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2025年03月01日 星期六


  • 1747-SDN扫描模块

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#8311型隔离 1000VAC或1500VDC,输入对输出

推荐输入电压范围 24VAC/-15%/+20%(防止逆流连接)

延宽的输入电压范围 19.2~36VDC

低线开/关迟滞 1.5VDC,小

输入功率要求 每一电源小240瓦

输入频率 40VDC


峰值因数 5安,典型的;10安,max

输入电流: 10安,典型的;23安,max(10ms)

稳态 15安,时间延迟式

涌流(1/2AC循环) 6.5VDC,±1%

输入保险型号及额定电流 27安max,在60℃(140°F)室温2

输出电压 175瓦,在60℃(140°F)室温

输出电流 115%,典型,重起动时用电力重循环法

输出功率 110%,典型的,自动重起动

输出保持时间,在0伏输入时 2.0毫秒,小;5.6毫秒,典型的

输出超压保护 当温度比环境温度60℃(140°F)高时温度监控器跳闸






典型的输入电流变化 大输入电压偏差

+6A/ms -3.6伏

-6A/ms 10.8伏







手机      :18150695049(微信同步)

QQ        :2880842794                        


传真      :0596-3119658(请备注林工收)                                         








1:Invensys Foxboro(福克斯波罗):I/A Series系统,FBM(现场输入/输出模块)顺序控制、梯形逻辑控制、事故追忆处理、数模转换、输入/输出信号处理、数据通信及处理等。

2:Invensys Triconex: 冗余容错控制系统、基于三重模件冗余(TMR)结构的现代化的容错控制器。

3:Westinghouse(西屋): OVATION系统、WDPF系统、WEStation系统备件。

4:Rockwell Allen-Bradley: Reliance瑞恩、SLC500/1747/1746、MicroLogix/1761/1763/1762/1766/1764、CompactLogix/1769/1768、Logix5000/1756/1789/1794/1760/1788、PLC-5/1771/1785等。

5:Schneider Modicon(施耐德莫迪康):Quantum 140系列处理器、控制卡、电源模块等。

6:ABB:工业机器人备件DSQC系列、Bailey INFI 90等。

7:Siemens(西门子):Siemens MOORE, Siemens Simatic C1,Siemens数控系统等。

8:Motorola(摩托罗拉):MVME 162、MVME 167、MVME1772、MVME177等系列。

9:XYCOM:I/O 、VME板和处理器等。

10:GE FANUC(GE发那科):模块、卡件、驱动器等各类备件。


12:Bosch Rexroth(博世力士乐):Indramat,I/O模块,PLC控制器,驱动模块等。



NEW Import 7/8" x 3/4" Carbide Insert Tool Holder, # TZ 00068, WARRANTY

Tobishi Prince Cooling Fan, Type # L12C5-8, 200 VAC, , WARRANTY

7 - NEW Valenite Carbide Inserts, CAE16 , Warranty

Sanmei E. Co., Ltd. 24 VDC Coil, WD-22B-42-D2 * *  * * WARRANTY * *

Landis Circuit Board, Drive Module, A-86518, , Warranty

Mitsubishi Connector Circuit Board, MPA-V001, , Warranty

AMF/Potter & Brumfield Power Contactor, P30C42A14D1, , WARRANTY

Sigma Digital Meter Board, PN312688-00A, , WARRANTY

Acra VMC PC Relay Board, 97-82-016, 01-RY4-1C, W/ 4 - OZ-SS-124L Relays, 

EFI Drive Multiplexer Encoder Monitor, # EFI-028, , WARRANTY

Fanuc I/O, A03B-0808-C030, Expansion Module, , WARRANTY

Texas Instruments 5TI Programmer, # 5TI-2001, , WARRANTY

Mitsubishi Circuit Board, FX53A, BN624A240H05, Rev. F, , WARRANTY

Komet ABS-32 ER20 Collet Chuck Adapter, w/ Tool, A3312130, , WARRANTY

Mitsubishi Magnetic Contactor, MSO-C12UL,TH-20UL, Sz 00, 1.7 Amp, , WARRANTY

Sanyo Denki San Ace Electrical Fan, # 109-078ULD-2, 200V, , WARRANTY

Allen Bradley Slot Rack Board, 960152-01FT30, , WARRANTY

New Parker Series 2A Pneumatic Cylinder, 02.50 C2AUS14A 1.000, 250 Psi, NNB

Fitz-Rite CAT 50 Taper 1-1/4" End Mill Holder, , WARRANTY

Heidenhain EXE 702 B Encoder Interface, Id Nr 225 551 02, NEEDS FUSE ???

Carboloy Cat 50 Taper TG100 Collet Holder, CV50-CC5.12-1000, , WARRANTY

Valenite CAT 50 1-1/4" End Mill Holder, V50CT-E125, , WARRANTY

FANUC Fan Assembly A05B-2302-C902, , Warranty

NEW OLD STOCK SMC Spacer Solenoid Valve, VVFS2000-22A-2, NNB, WARRANTY

Erickson # SS075DA204712 Series 200 DA Ext. Collet Chuck, , WARRANTY

2 - MSC BK Mikro 4 Relay Module, ID# 6304206, Rev 1.07, 24 VDC READ DESCRIPTION

Tox Sensor Module, TOX-CKN 072, P/N 249472, , Warranty

Electric Coil, # 259-0022B0502, , WARRANTY

Fanuc A230-0527-X003 Plastic Cover, w/ A230-0527-X005 Door, 

Valenite BT 40 Taper 3/4" Endmill Holder, # BT40-E75-275, , WARRANTY

Load Controls, Inc. Compensator PCR-1820-1.5A, PCR18201.5A, WARRANTY

Load Controls, Inc. Compensator, # PCR-1810V, , WARRANTY

Delta Dynapath Graphics Controller Board, # 4201078 E, , Warranty

SMC MGPM16-40 MGP Slide Bearing Compact Guide Cylinder, , Warranty

Elco Power Supply, # K25A-12-XSDC, , Warranty

Industrial Hydraulics Corp. Ultipor 6 Micron Filter, HH9020A12KNRBP, 

Fuji Electric Magnetic Contactor, # SRCa3631-05/X (4a1b), 110V Coil, 

Hagglunds Denison Proportional Hydraulic Directional Control Valve 026-273965

Hagglunds Denison A3D02 34 751 0902 00B5 01351 Valve w/ Dual Solenoids, 

Fanuc Battery Backup Unit, 3 Battery Type, Size D Batteries, , WARRANTY

Daikin Throttle & Check Valve, # MT-01W-10, , WARRANTY

Wieland Bamberg 99.823.5257.0, Relay Module, , Warranty

Charmilles Roboform 40 CNC EDM Relay Board, 854 3480 A, w/ 2 - 3TG2100-2B

NEW NO BOX Keyence High Accuracy Positioning Amplifier, EG-530, NNB, WARRANTY

Yaskawa / Motoman Robot Circuit Board, JANCD-HA03, Rev C, DF9200414-A0, 

NEW Omron Photoelectric Switch, # E3S-BT81, NIB, WARRANTY

Siemens Memory Module Board, # 6FX1128-1BA00, , Warranty

Fanuc Serial Port PC Board, A16B-2200-0171 / 10A, , Warranty

Reliance Electric Mother Board for 8 Slot Rack, # 0-51377-31, , WARRANTY

Festo Pneumatic Valve w/ 24V Solenoid, 173432, JMEH-5/2-5,0-B, , WARRANTY

Parlec CAT 50 TG100 Collet Chuck, C50-10SC4, , WARRANTY

Siemens Sinumerik Pulse Generator, 6FC9320-5DC, , WARRANTY

Norgren Pneumatic Filter, F74G-4AN-AD3, 250 psig, 1/2" NPT, , WARRANTY

Riken Overload Relay, BTH-18T2E, 1.4~2.2, , Warranty

Parlec CAT 50 TG100 Collet Chuck, C50-10SC5, , WARRANTY

Fanuc PC ROM Board, A16B-1200-0450 / 01A, , WARRANTY

Mitsubishi PC Board, SCPU E8082201, , Warranty

Fanuc Axis Control PC Board, A16B-2200-0252 / 06C, 2 Axes, , WARRANTY

Siemens Memory Module Board, # 6FX1120-2CA00, , Warranty

Siemens PC Circuit Board, 6FX1126-1AA03, 548 261 9301, , WARRANTY

Mitsubishi Circuit Board, # FX15C, BN624A405H01, Rev A, , Warranty

Siemens Contactor, 3RT1026-1A, 40A, 690V, Coil 120VAC, , WARRANTY

SMC Solenoid Valve, SY3120-5L-M5, , WARRANTY

Toyo-Oki Hytegra Valve, 04LT, HF3H-W-40K-025B, , WARRANTY

Sanyo A7-1-20050-1B Tape Reader Circuit Board, , WARRANTY

Fanuc PC Board, A20B-2900-0480/02A, , Warranty

Command CAT 50 Taper 1-1/2" Shell Mill Holder, # C6S5-1500, , WARRANTY

Square D Timing Relay, 9050JCK22V14, 0.3 - 30 Sec Delay, , WARRANTY

Texas Instruments Machine Interface Unit, S-10P, 405, , WARRANTY

AEG Schneider Automation Processor TSXP47455, , WARRANTY

Indramat Output Module RM O-01, w/ Steel cover, , WARRANTY

Nachi Modular Valve, # OG-G01-PC-K-20, , WARRANTY

NEW Browning Mounted Bearing, 5/8", # VPS-210, NIB, WARRANTY

Fanuc Axis Control PC Board, # A16B-1211-0060/12C, , WARRANTY

Allen Bradley Overload Relay, # 193-ES4AB, 2.0-7.0A, Series B, , WARRANTY

K & T / Gemini D Controller Board, # 1-20601 CMUX, , Warranty

Fanuc PC Board, # A20B-2901-0985 / 03A, , Warranty

Cutler-Hammer Starter, AE16ANSO, Ser. B1, Size A, w/ H2003A Heaters, WARRANTY

Mitsubishi Circuit Board, # BN624B815G51, MC061A, , WARRANTY

Fanuc A05B-2350-C901, NMB Fan, 4715PS-20T-B30, 200V, , WARRANTY

Universal Eng. NST 40 Taper Acura-Flex Collet Chuck, # 911107, , WARRANTY

Miltac Limit Switch, X02-D2G3Z1, 20 Amp, , WARRANTY

Festo LFM-1/8-S-B Micro Filter Bowl, Pneumatic Filter, , Warranty

Mitsubishi Circuit Board, # BN624A328H01, FX17C, Revision E, , WARRANTY

Fuji Electric Contactor, SC-2N / SE (35) 200 - 250 V, 60A (Amp) , Warranty

Mitsubishi PC Rack Base Board, FX730A, BN624E502H01, , Warranty

NEW AEG Schneider AS-BDAP-212 Module, WARRANTY

Keyence CMOS Laser Sensor Unit, GV-H45, , WARRANTY

Fanuc A05B-2350-C901, Style Fan, US12D23, 230V, , WARRANTY

Yaskawa Resistor Unit Module, JUSP-RA 02, , WARRANTY

Yaskawa PRPT-01D2B Resolver PG Transducer Module, , WARRANTY

Komet ABS-25 ER16 Collet Chuck Adapter, # A3311120, , WARRANTY

ETM 1" End Mill Holder, NST 40 Taper, 40EM 1.000 X 2.937 , WARRANTY

Mitsubishi Circuit Board, # BN624A328H01, FX17C, Revision D, , WARRANTY

Siemens Sirius Contactor, 3RT1035-1B. .0, 24V DC, , Warranty

Indramat RECO 8-Slot Expansion Rack, # RECO-E.00/01, , WARRANTY

NEW OLD STOCK SMC Pneumatic Cylinder, CDM2F40-250, NNB, Warranty

Mitsubishi Circuit Board, # BN624A328H01, FX17C, Revision C, , WARRANTY

Sanyo Denki Tape Reader Unit, # 2302D, , WARRANTY

New ASCO Red Hat Valve Rebuild Kit, # 304877, New in Box

Allen Bradley Overload Relay, # 193-KB32, 2.3-3.2A, Series A, , Warranty

Sperry Vickers Directional Valve, PA5DG4V32AWLB10, , WARRANTY

Nachi Modular Valve, OCP-G01-B1-21, , WARRANTY

Fanuc PC Board, # A16B-1210-0481 / 02A, , WARRANTY

MOTAN 1002117 Receiver Status Panel, Warranty

Siemens Sirius 3R Circuit Breaker, # 3RV1421-0GA10, 600 V, , Warranty

NEW Allen Bradley MCS Standard Busbar Module, 141A-GS54RR45, NIB, WARRANTY

Numatics FlexiBlok Regulator, R32K-04G, , WARRANTY

SMC Solenoid Valve, # VF3230-5DZ-02, Solenoid 24 VDC, , Warranty

Universal Eng. NST 40 Taper Acura-Flex Collet Chuck, # 911107, Warranty, No Cap

NEW FAFNIR Single Row Ball Bearing, 9114K, New in Box

Allen Bradley Chasis / Rack, PLC 2/30, 1772-LP2, Series A, , WARRANTY

Fitz-Rite CAT 50 Extended 3/4" End Mill Holder, 50E-.75-6, , WARRANTY

GE Motor Starter, CR72AMN, 10.0 - 15.0 A, w/CR72AXA11, , Warranty

Allen Bradley Processor Module, # 1775-L2, Series B, PLC-3, , Warranty

Numatics Pneumatic Valve, Replacement Unit # 92149U, , WARRANTY

Indramat 4 Slot Reco Rack RMB12.2-04, 109-0968-4B11-02, , WARRANTY

Siemens Control Overload Relay, 3UA49 00-OAG, 3UA49000AG, , WARRANTY

Siemens Circuit Board, # 6FX1118-4AB01, , Warranty

Allen Bradley Control Relay, 700-P200A2, Ser. A, w/ 700-PB40, , WARRANTY

Norgren L73M-2AP-EDN Lubricator, 1/2" NPT, 250 psig, , WARRANTY

Allen Bradley Processor Module, # 1775-L2, Series C, PLC-3, , WARRANTY

NEW 2 - Keyence F-2X5 Lens for Fiberoptic Sensor, NNB, OLD STOCK, WARRANTY

Deemstop Strobe Unit, 5853, 600V, 0.025A, , WARRANTY

GE Fanuc IC600CB504A Internal Memory Card, , WARRANTY

Joslyn Clark Agut Contactor, CL-00.a-IIIT1, , Warranty

Nachi Directional Control Valve, S-G01-A3X-GRZ-D2-32, , WARRANTY

Omron Module NC Unit, C200H-NC211, , Warranty

Okuma Noise Filter, # EUL-NJB3B2, , WARRANTY

GC Valves Solenoid Valve, S301YF16V8BD5, , WARRANTY

Allen Bradley Board, 1720-L310, Ser. C, , Warranty

Cincinnati Electrosystems Relay I/O Card LED, 60.220.204.S, , WARRANTY

AEG Modicon / Gould Output TTL Module, AS-B556, , WARRANTY

AEG Control Relay, SH 4 22E, 16 A, 600 VAC, 120/60 V Coil, , WARRANTY

NEW Parker Stainless Steel 1/2" Ball Valve, BVG4-1/2L, K84-DIN-DVGW, WARRANTY

NEW DME Straight Leader Pin, 2 1/2" x 15 3/4", # 5826GL, WARRANTY

Weidmuller 912393-67, 15 Position Interface Module Terminal Block, 

Mitsubishi MELSEC JY331CA4304C Power Board For FX2N-10GM, , Warranty

Mitsubishi Circuit Board, SNUB-01-DWC, Type# BY172B124G51, , WARRANTY

Allen Bradley Operator Display PC Board Control, Mod# 158453, , WARRANTY

Rexroth Murrelektronik, CH-32C-11, Card Connector Base, , WARRANTY

Parker 07R213AB Regulator 250 PSI W/ Pressure Gage, 0-160 PSI, , WARRANTY

ATC 319 Ranger 319B-003-Q-1X Time Delay Relay, 0-10 Sec Timer w/ Base, 

Yaskawa Circuit Board JANCD-MM20, DF8203490-A0, Rev B11, , WARRANTY

Mazak Operating Manual for Mazak Machining Monitor System, Serial# 62815, 

Parker Quick Disconnect Coupler, FF-1001-16FO, , WARRANTY

Honeywell Microswitch Proximity Sensor Micro Switch, 972CP8TM-A13P-L, 

New SMC Pneumatic Cylinder, CGDA25-40, 1-5/8" Travel approx., NNB, Warranty

Mitsubishi PC Board, MC323D / MC323, BN634A008G52, , Warranty

Turck Combi Prox Proximity Sensor, RU100-CP40-AP6X2, , Warranty

SMC Air Cylinder, CDM2E32-125, 125mm Stroke, , WARRANTY

Okuma Mac Man Instruction Manual, 3775-E-R2, SE34-002-R3, OSP7000, 

Okuma Drive Units BLII-D/VACII/VACIII, Maintenance Manual, 3727-E-R3, 

SMC Solenoid Valve, VF3122-1D-01-F-Q, , Warranty

Siemens Simatic S7 Module, 6ES7 323-1BL00-0AA0, , Warranty

NEW OLD STOCK Miki Pulley, ETP-K-16, BH05Z12, 105627800, NEW IN BOX!

NEW OLD STOCK Miki Pulley, ETP-K-18, BH05Y, 105628700, NEW IN BOX!

NEW Numatics Base Air Valve, HH-3, , WARRANTY

Nachi Modular Valve, Model # OC-G01-T1-10, , WARRANTY

Mitsubishi Magnetic Contactor, MSO-C12UL,TH-20UL, Sz 00, 1.2 Amp, , Warranty

Nachi Modular Valve, Model # OC-G01-P1-10, , WARRANTY

Phoenix Contact 16 Point Electronic Housing, 35.0.45, , Warranty

Allen Bradley AC Lighting Contactor, 500L-TOD93, Series B, , Warranty

SMC Compact Pneumatic Cylinder, CDQ2B32-35DCM, 1-3/8" Travel, , Warranty

Sandvik Coromant T-Max P Carbide Insert Tool Holder, WT6NL-24-5 E,  WARRANTY

Pepperl + Fuchs Inc. Proximity Switch, NBB15-L2-A2-C-V1, 85668, WARRANTY

Daikin Throttle and Check Valve, Mod# MT-02B-50, , WARRANTY

Fanuc CNC Memory Board, # A16B-1211-0040/06A, , WARRANTY

Command CAT 30 Taper ER16 Collet Chuck, # B2C4-0016, , WARRANTY

Siemens 22E Contactor, 3TB42 17 - 0B, 24VDC Coil, , Warranty

ASEA Heavy Duty Contactor, Size 1, EG 30, SK 415-016-F, , Warranty

Semikron Semipack Thyristor Module, SKKT71 / 12D 8837 BEO, WARRANTY

Siemens 6SN1161-1CA00-0AA1 Connector Cordset, 50mm Length, , WARRANTY

Chromalock Limited Electronic Timer, CS 353, 0-1.0 Secs, 24 VDC, , Warranty

SMC Pneumatic Air Slide Table, 12mm Bore, 30mm Stroke, MXS12-30AS W/ Limits

Micron Resistor, 30H, 1KΩK, , WARRANTY

New Vektek Pressure Limiting Valve, 70-5430-07, 5000 PSI, Warranty

General Electric Diagnostic Circuit Board 193X531ADG01, , WARRANTY

Telemecanique Overload Relay, # LR7K0305, 0.54 - 0.8, , Warranty

NEW Allen Bradley 141A-BCR Busbar Shroud, 2 Pcs in Package, NIB

New Allen Bradley Motor Protector / Breaker, 140M-D8N-B40, Ser C, Warranty

Toyoda / Toyopuc Power Supply Module, # POWER1, THC-2747, , WARRANTY

Potter & Brumfield I/O Module Relay Board, w/ Relays, 2IO-24, , WARRANTY

SMC Filter Regulator, Mod# AW3000-03BD, 3/8" NPT w/ IS1000 Pressure Switch, 

NEW SKF Bearing, # 6008 2ZJEM UEO1, WARRANTY

NEW OLD STOCK SMC Plastic Tubing, TU0604W-20, WARRANTY

NEW Viraj Forging F304/304L SS Flange 2-1/2" 2 150 LB B16 A/SA182 F304/304L, NNB

Yamaichi Connector Board, FAP-50, MR50FA, , WARRANTY

Allen Bradley Reversing AC Contactor, # 100-A09NKD31, 24V Coil, , WARRANTY

NEW NTN Cam Follower, # KR19LL, Warranty

Fanuc Serial Port PC Board, A16B-2200-0171 / 06A, , Warranty

Allen Bradley AC Contactor, # 702L-A0D93, 702L-AOD93, , WARRANTY

Yaskawa Board, JANCD-MM20, DF8202136, Revision B0, , WARRANTY

Fanuc Serial Port PC Board, A16B-2200-0171 / 07A, , Warranty

Matsushita Lamp Ballast, # JK7020, 100V, 23W, For task Light: JF21220, 

Fanuc Power Mate Model D, and F Maintenance Manual, B-62835EN/01, Volume 1 of 2

Uson Control PC Board, # 21365, Revision A,  WARRANTY

SMC AR200 Air Regulator Unit, w/ Gage & Mounting Bracket, , WARRANTY

Gould Modicon +5VTTL Output Module, # B236, , WARRANTY

NEW De-Sta-Co Pull Action Latch Clamp, # 330, WARRANTY

NEW De-Sta-Co Pull Action Latch Clamp, # 330, WARRANTY

Toyo-Oki Hytegra Valve, HK3H-B-Y2-025B, , WARRANTY

Hurco/Autocon DC Power Monitor/Dist. Assy, 415-0611-901, Rev. A, , Warranty

NEW SMC Solenoid Valve, # VZ314-5MZ, WARRANTY

Parker Schrader Bellows 3/8" Lubricator 17L21BESB, , NICE, WARRANTY

Oriental Motor Reverse Pack With Base, SBR31-ZP, , Top Cover Loose

SMC Pneumatic Cylinder, CDM2B40-75A, w/ 2 - D-C73 Units, 145 psi, , Warranty

NEW Square D Sy/Net Communication Cable Terminator, # 8030 CCK613, WARRANTY

Deemstop Contact Board, # PCB 6290, , WARRANTY

NEW OLD STOCK SMC Pneumatic Cylinder, CQ2A32-50DM, NNB, Warranty

NEW AEG Modicon Mod Bus Adapter Ribbon, #AS-WBXT-201, WARRANTY

Parker 3/4" Lubricator w/Fill Plug, 17L36BE, , WARRANTY

Allen Bradley Contactor, 500-AOD920, Ser. B, Sz. 0, , Warranty

General Electric Contactor, CR4CE / CR4CE-10, 110-120 Coil, , Warranty

Parlec Numertap 700 Taper 7/16" End Mill Collet, 11CG-0, , WARRANTY

NEW Festo Profibus Connector Kit, # FBS-SUB9-GS-9, NEW IN PACKAGE, WARRANTY

Siemens 24 ~ 110 VAC Output Module, # 505-4632, , WARRANTY

Semikron Semipack Thyristor Module, SKKT71/12D 0406 BEO, WARRANTY

Giddings & Lewis MPX Triac 502-02824-00 PC Card, , WARRANTY

EMR Chain Sprocket Gear, TL-500-C, 28 Teeth, 1-1/2" Bore, 

Allen Bradley AC Contactor # 500-AOD920, Size 0, , WARRANTY

Wasai Piezo Audio Indicator, DPB-3501, 4-28 VDC, Fast Pulse, , WARRANTY

Allen Bradley Contactor, 500-AOD920, Ser. B, Sz. 0, , Warranty

5 - Guhring High Speed Steel Coated Drill Bit, 11.11mm, J28824 E011429A-HSS

NEW SNR Precision Thrust Ball Bearing, # 51109, WARRANTY

Schneider 16-Point Input Module, # TSXDST1682, , WARRANTY

AEG / Modicon Input Module, AS-B807-032, , WARRANTY

Mitsubishi Magnetic Contactor, Type S-A12RM, 200V Coil, , WARRANTY

DMIC Ball Valve BVH0500S 1113ZA0Z, 6000 Psi, , WARRANTY

Gettys Circuit Board PCS, # 11-0092-06, , WARRANTY

Allen Bradley 4 Input & Gate Cardlok Board 1720-L004 Ser. C WARRANTY

Yaskawa JANCD-G10 01 B Control Board, DF8000006, Rev A, , WARRANTY

Yaskawa JANCD-G10 01B PC Control Board, DF8000006, , WARRANTY

Yaskawa JANCD-G10 02B PC Control Board, DF8000006, , WARRANTY

Warner Electric Motion Control, # MCS-0103, DC Power, , WARRANTY

Norgren Excelon Filter Regulator Mod# B73G-3BK-AD3-RMN, 150 psig, , Warranty

Iscar GHML-25.4 Cut-Grip Shallow Grooving Lathe Tool Holder 

Mechatronics DC Brushless Fan, # A8025H24D, 24 VDC, , WARRANTY

CNC Tooling Cat 40 3/8" End Mill Holder, C403/8L, Extended, , WARRANTY

2 - ABB PC Boards, 1 - 3HAB2211-1/1, DSQC 256 A, 1 - DSQC 223, READ DESCRIPTION

New Turck Proximity Sensor, BIM-NST-AP6X-H1141/S34, Warranty

Brown & Sharpe 618 & 818 Micromaster Series II Replacement Parts Manual

Fanuc Power Mate Model D, and F Operator's Manual, B-62094E/04, Volume 1 of 3

Murata GCMK-C2X Resistive Motor Brake, 30W, 47 Ohm, , Warranty

Omron Relay 14 Pin, G2AK-232A, 24 VDC, , Warranty

Valenite Loc-A-Dex 1-1/4" Sq Carbide Insert Lathe Tool Holder, LSBR-20, 

Allen Bradley Proximity Sensor, # 872C-A4N12-R3, Ser. A, , WARRANTY

MAC Valves Inc. 50054.PC Sub Board, PEM0999, EC0048, , WARRANTY

Allen Bradley Temperature Switch, 837-A6, , WARRANTY

NEW E.I. Morrow Filter Strainer Unit, P/N QFT0860W 3A212001, NNB, WARRANTY

Allen Bradley Reed Relay Board, 1720-B1804, Ser. C, , Warranty

Micron PN40B Ceramic Resistor, 0.12K, Micron 46.H, 3-1/2" Length, 

Gould Modicon 24 VDC Input Module, # B233-501, , WARRANTY

Versa Pneumatic Valve, # KSG-42-2, 24VDC, 35-175 PSI, , WARRANTY

Valenite 1/2" End Mill Holder, BT40 Taper, BT40-E50-250, 

Zeiss Coordinate Measuring Machine Board, # 608096 9024 701, WARRANTY

NEW Metrol 016 Sensor Cable, CS09BRL, 24VDC, 0.2-0.4mm, 7R003009, NNB

Kobishi Alarm Buzzer, ESZ-26B, , Warranty

Walter Pneumatik TM 1002 Solenoid Valve, Manifold Unit, , WARRANTY

Asco 8320A178 Solenoid Valve, 110-120 V, , WARRANTY

Trafag Zurich 719.1111 Thermostat off Charmilles Roboform C 200, , WARRANTY

AEG Modicon / Gould Output Module, AS-B558, , WARRANTY

27 - NEW Rubber Rotary Seal, # 337LB-(1.000)-G-SS, Warranty

Watts Fluidair Filter Unit, F75-02BJ, 3/8", , WARRANTY

Allen Bradley Auxiliary Starter, 702-A0A93, Ser K, 240 V Coil, , WARRANTY

Sanyo Denki Tape Handler Unit, # 1500, A7-1-40073-1C, , WARRANTY

Hecon Corporation Counter Unit, # G0-710-153, G0710153, , WARRANTY

SMC Pneumatic Filter, # AFM40-N04D-Z, Max 150 psi, 1/2" NPT, , WARRANTY

Fanuc Control Module, A20B-2900-0106 /01A, , Warranty

Norgren Air Control Valve, K71DA00KS6K02, 24V Solenoid, 150 psig, , Warranty

Schneider Automation Connector Box, TSXEFACC99, , WARRANTY

Parker H2 Common Port Regulator, PS4138166P, , WARRANTY

Klockner Moeller Relay, DIL 00 M / DILOOM, 115V Coil, 20A, , Warranty


SMC Single Solenoid Valve, VF2-4-FG--S-3Z-TA-Q, 0.1-1.0MPs, Warranty

NEW 20209 / UQ20209 NEW DEPARTURE Angular Contact Ball Bearing, OLD STOCK, NIB

Nikken CAT50 Keyless Chuck Adapter w/ Pull Stud, CAT50-NPU13-90U, , WARRANTY

Nachi / Daihen PC Board, UM803A, , WARRANTY

Smith Tool Tap Adapter,TMS-NTLA, 52-51200-0, Nice Condition, , Warranty

Fanuc Servo Amplifier Plastic Cover, A230-0450-X123, 

Centaur Fan Unit, CNJ55B2-933 / CNJ55B2933, 100V, 50/60 Hz, , Warranty

Fanuc Servo Amplifier Plastic Cover, A230-0450-X022, 

1" Shank Indexable & Grooving Tool Holder, QFGD16-04DL13-64H, 

Kennametal Cat 50 Taper TG150 Collet Chuck, # CV50TG150350, , No Collet Cap

Festo VIGK-04-D-1-SA W/ 00328792 Series Manifold Subbase, , WARRANTY

NEW Koyo Torrington Needle Roller Bearings, HJ-486028, WARRANTY

Square D B65A2-S1 Limit Switch, Class 9007, Series B, , WARRANTY

Fuji Electric Encapsulation Module, Type# EVL31-055, 100A, 550V, , WARRANTY

Amber Industries, Inc. AI-105 Transient Suppressor, , Warranty

Trane Options CRT Module, # X13650452-07, , WARRANTY

Tesla Capacitor Unit, # WN852 02, , WARRRANTY

Telemecanique 10 Slot PLC Std Rack. TSXRKN82, TSX 47-40/67-40, , WARRANTY

2 - Skinner PM304820 Solenoid Valves, , WARRANTY

Intercim CAMate Power Adaptor, Model XP 30, , WARRANTY

Nachi Modular Valve, OW-G01-W-CR-D2-3104B, , WARRANTY

Telemecanique 10 Slot PLC Std Rack w/ Fan Unit, # TSXRKN82F, WARRANTY

Numatics Solenoid Valve, L22BA452B, 24VDC, , WARRANTY


Schrader Bellows Regulator 4599-5600, , Warranty

Valenite Cat 50 Taper TG150 Collet Chuck, # V50CT-15SG-35, , WARRANTY

AEG Modicon / Gould Programmable Controller, 884, , WARRANTY

Modicon / Gould Output Module, 24 VDC, B352, , WARRANTY

Sperry Vickers Pressure Reducing Valve, DGMX1 3 PP AW 21, , WARRANTY

ARO 1/4" Regulator, Model # P29221-110, , WARRANTY

Numatics Air Cylinder, # GG040/009000000, , WARRANTY

Monarch-Cortland Relay Board, 50307, ECD-94V, , WARRANTY


NEW Lawson Metric Pull Dowel Pin, 58080, DIN 7979 MS, Qty. 10, WARRANTY

Matsuura Emergency Stop Control Panel, EN4-00336A, , Warranty

NEW TOMF Oil Mist Filter Unit, T-105E-1000, P81-6243, Warranty

Parlec Numertap CAT 45 Tapping Attachment Holder, # C45-77FS4C, , WARRANTY

Numatics Valve Regulator, 122RD100J016W00, , WARRANTY

Reliance Electric Size 0 Starter, 705310-R, 600V, 3PH, 5HP, w/ Heaters, 

NEW MAC Pneumatic Valve Manifold Base, # MM-A1C-221, WARRANTY

Fantech Electrical Fan, # D09A04HWB, 12 VDC, , WARRANTY

PHD Input Set Point Module, 9800-01-0400, , Warranty

Siemens Simatic S5 & S7 Communication Cable, # 6ES5 711-0AD20, , WARRANTY

Vickers Tokimec Flui-Trol Valve, DG4M4-32A-20-JA, 100V Solenoid, , WARRANTY

New Dodge 1-3/16 VSC Bearing F4BVSC103, Warranty

Allen Bradley Interface Module PC Board, # 900018, , WARRANTY

Allen Bradley I/O Module PC Board, # 900059, Rev E2, , WARRANTY

Cincinnati Milacron DC Output Module, 3-531-3972A, Rev.D, , Warranty

INA Linear Bearing 87 V6 RWU 35D OE FA520, , Warranty

Miyano TSV-23 VMC Tool Changer BT30 Taper Holders / Fingers / Gripper, 

Mazak Mitsubishi PC Board, # BN624A320H04, FX73A, Revision C, , WARRANTY

NEW Tolomatic Cable Cylinder Assembly, # CACC20 SK45, WARRANTY

Crouzet Syrelec Control Relay, PNR 110A, , WARRANTY

NEW Dodge Flange Assembly, # PX40 FBX 3/4, Stock # 000823, Warranty

Scantimer Socket Relay, 1,5-60 Sec, 10-pin, SPEC.002 120, , Warranty

NEW Delrina 4 in 1 Fax Card, # JBTAI-74358-FA-E, 490-41902-02, WARRANTY

Kennametal Boring Bar, 1" x 5-3/4", BL-8008, Insert NP 13, , Warranty

Sine Total Interconnect System Programmer Port, P20086-E5, , WARRANTY

Hengstler sums Meter, 0 464 165, 24VDC, , Warranty

Vickers Directional Valve, DG4V3-0BL-MWLB-40, , WARRANTY

Telemecanique Inegral 32 Contactor LD4-LC130 W/ LB1-LC03M13, , WARRANTY

Allen Bradley PCB Circuit Board, # 8000-GC, 900057, , WARRANTY

Mitsubishi Magnetic Contactor, S-K80 / SK80, 200-240 V Coil, , Warranty

Balas Tap Adapter Collet, No. 12, C4-2, , WARRANTY

SPI Tapmaster Tap Adapter Collet, TPC12-5/16, , WARRANTY

Allen Bradley Solid State Timing Relay # 700-RTA00M100A1, Ser. B, , Warranty

Fanuc Cabinet Fan Unit, A02B-0047-C909, Single Fan, 

Fuji Electric Meter, Type KSM-7, Class 2.5, 0-180, , Warranty

NEW Balas Tap Adapter Collet, TCTC4 #12 HT, WARRANTY

Okuma MC-4VA Cast Iron Table Chip Paddles for Machine, , Repaired

Omron Cam Positioner Module, H8PS-8AF, 24 VDC, , WARRANTY

Bosch Rexroth PC Board, SUP-E01-MTC200-R, E63659, , Warranty

2 - Ace Controls FA-1210M-B Shock Absorbers, 1/8" Bore, , WARRANTY

Phoenix Contact, Relay Module Din Mount, 16 Position, EM 2-B8, , WARRANTY

Mazak CNC PC Board, 03-81581-02, , WARRANTY

Kearney & Trecker Operator / Maintenance Manual Supplement, Pub 862A

NEW Contec EPD-37 Screw Terminal M3.5x 37 D-Sub Connector, NIB, WARRANTY

Kearney & Trecker Control Maintenance Manual Supplement, Pub 688B, 

NEW SMC Pneumatic Air Filter Regulator Unit, AW40-04B, NO BOWL, NNB, WARRANTY

Weidmuller RS Interface Module, 403-342, 50 Inputs, w399936/1, , WARRANTY

Horner / Fanuc Interface Unit, # HE670IBU100E, , Warranty

NEW Rexnord Link-Belt Bearing, 33 mm, # FB3U2M30N, BY408551, WARRANTY

2 - Yamatake Proximity Sensors, # HPA-R61 & HPA-E61, 10-30 VDC, , WARRANTY

NEW Dodge Solidlube Bearing, # F4BLT7102, NNB, Warranty

Mazak Mitsubishi PC Board FX73B, BN624A320H04, Rev D, , WARRANTY

Jokab Safety Relay, Vital1 24VDC, Ver F, 2005200, 10273, 24 VDC, , Warranty

Kearney & Trecker Installation Manual, Pub 762B MM 200/600 Machining Center

NEW OLD STOCK SMC Pneumatic Cylinder, CQ2D25-20D, NNB, WARRANTY

NEW OLD STOCK SMC Pneumatic Cylinder, CDU16-20D, NNB, WARRANTY

NEW IN BOX Keyence Connector Cable, OP-51691, OLD STOCK, WARRANTY


NEW OLD STOCK SMC Pneumatic Cylinder, CM2L20-150A, NNB, WARRANTY

NEW Smith Tool Over Spindle Adapter, # O.S.A. 3017, WARRANTY

NEW Brad Harrison 3P Male/Female 90/ST, 113022A01F060, 60999, NEW IN PACKAGE!


NEW 4 - Guhring HSS Core Drill, Diam. 0.2940" Extra Length, MADE IN USA

Vickers Tokimec DGMPS-3-B-1-10 Hydraulic Valve, , WARRANTY

Sun Hydraulics Aluminum Valve Sandwich Body GBY OHU1-A2, , WARRANTY

Yamatake Proximity Switch, # FL7M-2J6HD-CN03, , WARRANTY

Allen Bradley Contactor, 100-C09D*200, Ser A, 24VDC, , WARRANTY

NEW Sensbey Differential Expansion Type Thermostat, # TH-AB312, WARRANTY

SMC Pneumatic Solenoid Valve VFS2400-5FZ, , WARRANTY

Uchida-Rexroth Hydraulic Valve, ZDR6DP2-30 / 25YM, , WARRANTY

Reliance Electric Pulse Tach Input Module, 57C421B, S-67108-3, , WARRANTY

Hurco Switch Connector Board, 415-0190-003B, , Warranty

Kuroda Watts Pressure Regulator, 119-2, 0-7.5, , WARRANTY

Keyence Photoelectric Sensor, PZ-M33P, WARRANTY

R & N 1-1/2" X 6 NC HSGH-4 4 Flute Plug Tap, 806352, , Warranty

Toyoda TP-8902-0 Relay Circuit Board Assembly, , Warranty

Mac Solenoid Valve, 6213C-211-PM-111DA, , WARRANTY!

NEW SMC Pneumatic Air Filter Regulator Unit, AR40K-06, NO BOWL, NNB, WARRANTY

NEW Parker Series 2MA Pneumatic Cylinder, 02.00 J2MA3U18A, 2.50" Stroke, NNB

Gettys Circuit Board, 11-0113-00, , WARRANTY

Mitsubishi FA-TB32XY 32 Point Connector Terminal Conversion Unit, , WARRANTY

Matsushita Thermal Relay, Type FKT-10G, BMG 9-01, 0.6 ~ 1 A, , WARRANTY

Matsushita Thermal Relay, Type FKT-10G, BMG 9-15, 5.5 ~ 9A, , WARRANTY

Matsushita Thermal Relay, Type FKT-10G, BMG 9-02, 1 ~ 1.6 A, , WARRANTY

Parker 2-Way Solenoid Valve, 1/2" NPT, 24 VDC Solenoid, 3FPH80, , WARRANTY

Goldstar Thermal Overload Relay, T-3N, 0.3 - 0.54 A Range, , WARRANTY

Sperry Vickers Solenoid Valve, DGMX1-3-PP-BW-20-JA, , WARRANTY

NEW AMI Asahi Bearing, P206, 2 Bolt Mounting, Bearing # UC206-19, OLD STOCK

Parker Pneumatic Air Lockout Valve, Mod# LV31A, w/ ES-100MB Muffler, 





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