, 15-30VDC, , Warranty
Hitachi AC Magnetic Contactor, H20, 200-220 V Coil, , Warranty
Leclanche Capacitor, EF 160 N 1500, 160V, Off Charmilles 40 EDM, , Warranty
New NTN Ball Bearing, # NKIA5905A, Warranty
Fanuc Spindle Orientation PCB Board, A20B-0008-0030 / 04C, "AS IS / NO RETURN"
Siemens Motor Starter 3VE1000-8K, 5 - 8 A, , WARRANTY
AOT / Airotronics Time Delay Relay, TDQ1015A1, 120V, 0.2 - 15 Sec. w/ Base
Landis Binary Rate Multiplier Board, # A-81031, , Warranty
NEW INA Ball Bearing, # NKIA5905A, WARRANTY
Mindman Niscon Pneumatic Valve, 260-4EI / 260-4E1, 110V, , Warranty
Sharnoa / ATI Video Card, P/N# 109-74400-10, , Warranty
New INA Thrust Bearing, # 51109J, Warranty
Valenite BT40-E100-400 1" End Mill Holder, , WARRANTY
INA 1" Flange Mounting Bearing Assembly, Type# RCJTY1, , WARRANTY
Allen Bradley Drive Control Board, # 42305-118, , WARRANTY
Allen Bradley Drive Control Board, # 42305-118-51, , WARRANTY
Wieland Bamberg 99.819.5257.0 Conversion Module, , WARRANTY
Wieland Bamberg 99.827.5257.0, Conversion Module, , Warranty
Electric Coil, # C87LS-RC, , WARRANTY
Electric Coil, # CP334P01701, , WARRANTY
MSC BK Mikro 4 Relay Module, ID# 6304206, Rev 1.07, 24 VDC , WARRANTY
Electric Coil, # MSU1RGF04, , WARRANTY
Kennametal # SS125RDM806 Extension Collet Chuck, , WARRANTY
Norgren L12-400-OPDA, Pneumatic Valve, Warranty
Rexroth Hydronorma 4WE6D52/ND Valve, , WARRANTY
NEW Bimba MRS041-DVDE 1" Stroke, Double Acting, Double End, NNB, WARRANTY
Electric Coil, # 19-70006-001, , WARRANTY
Parker Compact Lockout Valve - 3/8" Port, P32VA93LSAN, , *** WARRANTY ***
Parker Compact Regulator, 125Psig 3/8" Port, P32RA93BNGP, , WARRANTY
Fanuc A230-0476-X001 Plastic Cover, w/ A230-0476-X003 Battery Back-up Door,
NEW AMI Asahi Bearing, 4 Bolt Mounting, F205, Bearing # UC205, OLD STOCK
CKD Regulator RA800-8-P, W/ Pressure Gage, , Warranty
Mazak Mazatrol Spark Killer Unit, # 3CR-50500, , WARRANTY
Telemecanique Contactor, CA4 DN 22, 24 V Coil, , WARRANTY
New Fanuc Connector Set, A05B-1222-HAAA- , Warranty
General Inspection Inc. PC Board, 062492 UEA / # 108P001A, , WARRANTY
Matsushita Machine Buzzer, EA 4011H, 100V, , Warranty
Bridgeport Boss 8 Control Board, # 1936969, , WARRANTY
Omron AC Contactor Relay, MA415A, 220V Coil, , WARRANTY
Inspectec PC Circuit Board, UEA# 108P002, , WARRANTY
General Electric Overload Relay, CR7G1XJ, 2.5 - 4.0 A, , WARRANTY
Bosch 0 820 019 014 Solenoid Valve w/ 1 824 210 060 24V Coil, , WARRANTY
Turbo Flo Filter Unit w/ Gauge F211-4, , WARRANTY
Conair 4-unit (Relay) Sensor Circuit Board, 108-518-4, Warranty
Hyvair Pneumatic 40 Micron Filter Unit w/ Gauge, F-406, , WARRANTY
Scully Jones CAT 50 Taper Adjustable Shank Holder, 1.375", # 65317, WARRANTY
Nachi Modular Valve, OCY-G01-W-Y-11, , WARRANTY
Norgren Filter Regulator Mod# R73G-4AT-RMG, 150 psig, , Warranty
Valenite CAT 50 1-1/2" Shell End Mill Holder, V50CT-S150-24, NO BOLT,
NEW LISTING Sprecher + Schuh Motor Starter, CA3-16-10, 24 VDC Coil, , WARRANTY
International Corp. 16T20 Rectifier, , Warranty
GE General Electric Overload Relay, # CR7G1XM, , WARRANTY
Robertshaw Z-83466-120 MT 140* F, Type B-10 Temperature Control Switch,
Festo Air Valve, #MTH-5/2-7, 0-L-S-VI, , WARRANTY
Allen Bradley Size 1 Contactor , 500L-AOD92, Ser B, , WARRANTY
Fanuc Fan Assembly, # A05B-2051-C905, , Warranty
Moeller Manual Motor Starter, PKZMO-6,3-SC, PKZM0-6,3-SC, , WARRANTY
Siemens Compact Output Module, 6FC5111-0CA02-0AA0, , WARRANTY
Bosch 0 820 022 026 Solenoid Valve w/ 1 824 210 243 24/48V Coils, , WARRANTY
NEW DME Shoulder Bushing, 2" x 3-7/8" Long, # 5906, WARRANTY
Yaskawa Motoman Brake Control Board, JARCR-XFL02B, Rev. B, , WARRANTY
Fanuc PCB Circuit Board, A20B-0004-0270 / 08D, * * * * WARRANTY * *
Numatics 123BB400MP Double Solenoid Pneumatic Valve, , WARRANTY
Allen Bradley Contactor, 100-A38NZ*3, Series B, , Warranty
Fanuc PC Daughter Board, A20B-2900-0630 / 05D, , Warranty
DTC Data Tech 16bit Enhanced IDE Controller Board, DTC2183E, , WARRANTY
Allen Bradley 1798-ADN, Ser A, Rev A01, 96337872, , Warranty
Watts Pneumatic Filter, # F602-03BJ M5, , WARRANTY
Siemens Motor Starter Protector, 3VE3 000-2MA00, , WARRANTY
New Yaskawa RH-35/11.5 HV Thermal Overload Relay, 8A, WARRANTY
Ashcroft Test Gauge, 0-300 Index, # AMC4297, , WARRANTY
Siemens Contactor 3TF3200-0A / 3TF32, 132 V Coil, , Warranty
Fanuc Memory Module, # A16B-1211-0860 / 02A, , WARRANTY
ABB / ASEA I/O Board, DSQC 103, YB161102-AD/1, , WARRANTY
Fanuc Memory Module, # A16B-1211-0860 / 05A, , WARRANTY
Valenite BT40-E125-425 1-1/4" End Mill Holder, , WARRANTY
Square D Starter, Class 8536, SC0-3, SCO 3, Ser. A, 120V Coil,
Square D Thermal Overload Relay, 9065SE08, Class 9065, Type SE0-8, Ser A,
Festo Solenoid Valve MFH-3-1/8, w/ Festo MSFG-24/42-50/60 Solenoid,
Okuma PC Circuit Board, Panex Card4, E4809-770-010-B, , WARRANTY
ABB / Vellinge Circuit Board DSQC 223, P/N 56 01-03, Rev 008, , WARRANTY
ABB Circuit Board DSQC 223, EEAB P/N 56 01-03, Rev 005, , WARRANTY
Daikin Kogyo Pilot Operated Check Valve, Mod# MP-02A-20, , Warranty
Allen Bradley Overload Relay 193-B1D1, Ser. A, 1.0 - 2.9 A. , WARRANTY
Siemens Control Overload Relay, 3UA49 00-OAE, 3UA4900OAE, , WARRANTY
Fanuc PC Board, A16B-1600-0440 / 07A, , WARRANTY
SMC Solenoid Valve, VVS8080-ARB-YAB-1, VVS8080ARBYAB1, , WARRANTY
Fuji Electric Magnetic Contactor, SRCa3631-05Z42A, 100/110 V, , Warranty
Pilz Safety Relay, PZE-9P, PZE 9P, , Warranty
Daikin Kogyo Check Valve, MC-02P-05-10, , WARRANTY
GE / Fanuc Input Module, A03B-0801-C133, ID64A, , WARRANTY
Pepperl+Fuchs Safe Snap Barrier, 71863, Z-Series, Z954, , Warranty
Jokab Safety Relay Type # JSBT3, , Warranty
Beckhoff Potential Distribution Terminal, KL9187, , WARRANTY
Daikin Kogyo Check Valve, MC-02T-05-10, , WARRANTY
NEW Allen Bradley Cable Assembly, 879D-R4ACDM-0M3, WARRANTY
Allen Bradley Safety Relay Contactor # 700-ZBR100AZ1, , Warranty
Milltronics Partner I CNC PC Board, PC-REL-02, BD-61, P.T.I.3-0, , Warranty
Toyo-Oki Hytegra Valve, HF3H-W-40K-025A, , WARRANTY
Allen Bradley Contactor, 100-C23D*01, Series C, 24 VDC Coil, , Warranty
Fanuc PC Board, A16B-1600-0440 / 06A, , WARRANTY
SMC Filter Regulator Module, Mod# AW30-N02-Z, , Warranty
Western Digital WD200 Hard Drive Controller Board, WD200EB-00BHF0,
Hitachi AC Magnetic Contactor, K12N-EPW, Coil 100-110V, , Warranty
SMC Modular Regulator, AR MASS PRO, AR20-02BE, , WARRANTY
Fanuc PC Daughter Board, A20B-2900-0350 / 03A, , Warranty
Klockner Moeller Small Contactor, VG B DIL 48, VGBDIL48, , Warranty
Shinano / Fanuc Tape Reader Motor, A90L-0001-0063, 100V, , WARRANTY
Universal Eng. Cat 45 1/2" End Mill Holder, 463611, , WARRANTY
NEW Reliance Electric Test Meter Adapter Kit, 14C225, WARRANTY
Pepperl+Fuchs Proximity Sensor, NBB5-18GM50-E2-C3-V1, NEW IN BAG
Allen Bradley Board Resident, # 74102-456-51 1394 AM07, WARRANTY
Allen Bradley Automation Cable, # 1771-CAP3, 916707-01, , WARRANTY
New Advance Controls Auxiliary Contact, 130498, CA2-211, WARRANTY
Daikin Kogyo Check Valve, MC-02A-05-50-C16, , WARRANTY
Daikin Kogyo Check Valve, MC-02A-05-50-C12, , WARRANTY
NEW Timken Lead Screw Bearing, # 7204WSU, WARRANTY
Daikin Kogyo Check Valve, MC-01P-10-10, , WARRANTY
Universal Eng. Cat 45 3/4" End Mill Holder, 463613, , WARRANTY
Daikin Pilot Operated Check Valve, Mod# -MP-02W-20-50, , Warranty
Fuji Electric AC Contactor, SRC50-2U (3A3B)100-110V Coil, , Warranty
Norgren Regulator Unit W/ Guage, R74G-4AK-RMN, , WARRANTY
Idec IZBARL Relay Barrier, IBRC 6062R, , Warranty
Fanuc Memory Module, A20B-2902-0020 / 01A, , Warranty
Norgren Regulator Unit, 11-002-013, , WARRANTY
GE Fanuc IC693CHS398H, 5 Slot Expanison, , WARRANTY
Allen Bradley Overload Relay, # 193-A4E1, 1.6 - 5.0A, Series A, , Warranty
Hitachi K15N-EPW, Magnetic Contactor Coil 100V-110V, , Warranty
Gomi Electric Amp Gauge / Meter, Type# SM-80, , WARRANTY
Turck Proximity Sensor, Ni10-G18-AP6X-B1341, , WARRANTY
Fanuc PC Control Board, # A20B-0007-0070 / 05B, , WARRANTY
Toyoda / Toyopuc Eight Slot Base Module, # THR-2766, , WARRANTY
MAC Pneumatic Solenoid Valve, 82A-OA-CKA, 82A-0A-CKA, , WARRANTY
T & B Kit Enclosure, # SH648, 57696, Crib: HEX, , WARRANTY
SCI / Van Dorn Circuit Board, # 080-2310-4, 180-2310-4, WARRANTY
Allen Bradley Contactor , 500L-AOD93, Ser B, 12/20 Amp, , Warranty
Siemens 4 Pole Relay 3TH2022-0AK1, 2NO+2NC, , Warranty
NEW Parker Pipe Coupling 1 1/4GG-S, NEW NO BOX, WARRANTY
MAC Pneumatic Solenoid Valve, MM-P2A-231B, , WARRANTY
General Electric Overload Relay, # CR4G1WL, 6 - 9.5 A, , Warranty
Parker Hydraulic Valve Unit, P/N CM2PPN 55, 5000 PSI Max, , WARRANTY
Fanuc Discharge Unit, A06B-6047-H050, , WARRANTY
CKD AB41-02-6 Air Water Pneumatic Valve, , Warranty
Nemic-Lambda Noise Filter, MAS-1206-33, , Warranty
Schneider Automation Local Deriv. FIP Junction, TSXLES65, PV: 03 RL: 04 WARRANTY
Siemens Control Overload Relay, 3UA50 00-0G, 0.4 - 0.63A, , WARRANTY
Allen Bradley 500F-B0*930 AC Contactor, 500F-BO*930, Ser. B, , WARRANTY
Vickers Directional Check Valve, # DGMDC-3-Y-PK-41, , WARRANTY
Watts Fludair Lubricator, L606-04B M9, , WARRANTY
Veeder Root Elapsed Time Indicator, 779526-201, Warranty
Festo Pneumatic Start Valve, HEE-D-MIDI-24, 2.5-16 BAR, 24VDC, , Warranty
Telemecanique Stack Beacon Light, Red/Yellow , Warranty
Allen Bradley 8 Slot Chassis, # 5110-A8, Series A, , WARRANTY
Watts Fluidair Inc. Filter Unit, F31-02DHS, , WARRANTY
Siemens Motor Starter, 3VE3000-2LA00, 6,3 - 10,0 Amp, , Warranty
ATC 328 Series 328D-200-F10XX Time Delay Relay, 0-10 Sec Timer, , Warranty
SMC Pneumatic Solenoid Valve, Mod# VFS1220, 110V, , WARRANTY
Monitron Electric Coil, # TFB-648I, , WARRANTY
Allen Bradley AC Contactor 500F-BO*930 Ser B, 500F-BOD930, , Warranty
Wilkerson Pressure Regulator R20-02-000, 1/4" NPT, , Warranty
Klockner Moeller Contactor, DIL00M4, 20 Amp, 110-120 V Coil, , Warranty
Fanuc ADD. Memory PC Board, A16B-1210-0381 / 01A, , Warranty
General Electric Mini Contactor, MCRC022AT, Mod 1, , WARRANTY
Lubriquip / Graco MSP-15T Divider Valves w/ Manifold, , WARRANTY
Fanuc PC Board A20B-2902-0070/ 06D, , Warranty
Telemecanique Control Relay CAD50BD, LADN22, LA1 DN22, LAD4TBDL, , Warranty
Square D Contact Relay, 8501 PH 40 E W/ PH 80 E,Series B, WARRANTY
Style Fan, # US12D23, 230V, , WARRANTY
Gould / AEG P964 Data Access Hand Held Terminal, MA P964 000, , WARRANTY
SYSCON Heater Breaker Alarm Unit HBA-21, 120V, , WARRANTY
Toshiba Electric Transistor, MG100H2YS1, , WARRANTY
Gomi Electric, RNM-80, -300-+300, -150-+150, A. % Meter, , WARRANTY
Gomi Electric, RNM-80, -150-+150, -150-+150, A. % Meter, , WARRANTY
Gomi Electric, RNM-80, -150-+150, -200-+200, A. % Meter, , WARRANTY
Allen Bradley 500-BOD93, Ser. B, Size 1, AC Contactor, 110V Coil, , Warranty
OPTO 22 G4 DA8 0-20 MA, OUTPUT MODULE, , Warranty
Gomi Electric, RNM-80, 0-180 % Meter, , WARRANTY
Martin Sprocket Gear, # 40B34, 5/8", WARRANTY
Fuji 51 Position Terminal Block, AU-CW 51B1-04, , WARRANTY
Fanuc CNC Robot Board, # A16B-2200-025, , WARRANTY,
Fanuc CNC Robot Board, # A16B-2200-025, , WARRANTY, Single
Festo Popet Valve MN1H-2-1/4-MS-NBR, & MSN1W-110 Solenoid, , WARRANTY
Softrol IDR-8G4 PC Circuit Board Assembly, , WARRANTY
Wako Touch Sensor System Amplifier, TSA-3G, , WARRANTY
Nachi Type Solenoid Operated Valve, SA-G01-A3X-C1-11, , WARRANTY
Mitsubishi Thyristor Module, TM55DZ-H, , WARRANTY
New Turck BI5-MT18-AP6X2-H1141/S34, Proximity Switch, Warranty
Siemens Contactor 3TH42, 3TH4244-0B, , Warranty
Hitachi AC Magnetic Contactor, H11-F2, A58L-0001-0236, Coil 100v-110v,
Fanuc Ribbon Cable Connector, A660-2040-T104 #BB0200, , Warranty
Double A Adjustable Flow Valve, YQ 005 L 10A2, , WARRANTY
Daikin Gauge Block, BG-02AB-50, , WARRANTY
Leukhardt BK Mikro 5 Time Delay Relay 8.0502.04, 5-RL, , WARRANTY