模拟输入部分的通道采用隔离输入,能够为各通道分别设置不同的温度 (热电偶/电阻检温器)和电压。 支持11种型号热电偶、Pt100和JPt100测温电阻,以及高达50V的 电压。
模拟输入从数据记录器左侧接线, 电源线缆和通讯线缆从右侧接线。 该设计令RDXL120系列产品成为狭小空间的佳选择。接线容易,接线端子拆装操作简单易于取下。附带锂离子电池能够支持长达7小时的工作(常规)。配备可拆装橡胶保护套,提高产品的抗冲击性。
? 以大速度1秒进行实时测量
? 缩放波形视图分析已采集数据
? 提供多种数据保存功能(选择性保存和部分保存)
? 对测得的二进制数据进行波形显示
? 沿X/Y轴放大显示波形视图
? 显示在两点上取得的各自数据 (测量值、测量时间)和通道间计算结果(B-A)
? 复制功能(剪贴板复制)
? 转换成为CSV文件格式储存 (跳过、保存光标之间的数据)
? 文件分割
? 具有设置功能,并可创建设置文件
? 支持Windows? 2000、Windows 7 (32 bit/64 bit), Vista (32 bit), Windows XP运行环境
通讯接口: 以太网、USB、RS232、RS485
能够连接的大设备数量: 10台设备
数据采集通道(每台设备): 16个模拟通道、1个脉冲通道、2个逻辑通道、32个XL设备计算通道、4个Datum-LOGGER软件计算通道、32个通讯通道。
测量采集周期: 1、2、5、10、20和30秒;1、2、5、10、20、30分钟;1小时(如果通讯接口为RS485端口,采集周期可以根据所连设备的数量进行不同设置;如果通讯接口为以太网口并且工作站上设置的通讯接口是LAN/RS232或LAN/RS485,可设置测量周期为10秒或更长,与Datum-LOGGER软件的设置无关)
显示: 波形、数字、条形图、仪表显示
光标值显示: 显示光标A和B的每个测量值、差值、大值、小值和平均值
任意光标列表显示: 显示任意光标和波形图中插入的注释的列表
报警列表显示 显示已采集数据的报警列表
分析视图显示: 显示所有指定的通道、按升序或降序显示光标A和B之间差值、按升序或降序显示变化率
水平滚动: 通过水平滚动显示波形,可以显示以往已采集的数据,甚至在实时采集期间也可以显示
调整水平轴大小: 显示所有已采集数据或光标A和B之间的数据
跳跃功能: 在光标值显示、任意光标列表、报警列表显示或分析视图显示中,以所选数据的中心重新显示波形
计算功能(适用于实时测量): 可以为多4个通道设置由同一RDXL120(工作站)的测量数据、函数和操作符组成的多16个公式
数据加载功能: PC上的RDXL120主机测量文件、Datum-LOGGER测量文件
部分储存: 保存光标A和B之间的数据
分割储存: 按指定的日期/时间间隔保存,或将文件按指定的数量分割并储存
文件分割: 对于存储在PC上的RDXL120测量数据文件和Datum-LOGGER软件测量数据文件,可以按指定的数据区间数量或指定的日期/时间间隔进行分割。
组合储存: 组合并保存Datum-LOGGER软件测量数据文件的分割子文件。
跳跃储存: 按照指定的时间间隔跳过数据
储存格式: 二进制格式(Datum-LOGGER软件)
报表格式储存: 将小时报表、日报表、周报表和月报表的大值、小值和平均值以CSV格式保存;测量数据可以添加至将要储存的CSV数据中
主机设置功能: 通过通讯的方式发送/接收设置明细,加载设置文件和保存设置文件
剪贴板复制功能: 将显示的波形图像复制到剪贴板
打印功能: 打印显示的波形图像
输入方式: 浮点不平衡输入,通道之间隔离(电阻温度检测器输入共享端子"b")
XL121: 8通道
XL122、XL124: 16通道
输入类型: 热电偶、RTD(仅螺旋式)、DCV
参考工作条件: 温度(23±2?C)、湿度(55±10%相对湿度)、电源电压(100 ~ 240 Vac)、电源频率(50/60 Hz ±1%或以下)、预热(30分钟或更长时间)、无震动等影响仪器工作的条件
参考结点补偿: 采用内部参考结点补偿
参考结点补偿精度: ±1?C
1Vdc或以下和TC电压范围: ±10 Vdc
5 Vdc或以上电压范围: ±60 Vdc
输入电阻: 约1 M?
大共模电压: 30 Vac RMS(50/60 Hz)或±60 Vdc
100dB或以上(50/60 Hz): 数字滤波器OFF(关闭)
140 dB或以上(50/60 Hz): 数字滤波器ON(开启)
测量间隔: 5秒(8通道接线端子)/10秒(16通道接线端子)
共模抑制比50dB或以上(50/60Hz): 数字滤波器ON(开启)
测量间隔: 5秒(8通道接线端子)/10秒(16通道接线端子)
热电偶烧毁检测: 热电偶测量期间,检测始终保持开启(ON)(仅防超温烧毁检测)(显示:"+*****")
脉冲输入: 1通道
逻辑输入: 2通道
Lo: 0.9V以下或端子短路
Hi: 2.1V或更高,或端子开路
高输入电压: 10 Vdc
显示单元: 3.5" TFT彩色LCD显示器(320 x 240像素)
趋势图/条形图: 16种颜色可选(红、绿、蓝、蓝紫、棕、橙、淡黄绿、淡蓝、红紫、灰、绿黄、蓝绿、深蓝、黄、橄榄、紫)
背景颜色: 白色或黑色可选(波形显示区域)
更新时间间隔: 大约1秒(测量间隔)
测量间隔: 100毫秒(仅当使用8通道接线端子时)、200毫秒、500毫秒、1秒、2秒、5秒、10秒、20秒、30秒、1分钟、2分钟、5分钟、10分钟、20分钟、30分钟、1小时
* 脉冲输入期间采样间隔大于或等于1秒
* 如果通讯设置为LAN/RS232或LAN/RS485,采样间隔设置大于或等于10秒
内部存储器: 16 MB
外部存储介质: CF存储卡(II型)、SD卡、USB存储器(USB存储器只支持复制功能,建议仅使用Omega认可的USB存储器)
文件分割: 选择NO DIVISION(不分割)或DIVISION(分割)(指定DIVISION,自记录工作开始起按恒定的时间间隔划分数据并保存)
存储器已满时的操作: 选择STOP(停止),REPEAT(重复)或DELETE(删除)
手机 :18150695049(微信同步)
QQ :2880842794
邮箱 :2880842794@qq.com
传真 :0596-3119658(请备注林工收)
1:Invensys Foxboro(福克斯波罗):I/A Series系统,FBM(现场输入/输出模块)顺序控制、梯形逻辑控制、事故追忆处理、数模转换、输入/输出信号处理、数据通信及处理等。
2:Invensys Triconex: 冗余容错控制系统、基于三重模件冗余(TMR)结构的现代化的容错控制器。
3:Westinghouse(西屋): OVATION系统、WDPF系统、WEStation系统备件。
4:Rockwell Allen-Bradley: Reliance瑞恩、SLC500/1747/1746、MicroLogix/1761/1763/1762/1766/1764、CompactLogix/1769/1768、Logix5000/1756/1789/1794/1760/1788、PLC-5/1771/1785等。
5:Schneider Modicon(施耐德莫迪康):Quantum 140系列处理器、控制卡、电源模块等。
6:ABB:工业机器人备件DSQC系列、Bailey INFI 90等。
7:Siemens(西门子):Siemens MOORE, Siemens Simatic C1,Siemens数控系统等。
8:Motorola(摩托罗拉):MVME 162、MVME 167、MVME1772、MVME177等系列。
9:XYCOM:I/O 、VME板和处理器等。
10:GE FANUC(GE发那科):模块、卡件、驱动器等各类备件。
12:Bosch Rexroth(博世力士乐):Indramat,I/O模块,PLC控制器,驱动模块等。
X-Roller Left or Right for Mikron WF 41c, 51c/D, 61c, 62c, 5dm Milling Machine
X-roller blind F. Micron wf32c,52c,54ch,52vh,71d,72c,72d,74ch,74vh, ums710, ums9...
Scale LS 603c, 420 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale msa6701, 470 MM in exchange of RSF
Scale LS 403c, 120 MM MS in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Me?taster mt100 K in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Me?taster mt60 M in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 403, 420 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 476, 220 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 476, 170 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain.
Scale LS 476, 120 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 603, 470 mm, in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain.
Scale LS 303c, 370 MM MS in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 403, 370 MM MS in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 403, 470 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 803, 320 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale ls403, 320mm with MS in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Three jaw chuck NEW 100mm mk4 s20x2 eg for Deckel Milling Machine
Three jaw chuck 100mm sk40 s20x2 eg for Deckel Milling Machine
Scale LS 303, 470 MM MS in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 403c, 320 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 803, 140 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 403, 170 MM MS in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 323c, 170 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Rotary Encoder ROD 456 -250 (212250-32) in exchange of HEIDENHAIN
Scale LS 473, 520 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 473, 620 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 403, 420 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain.
Scale LS 476, 170 MM in exchanging Heidenhain 329 986-3a
Scale LS 476, 170 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain.
Scale LS 603, 470 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain,
Scale LS 403, 420 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain,
Scale LS 323, 270 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 603c, 470 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 803, 370 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
2 AXIS METER ND 920 in exchange (Exchange Service), from Heidenhain
Scale LS 323, 220 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain.
Scale LS 476c, 170 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
2 AXIS METER VRZ 719 in exchange (Exchange Service), from Heidenhain
Scale LS 403, 470 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain.
Scale LS 303c, 520 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 323, 320 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 403, 220 MM MS in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 603, 420 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 403, 520 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain,
Scale LS 403c, 370 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain.
Safety Handle 160 f. the Conv. Lid Milling Machine
Scale LS 803, 320 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain.
Scale LS 603, 420 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 803, 270 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 403, 120 MM MS in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 476c, 120 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 403, 270 MM MS in exchanging HEIDENHAIN
Scale LS 403c, 420 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain,
Scale LS 303c, 520 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 303c, 420 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 603c, 420 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain.
Scale LS 603, 470 mm, in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain.
Scale LS 403c, 370 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Strip LS 476 NEW from Heidenhain
Scale LS 603, 420 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain.
Scale LS 323, 170 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain.
Scale LS 476, 270 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
2 AXIS METER ND 930 in exchange (Exchange Service), from Heidenhain
Scale LS 323, 220 MM in exchanging HEIDENHAIN
Tnc355a Panel id.nr.255015-02 in exchange (Exchange Service) Heidenhain
Me?taster mt101 K in exchange of HEIDENHAIN
5 Combi Clip - on Mandrel New sk40 s20x2 d16, 22,27,32,40mm e.g. for Deckel Mill...
Ausdrehwerkzeug Lenz LPA 2s mk6
Scale LS 476, 120 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Three jaw chuck 100mm sk40 s20x2 F. Deckel Milling Machine
Scale LS 303c, 470 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain.
Scale LS 476, 270 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 303c, 470 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale msa6701, 420 MM in exchange of RSF
Rotary Encoder ROD 456 -5000 (251292-6v) in exchange (Exchange) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 803, 120 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 803, 170 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Encoder ROQ 425-2048 (599502-03) in exchange (Exchange) from Heidenhain
TE 426a Panel id.nr.255447-01 in exchange (Exchange Service) Heidenhain
Scale LS 803, 220 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 476, 70 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 403, 120 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 403, 470 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 303c, 420 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Rotary Encoder ROD 456 -180 id.nr.251292-2a in exchange of HEIDENHAIN
Scrapers COMPLETE SET FOR LID Milling Machine fp5-80 2836
Strip LS 486 Id. No. 635816-02 NEW from Heidenhain
Strip LS 603c NEW from Heidenhain
Strip LS 603 NEW from Heidenhain
Strip LS 486c Id. No. 635816-01 NEW from Heidenhain
2 AXIS METER VRZ 720, digital display of HEIDENHAIN
Strip LS 186 NEW from Heidenhain
Removing ERM 280 900 id.nr.393000-13 NEW from Heidenhain
Draw BAR 2713-1251 sk40 m16 Compl. NEW for Deckel Milling Machine fp4 2700
Scale LS 303, 270 MM MS in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Me?taster st1208 NEW from Heidenhain
Collet Set 355e d1-17, 5 NEW e.g. for lid Milling Machine
Gear Shaft NEW for Deckel Milling Machine fp1 2113
Collet recording F. stufenspannz .386 Gebr. Inner margins Hamlet LATHE
Input board ne90 for lid d4 O. c3 Milling Machine
Collet Set 355e d1-17, 5 NEW e.g. for lid Milling machine.
Removing LB 326 in exchange of HEIDENHAIN
Wohlhaupter upa4 sk40 din2080 Lids Milling Machine
Scale LS 303, 520 MM in exchanging HEIDENHAIN
Scale LS 303, 520 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 303, 470 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 303, 520 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
4 machine feet ?200 m24x160 NEW MILLING MACHINE/LATHE
4 machine feet ?200 m20x160 NEW MILLING MACHINE/LATHE
Scrapers Complete Set F. Deckel Milling Machine fp4 2700 -
Rotary Encoder ROD 426.0003 2500 id.nr.25168-1 1g in exchange of HEIDENHAIN
Scale LS 800, 170 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 603c 220 MM NEW from Heidenhain
Scale LS 403c, 170 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 406 ML 170 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 403, 320 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 403, 270 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 403, 370 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 403c, 170 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 403, 220 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain,
Scale LS 403c, 220 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 403, 220 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain,
Scale LS 403, 140 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain.
Scale LS 404, 320 MM in exchanging HEIDENHAIN
Scale LS 404c, 270 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 403c, 120 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 476c, 470 MM in exchanging HEIDENHAIN
Scale LS 801, 220 MM in exchanging HEIDENHAIN
Coolant Pump F. Deckel fp1 Milling Machine in exchange
Spindle, Hilma HYDRAULIC VISE, backenbr .160 for lid Milling Machine
Scale LS 403, 170 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 303c, 70 MM MS from Heidenhain
Scale LS 603c, 170 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain,
Scale LS 603c, 170 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain,
Scale LS 801, 520 MM in exchanging HEIDENHAIN
Scale LS 603, 170 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scrapers COMPLETE SET FOR LID Milling Machine fp4 - 60 2833
Scale LS 303, 370 MM MS in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 404, 170 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 603, 220 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 703, 170 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 603, 220 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 603, 320 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 403, 120 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain.
Scale LS 403, 170 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain.
Scale LS 703, 170 MM in exchanging Heidenhain,
Scale LS 406, 220 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 703, 170 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain.
Scale LS 703c, 170 MM in exchanging HEIDENHAIN
Scale LS 403, 320 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 477, 470 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 406, 320 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain,
Scale LS 303c, 320 MM MS in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Cover for lid fp4 Milling Machine
Scale LS 404, 120 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 404, 220 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Rotary Encoder ROD 1050 100 id.nr.319102-13 in exchange (Exchange) from Heidenha...
Rotary Encoder ROD 1050 2500 id.nr.319102-22 in exchange of HEIDENHAIN
Scale LS 603, 220 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Rotary Encoder hr130 -100 MINT from Heidenhain ID. No. 254040-05
Scale LS 477, 520 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 403, 120 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 406, 170 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 404, 370 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 800, 220 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Tailstock for lid s1, Refurbished
Scale LS 403c, 120 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain.
Scale LS 603, 370 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain.
Strip LS 623 C NEW from Heidenhain
Scale LS 603, 370 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 403, 370 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 403, 70 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 406, 270 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 603c, 320 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
5 Straight Collet Chuck sk40 s20x2 d6, 10,12,16,25 dublok NEW LIDS Milling Machi...
Front Panel for Monitor itnc 530 from Heidenhain id.nr.572371-01
Coolant Pump Lid fp2/3 Milling Machine in exchange
Encoder Ron 426 -1024 id.nr.376846-08 HEIDENHAIN
Encoder Ron 436 -2500 id.nr.295450-op HEIDENHAIN
Encoder Ron 450 -400 id.nr.251568-45 HEIDENHAIN
CHIP TRAY GEBR. for lid Milling Machine fp2/3
Scale LS 403, 320 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Strip LS 603 NEW from Heidenhain.
Scale LS 801, 470 MM in exchanging HEIDENHAIN
Scale LS 403c, 270 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 403, 270 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 403c, 270 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Me?taster ST 1277 in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 403, 270 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 603, 320 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 603, 370 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 603, 320 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 603, 370 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 403, 370 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 403, 220 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain.
Scale LS 303, 420 MM MS in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 303c, 220 MM MS in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 406, 220 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Me?taster mt2501 id.nr.329351-03 in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Multifix a quick-change-Retreat holder AFI NEW for Lathe
2 AXIS METER VRZ 713b, digital display of HEIDENHAIN
2 Axis Meter in exchange (Exchange) VRZ 712, digital display of HEIDENHAIN
Scrapers COMPLETE SET FOR LID Milling Machine fp3 - 50 2860
2 AXIS METER VRZ 613b Heidenhain.
Scale LS 303, 220 MM MS in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
1 AXIS METER ND 282 B, digital display of HEIDENHAIN
1 AXIS METER ND 231, digital display of HEIDENHAIN
1 AXIS METER ND 220, digital display of HEIDENHAIN
1 AXIS METER ND 261, digital display of HEIDENHAIN
1 AXIS METER ND 221, digital display of HEIDENHAIN
Scale LS 303, 470 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
X-axis Spindle Nut for lid fp2lb/3l Milling Machine
Scale LS 303c, 170 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 303, 420 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 303c, 370 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain.
3 AXIS METER ND 760 in exchange (Exchange), digital display of HEIDENHAIN
Scale LS 303, 370 mm in Exchange (Exchange service) by HEIDENHAIN
Encoder ROQ 425 -312 (312218-02) in exchange (Exchange) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 388c, 420 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 303, 120 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 406, 70 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
2 Axis Meter in exchange ND 720, digital display of HEIDENHAIN
Scale LS 473, 320 mm in Exchange (Exchange service) by HEIDENHAIN
Scale LS 303, 320 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 303c, 320 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain.
X-Bellows for Maho mh800c right 22076146 Milling Machine
Scale LS 303c, 120 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 303c, 120 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 303c, 220 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
2 AXIS METER ND 510 in exchange (Exchange Service), from Heidenhain
X-Bellows left for Maho mh500 Milling Machine
X-Bellows right for Maho mh500 Milling Machine
Rotary Encoder hr130 -100 MINT from Heidenhain ID. No. 254040-a5
2 AXIS METER ND 730 in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 303, 320 in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
2 Axis Meter in exchange (Exchange) ND 510, digital display of HEIDENHAIN
2 AXIS METER ND 530 in exchange (Exchange Service), from Heidenhain
3 AXIS METER ND 560 in exchange (Exchange Service), from Heidenhain
Scale LS 378c,170 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 406, 70 mm in Exchange (Exchange service) by HEIDENHAIN.
2 AXIS METER ND 710 in exchange (Exchange), digital display of HEIDENHAIN
3 Axis Meter in exchange ND 770, digital display of HEIDENHAIN
Safety Handle 140 f. the Conv. Lid Milling Machine
Scale LS 303c, 70 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain.
X-Bellows left for Maho mh800 e2 Milling Machine
Scale LS 303c, 220 MM MS in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Multifix Drilling Steel Holder d2h 70/220 NEW Lathe
X-Bellows for Maho mh800c Left 22076147 Milling Machine
Scale LS 303, 220 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 303, 120 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain.
Scale LS 303c, 70 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain.
Scale LS 303, 170 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Encoder Ron 426 -1500 id.nr.295434-95 HEIDENHAIN
Scale LS 303c, 270 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 388c, 370 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 303c, 320 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain.
Strip LS 103c in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
3 AXIS METER ND 550 in exchange (Exchange Service), from Heidenhain
2 AXIS METER ND 520 in exchange, (EXCHANGE SERVICE), from Heidenhain
X-Bellows right for Maho mh800 e2 Milling Machine
Scale LS 303c, 270 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 303c, 370 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain.
Rotary Encoder ROD 426 180 id.nr.376846-0b NEW from Heidenhain
Scale LS 303c, 120 MM in exchanging HEIDENHAIN
Scale LS 303, 170 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 303, 220 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 303, 270 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain.
Scale LS 303, 420 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 303c, 170 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 303, 70 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 303, 270 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Multifix a quick-change-Retreat Holder BFE/Outdoor New For Lathe
Lining Protection Foldable with micro switch to d200mm for lathes
Test Mandrel sk50 for lid Milling Machine
Scale LS 303, 140 MM MS in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Collet Set 358e w23 NEW 1 -18 mm, 1 mm twist
Collet Set 355e d3-18 NEW e.g. for lid Milling machine.
Collet Set 358e w23 NEW 1,5 -17,5 mm, 1 mm twist
Me?taster mt60k in exchange of HEIDENHAIN
Rotary Encoder ROD 320.002 -1500 (254847-07) in exchange of HEIDENHAIN
2 AXIS METER VRZ 740 in exchange (Exchange Service), from Heidenhain
3 Axis Meter in exchange (Exchange) VRZ 653, digital display of HEIDENHAIN
3 Axis Meter in exchange VRZ 650, digital display of HEIDENHAIN
2 Axis Meter in exchange (Exchange) VRZ 720, digital display of HEIDENHAIN
Rotary Encoder ROD 320.001 -1250 (244644-06) in exchange (Exchange) from Heidenh...
Rotary Encoder ROD 320 -500 (209698-03) in exchange (Exchange) from Heidenhain
2 AXIS METER VRZ 613 in exchange (Exchange), digital display of HEIDENHAIN
3 AXIS METER VRZ 770 in exchange (Exchange), digital display of HEIDENHAIN
Rotary Encoder ROD 589 -5000 in exchange (Exchange) from Heidenhain id.nr.362193...
2 Axis Meter in exchange VRZ 714 (EXCHANGE SERVICE), from Heidenhain
1 AXIS METER VRZ 401, overtaken digital display of HEIDENHAIN
Cover for lid fp2/3 2271 Milling Machine
Scale LS 388c, 270 mm from Heidenhain
3 AXIS METER VRZ 750 in exchange (Exchange Service), from Heidenhain
2 AXIS METER VRZ 733 B in exchange (Exchange), digital display of HEIDENHAIN
Scale LS 303, 70 MM MS in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
2 AXIS METER VRZ 613b in exchange (Exchange Service), from Heidenhain
2 AXIS METER VRZ 729b in exchange (Exchange Service), from Heidenhain
1 AXIS METER VRZ 402, Refurbished Digital display of HEIDENHAIN
2 Axis Meter in exchange VRZ 742, digital display of HEIDENHAIN
2 AXIS METER VRZ 742b in exchange (Exchange Service), from Heidenhain
2 AXIS METER VRZ 613.002b in exchange (Exchange Service), from Heidenhain
Three jaw chuck MINT D 137 mm sk40 for Deckel Milling Machine
Me?taster mt12 W in exchange of HEIDENHAIN
Rotary Encoder ROD 456 -2500 id.nr.295459-3y in exchange of HEIDENHAIN
3 axes count VRZ 775 in exchange (Exchange Service), from Heidenhain
Rotary Encoder ROD 320.002 -1250 (254847-06) in exchange of HEIDENHAIN
Scale LS 477c, 270 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Four Jaw Chuck 100 mm for Spiral Milling Setup sk40
Three jaw chuck NEW d80mm sk40 s20x2 eg for Deckel Milling Machine
2 Axis Meter in exchange (Exchange) VRZ 712, digital display of HEIDENHAIN
3 Axis Meter in exchange VRZ 773 B, digital display of HEIDENHAIN
3 Axis Meter in exchange (Exchange) VRZ 760b, digital display of HEIDENHAIN
2 AXIS METER VRZ 733 in exchange (Exchange), digital display of HEIDENHAIN
3 Axis Meter in exchange (Exchange) VRZ 773, digital display of HEIDENHAIN
3 Axis Meter in exchange VRZ 774 B, digital display of HEIDENHAIN
2 AXIS METER VRZ 742c in exchange (Exchange Service), from Heidenhain
3 AXIS METER VRZ 670 G in exchange of HEIDENHAIN
2 Axis Meter in exchange VRZ 735, digital display of HEIDENHAIN
Collet recording F. stufenspannz .386 Gebr. aussenspannen Hamlet LATHE
1 AXIS METER VRZ 166, digital display of HEIDENHAIN
3 Axis Meter in exchange (Exchange) VRZ 760, digital display of HEIDENHAIN
Encoder ECN 1313 -2048 id.nr.768295-54-54 NEW from Heidenhain
Encoder ERN 280.4023 01024 id.nr.279528-02 in exchange of HEIDENHAIN
Rotary Encoder ROD 456 -3600 id.nr.295459-5k in exchange (Exchange) from Heidenh...
Lining Protection Foldable with micro switch to d160mm for lathes
Test Mandrel sk50 for lid Milling Machine
Plan Disc 310 mm for lid NC Dividing Head
3 AXIS METER VRZ 769 in exchange (Exchange Service), from Heidenhain
3 Axis Meter in exchange VRZ 753b, digital display of HEIDENHAIN
Collet Set Square-NEW - 386e 4-19mm 11 pcs. for Hamlet LATHE
3 Axis Meter in exchange VRZ 754, digital display of HEIDENHAIN
Sensitive Unit AE 503 D in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
3 AXIS METER VRZ 650 R in exchange (Exchange Service), from Heidenhain
Encoder ERN 180, 2500 in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Rotary Encoder ROD 420 1800 in exchange of HEIDENHAIN
2 Axis Meter in exchange (Exchange) VRZ 712b, digital display of HEIDENHAIN
Te132 B Panel Id. No. 241419-01 in exchange for Heidenhain control
Rotary Encoder ROD 150, 9000 in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
3 Axis Meter in exchange (Exchange) VRZ 757, digital display of HEIDENHAIN
Scale LS 388c, 220 mm from Heidenhain
Rotary Encoder ROD 320.001 2000 Id. No. 244644-08 in exchange exchange V. HEIDEN...
Me?taster st1271 in exchange of Heidenhain ID. No. 331661-02
Me?taster st1271 in exchange of Heidenhain ID. No. 331661-03
Coarse Scale X-axis 1200 mm for lid fp3lv Milling Machine
Rotary Encoder ROD 456 -600 (251292-a1) in exchange (Exchange) from Heidenhain
Z-Bellows For Micron wf2/3dp 2/3dpm 3dp 3dpm 3dcm Milling Machine
Collet Set 355e NEW d2-16 e.g. for Deckel Milling Machine
Scale LS 388c, 120 MM in exchange (Exchange) from Heidenhain
2 Axis Meter in exchange (Exchange) VRZ 720b, digital display of HEIDENHAIN
3 Axis Meter in exchange Visu 703 a100, digital display of axesta
3 Axis Meter in exchange (Exchange) VRZ 771b, digital display of HEIDENHAIN
Encoder ERN 1387 2048 Id.Nr. 385488-59 new from HEIDENHAIN
Encoder ERN 180 4096 in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Scale LS 303, 370 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
3 AXIS METER VRZ 651 in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
NEW LISTING 3 Axis Meter in exchange VRZ 752, digital display of HEIDENHAIN
Rotary Encoder ROD 320 1000 Id. No. 538723-55 in exchange of HEIDENHAIN
Encoder ERN 180 1024 id.nr.589614-51 in exchange (Exchange) from Heidenhain
Feststellarm for the lid KF
Feststellarm for the lid kf12, kf2, kf2s
Strip LS 406c NEW from Heidenhain
Strip LS 406 NEW from Heidenhain
Direct Collet Set sk40 din2080 NEW e.g for Deckel Milling Machine
Encoder Ron 420 -5000 376840-7s HEIDENHAIN
Collet Chuck m5 d6 NEW for grinding Engine Lid LK
3 AXIS METER VRZ 653 B in exchange (Exchange Service), from Heidenhain
3 AXIS METER VRZ 653.003 B in exchange (Exchange Service), from Heidenhain
3 Axis Meter in exchange VRZ 753, digital display of HEIDENHAIN
3 Axis Digital Readout Easson 10m for Milling Machine
Part Head d100mm NEW
4 Combi Clip - on Arbors mk4 s20x2 for lid Milling Machine
X-Bellows left for Mikron WF 21c/D, WF 31c/CH Milling Machine
X-Bellows right for Mikron WF 21c/D, WF 31c/CH Milling Machine
Suit Rod NEW FOR FEIN Drill Head 2021 for lid Milling Machine
Multifix Size B New for lathes
Plan Disc d250 mm NEW For Lid-Dividing Head sk40
Z-Bellows For Micron wf21c/D, wf31c/ch/d/de/sa, wf32d/CH Ume 560 Milling Machine
2 Axis Meter in exchange VRZ 710, digital display of HEIDENHAIN
Thread cutting feed tapmatic Gebr. m2, 5-m7
Dividing head for 5c Collets horizontally, vertically
Rotary Encoder ROD 436 1250 id.nr.2376836-gg HEIDENHAIN
Scale LS 486c, 220 MM in exchange (Exchange Service) from Heidenhain
Rotary Encoder ROD 426 e1800 id.nr.244563-1m in exchange (Exchange) from Heidenh...
Rotary Encoder ROD 486 -2500 (376886-07) NEW from Heidenhain
2 AXIS METER VRZ 713b in exchange (Exchange Service), from Heidenhain
2 Axis Meter in exchange (Exchange) VRZ 713, digital display of HEIDENHAIN
Rotary Encoder For Elektron. Handwheel HR 330 in exchange (Exchange) from Heiden...
Z-Bellows for lid FP 4a/nc Milling Machine
Direct Collet Set mk4 s20x2 d10-25 NEW e.g for Deckel Milling Machine
Me?taster st3077 in exchange of HEIDENHAIN
Me?taster st1271 in exchange of Heidenhain id.nr.331661-03
Me?taster st1278 in exchange of Heidenhain id.nr.383963-03
Me?taster st1278 in exchange of Heidenhain id.nr.383963-04