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2025年03月19日 星期三


  • MTR-3T45-H-R-0-M-0-A模块

  • 更新时间:2025-03-19
  • 联系方式

    18105962658  /  0181-50695049

    蓝秋红 女士(营销部

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PLC 控制系统的抗干扰能力是关系到整个控制系统运行的关键因素之一,而接地系统是PLC安装和应用过程中的重要环节。针对PLC控制系统中存在的干扰问题,重点探讨了系统接地类型、方式及接地装置。实际结果表明,采取良好的接地措施,对提高PLC控制系统的抗干扰能力。







   PLC 控制系统内部干扰源主要有元器件的固有噪声、电源系统等。 





   1.1 “路”的干扰









手机      :18150695049(微信同步)

QQ        :2880842794                        


传真      :0596-3119658(请备注林工收)                                         








1:Invensys Foxboro(福克斯波罗):I/A Series系统,FBM(现场输入/输出模块)顺序控制、梯形逻辑控制、事故追忆处理、数模转换、输入/输出信号处理、数据通信及处理等。

2:Invensys Triconex: 冗余容错控制系统、基于三重模件冗余(TMR)结构的现代化的容错控制器。

3:Westinghouse(西屋): OVATION系统、WDPF系统、WEStation系统备件。

4:Rockwell Allen-Bradley: Reliance瑞恩、SLC500/1747/1746、MicroLogix/1761/1763/1762/1766/1764、CompactLogix/1769/1768、Logix5000/1756/1789/1794/1760/1788、PLC-5/1771/1785等。

5:Schneider Modicon(施耐德莫迪康):Quantum 140系列处理器、控制卡、电源模块等。

6:ABB:工业机器人备件DSQC系列、Bailey INFI 90等。

7:Siemens(西门子):Siemens MOORE, Siemens Simatic C1,Siemens数控系统等。

8:Motorola(摩托罗拉):MVME 162、MVME 167、MVME1772、MVME177等系列。

9:XYCOM:I/O 、VME板和处理器等。

10:GE FANUC(GE发那科):模块、卡件、驱动器等各类备件。


12:Bosch Rexroth(博世力士乐):Indramat,I/O模块,PLC控制器,驱动模块等。



Endress Hauser tr15 tr15-h1b8c2d0ha2y0 range: -20... +300c - UN -

Endress Hauser tc15 tc15-h1b2y2d0ha12y range: 0.... +800c

Endress Hauser tr15 tr15-h1b8c2d0ha2y0 range: -20... +200c

Endress Hauser tr15 tr15h1a2c2c0ha2y0 range: 0.... +300c

Endress Hauser tc15 tc15-h1b2y2e0ha12y range: 0.... +800c - UN -

Endress Hauser tc15 tc15-h1b2y1k0ha12y range: 0.... 800c-UN -

Baumer Thalheim absolute value donor ATD 2s a 4 Y 712 ssbid 2sr12s14ip6506-UNUSE...

Baumer ATD 2sa4y712 atd2sa4y712 SGRD 2sr12s14 Encoder-NEW/OVP -

Endress Hauser tc15 tc15-h1a2y2c0ha120 range: 0.... +1000c

Endress Hauser tr15 tr15-a1a2c2c0ha200 range: 0.... +300c

Endress Hauser TC 15 tc15-h1b2y2c0ha12y range: 0.... +800c

Endress Hauser tc15 tc15-h1a2y2c0ha12y range: 0.... +1000c

Allen-Bradley 1732ds-ib8xobv4 Series A Guard I/O 8-Point Dig. - Comb. Module-Sea...

Waldmann Mtal 4 S Mtal 4s 112567076 4x6w 24vdc Machine Lamp-Un/Boxed -

Allen-Bradley 1732ds-ib8 1732 dsib 8 Series A-Sealed -

Siemens Simatic s7 6es7 350-1ah03-0ae0 6es7350-1ah03-0ae0 E: 03 v1.0.2 - SEALED ...

Schneider Electric 170adi74050 114753 TSX momentum I/O base 230vac-SEALED -

Baumer Thalheim td3 a 4 Al RM Y 2 TD 3 a 4 alrmy 2 Art. No. 320282-UN -

Lenze AC Tech SMVector esv222n02sfe 000xx1d31 2,2 kw/3hp 240v input-UN/BOXED...

Krauss Maffei TE 500 te500 5089390 PCB-REFURBISHED -

Yaskawa AC Servo Motor SGMAH-a5aaf41d-Distressed

Lenze ERBD 022r03k0 ID No. 13191226 Brake Resistance-Distressed

Siemens Simatic power supply s5 6es5955-3lf12 6es5 955-3lf12 e:16 - Distressed

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5981-0ha11 6es5 981-0ha11 E-Stand: 03-/BOXED -

Reer argolux as AU S-Twin 8011896-Distressed

Hitachi j300 055hfe4 Inverter 5,5kw Frequency Inverter Cover missing-Distressed

NEC nl6448ac33-10 LCD Color Screen 26 cm Diagonal-Distressed

Mushroom 777355 p2hz x4p 24vdc 3n/o 1n/c Emergency Stop Switch Unit-UN-BNIB

Siemens iskamatic an avb11-1/6fq1191-1b 6fq1191-1b 6fq1 191-1b - Distressed

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5955-3nf11 6es5 955-3nf11 E-Stand: K.A. Distressed

KEYENCE bl-185 bl185 Laser Barcode Scanner-UN/BOXED -

Siemens Simodrive 6sn1123-1aa00-0ca0 6sn1 123-1aa00-0ca0 E-Stand: a-Distressed

Mushroom p2hz x4p 24vdc 3n/o 1n/c 777355 Emergency Stop Switch Unit-UN/BOXED...

OMRON cs1w-clk11 Controller link unit distressed

4x Beckhoff km1002 0000 km1002-0004 16 Channel Digital Input 24v DC-UN/BOXED...

Sew Eurodrive mc07a030-5a3-4-00 Converter/Inverter 3kw/4hp -  - In Original ...

Jokab Safety Pluto Gateway Ethernet Gate-e1 20-070-73 - UN/BOXED -

Schunk sru+20-w-180-3-4 sru20w18034 361422 swivel unit distressed

ASCO JOUCOMATIC Sentronic Valve 833-354241106480 0 - 6 Bar-UN-BNIB

Schunk SRU + 20-w sru20-w 361422 swivel unit distressed

Num axes Car fs-200107a26 Preowned/

Num sorties 200577b26 output board /

Telemecanique xy2 ch33010 Cable Emergency-UN/BOXED -

ISKRA 11.216.902 im0352 amj5862 12v 1,6kw 2599/min DC Motor-UN/BOXED -

Vickers dg4v 3 6c M U c6 60 DG 4 V 36 cmuc 6 60 Valve-UN/BOXED -

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5955-3lf12 6es5 955-3lf12 E-Stand: 06 Distressed

Leuze MA 40 DP-K ma40dp-k 50033637-UN/BOXED -

Siemens Sinamics 6sl3100-1ve00-0aa0 6sl3 100-1ve00-0aa0 Ver. B-Distressed

Sick ELG ELGS 3-0210d521 & Elge 3-0210p521 Receiver & Transmitter-Distressed

Bird central lubrication MKU 2-kw6-10006 30 Bar-Distressed

Leuze BCL 22 S M 300 bcl22sm300 Version: v04.03 Barcode Scanner-UN -

Hydac EDS 345-1-400-000 906304 Electronic Pressure Switch-Un/Boxed -

Leuze BCL 22 S F 300 bcl22sf300 Version: v04.06 Barcode Scanner-UN/BOXED -

Siemens Simatic s7 6es7 331-1kf01-0ab0 6es7331-1kf01-0ab0 E: 05-UN/BOXED -

Refu wp32.10 32-10.10/03 Phase Inverter-Distressed

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5312-5ca12 6es5 312-5ca12 E: 02-Refurbished/SEALED -

Refu gs.32.13 32-10.13/02 DC Plate-Distressed

Siemens 6es5 491-0lb11 E: 02 + Sinec 6gk1543-0aa01 E: 5 Distressed

Hartmann & Braun ABB bitric P 61422-0-1100502 230v AC industry regulator-UN ...

Rice Hauer on rotation device/Spindle rp-1+2sw 20853900 2000232703-UN -

Sew Eurodrive r40dt63k4 Gear Motor

Handheld 2070-5b R 0167 SRD 3a r0167srd3a Cordless Sys Base-UN/BOXED -

WIKA 733.51.100 25 mbar 2x g1/4 Interior 12994210 Border Signal Generator-UN...

Haas 12-03-85-00 794056 Optics Head-Distressed

Sew Eurodrive mfp32d/z23d mfp32d z23d Junction Boxes-UN -

Room RBPS 2000 RBPS 2000 jf307aa Clamp Head-Un/Boxed -

Bahco DL-C-Box 101 DLC Box 101 230 Vac 2,5a - Distressed

Haas Laser 18-07-05-ah - Distressed

Haas Laser 18-02-01-ah - Distressed

Haas Laser 18-06-02-00 Supply Card-Distressed

Vickers System Stak Valve DGMP c-5-abk-bak-30 Max 315 Bar-UN -

Datalogic ds45a-h-r1 Barcode Scanner 11-30vdc - Distressed

Krauss Maffei se500 SE 500 5089420-Distressed

GESTRA Valve RK 44 DN 150 (6") - UN/BOXED -

AMT NT 40 nt40 Power Supply-Un/In Box

Vues am256d-0r0f-w020-0 SERVO MOTOR-UN -

End Fittings Actuator ed620552 + Off dn16 cw617n-UN -

Vegetable Swivel Drive sc00150-6f07f10-n-d-14a with Ball Valve DN 40-1 1/2" - UN...

Hydraulic Ring wee43s06e2g024 + wyy43f10d040b4-s22 Pmax 315bar-UN -

Phoenix Contact Quint ps-3x400ac/24dc/30/f Power Supply-Distressed

Siemens Simatic s5 Moby 6aw5463-0ab 6aw5 463-0ab E = 1

Sew Eurodrive r27 dr63l4/tf - UN -

Lenze Servomotor MCS 06f41-rs0b0-b11n-st5s00n-r0su Distressed

USF Schumacher Double Filter FLA 1200 A

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5312-5ca22 6es5 312-5ca22 E-Stand: 01-UN/BOXED -

Jumo 703570/081-1100-111500-23-00/00,056 AC 110-240v Thermostat-Distressed

Pfannenberg pf6000 11045102030 11045102000-UN/BOXED -

Elbaron Type K Type-K typk 20 - 240v 0,7a +8,5kv +/-10% Power Supply-UN -

Siemens 3vt5 200-0vt11 3vt5200 -0 BT 11 Power Switch

Festo SFAB - 1000u-wq10-25a-m12 565407 Flow Sensor-SEALED -

Westinghouse Electric zbg-4001 Controlmatic-UN -

Siemens 6sl3000-0he21-0aa0 Line Filter for 10kw Smartline Module 24a-SEALED -

Festo drqd - 12-90-j60-a-fw-zs 187433-UN -

Siemens Simatic s7 6es7 422-1bl00-0aa0 6es7422-1bl00-0aa0 E: 04-UN/BOXED -

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5946-3ua21 6es5 946-3ua21 E-Stand: 08 Distressed

OMRON ZFX-S zfxs Camera 24v DC without Lens-UN/BOXED -

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5470-4ua13 6es5 470-4ua13 E-Stand: 01 

Indramat Control Line rkg-4201 15m-UN -

Siemens Landis & Staefa ? sqn30.402a2700 220-240v 6,5a Actuator-UN/BOXED -

Rexroth hydronorma 4 WMU 6 c51/4wmu6c51/4035421/8 Valve + Roller Plunger-Distres...

Moeller NZM 2-xr nzm2-xr Power Switch-Distressed

Desoutter Era 30j era30j No. 04c 19053 Angle Drill-Distressed

Alpha GEARBOX sp100-mf2-20-ogo-2s Distressed

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5955-3lf11 6es5 955-3lf11 E: K.A. Distressed

Alpha GEARBOX sp100-mx2-12-031-001 Distressed

Dynamic dcl-10b Drive 230v ip67 M. Gate Valve dn125 16bar-UN -

Siemens Sentron 7km2112-0ba00-3aa0 E: 8+7km9300-0ab01-0aa0 E: 1 PROFIBUS-Un

Vegetable Type 690 dn32da40pn10 3 - 6 Bar Pneumatic Diaphragm Valve EPDM Flange-...

Baümuller Nuremberg 3.9016e 5.0 Control Board-Distressed

Indramat lemd-ab112x1l1 Cooling Fan Unit-UN -

PEP Coupling Board vphl 31.087-1010.3 fem1 Distressed

B & R dm476 3dm476.6 DIGITAL IN-OUT Module-Distressed

Vegetable Type 690/40/d 0514-1 Pneumatic Diaphragm Valve EPDM-UN-BNIB

EA ELEKTRO-AUTOMATIK ea-ps7016-400 LCD PN 34200103 Power Supply-Distressed

Allen Bradley 160-ba03nsf1 0,75 KW INVERTER series: C-Distressed

Müller CO-AX MK 32 DR NC 32c211/4dc 24a Valve-un -

ABB 07cr41-s3.9 1sbp260020r1001 Advant Controller 31 Basic Unit-Distressed

Siemens 3rf1421-0qc04 Semiconductor Contactor 480v AC 80a steuersp .5-24v DC-DIS...

Schneider Electric Lon I/O modules Dr-N 4s 16a mtn881831-UN/BOXED -

BALDOR TFM 060-06-01-1 tfm060-06-01-1 Distressed

Danaher Motion dsr92-70-03 Distressed

Pilz PNOZ m1p 773100 Base Unit Base Unit-Distressed

Pilz PNOZ 11 774086 230-240 Vac 24 VDC 7n/o1n/c Emergency Stop Switch Unit-UNUSE...

Lenze Geared motor mdemabr 063-32coc/gkr03 -2 MHAR 063c32 0,18kw/I = 15,11 - UNU...

Renishaw ac2 v.8 Distressed

Keb Combivert IMA 10f5cbb-ym00 10594106 v1.1 Inverter 4,0kva * /BOXED *

Lenze spl81 -3 nvcr 15009410 Planetary Gear i:71.160 - UN -

Brüel & Kj?r Vibro od-054 mnr.: c00012102 Oscillator M. Test Note-UN -

Fischer & krecke servomotor 80b83-0460-916u8-fr-11 Distressed

Shining Towel Dispenser lz-a1 Towel Maker + 12x Towel-Rolls-UN -

Phoenix CONTACT QUINT-ps-100-240ac/30dc/4,8/efd Ord. No. 2736699-SEALED -

Memco 840-012d/cr370 Pana 194 Plus Control Light Curtain System-UN/BOXED -

Kollmorgen Servo Motor akm33e-ANCNR - 00 AKM 33 eancnr 00 Distressed

Uticor mi-15-02-2-vit-r1 24vdc 15" Industrial Display Panel Distressed

Endress + Hauser Memo-Graph rsg10-b111a21fa 90 - 253 V-Distressed

ABB 5stp 24l2800 5stp24l2800 Thyristor-UN -

SITEMA Rods blocking KRGP 028 10 20kn 3,5bar - UN/BOXED -

Bird 3 ~ MOT db7.2750+140 pms9c-170+140 Immersible Pump 0,75kw - UN -

Brook Hansen gfnb 4b5.6-wu-da90lk-h Gear Motor-un -

Siemens Line Filter Network Filter 6sl3000-0be23-6aa0 36 KW E-Stand: B-/In B...

SITEMA Fall Protection KRP 25/KR 02511 10kn 4bar-UN/BOXED -

Janitza UMG 505 umg505 52.10.004 Universal Meter-Distressed

North Hydraulic MK pressure limiting valve RM 233ew/2xdw-2k9-2x1k9-3x - UN -

Siemens Simatic s7 6es7407-0ka00-0aa0 6es7 407-0ka00-0aa0 E-Stand: 02 Distressed

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5 095-8mc01 6es5095-8mc01 E-Stand: 03 Distressed

Belimo ef24gx-sr efa-kc0 200 h06 30nm 24vac/dc ACTUATOR FLAP ACTUATOR-

Bauer Gear Motor bs04-74v/d04la4-s/e003b4/am 0,06 KW-UN -

Festo dnu-63-400-ppv-a s3 158847 10bar/145psi Pneumatic Cylinder-Distressed

Steel Exicom 9764 Power Device Type: ent-dc-1.0-19k PTV-no. ex-92.c.2046x - Dist...

Ametek Solartron Metrology Orbit dp2s 971100-3 - UN/BOXED -

Merlin Gerin Schneider Compact ns160l 1250a tm160d/160a Power Switch-Un

Danaher Motion servomotor dbl2h00060-br2-110-s40 Distressed

Siemens g32002-f-g800-z s5led v2.2 200730 Rev. 00-Distressed

AEG thyrovar Type iteal 220-45 re 763-612-300.00 Distressed

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5454-4ua11 6es5 454-4ua11 E: 1-SEALED -

Rexroth Hydraulic Cylinder cdm1-mp5/40/28/140a10/B 1 cgdmww-UN -

KEM Küppers ZHM 01 St. D.V Gear Flow Meter 0,005-1l/min - UN -

Siemens OP 15-c2 6av3515-1ma2 6av3 515-1ma22 E-Stand: 06 WITHOUT BATTERY COVER

Festo cpv10-ge-fb-8 18252 + 5x Solenoid Valves-Distressed

Siemens 6se7021-2ep87-0fb1 E: a 12a 380-480v 3-line EMC filter-Un/Boxed -

Siemens Piezo Graph 2 7nd2482-5da00-0xb0 Multireg 32 Multi Function Recorder-Use...

Aerotechnik Victory presence 233-1 incl. PIC 080 Flow Regulator PIC-UN -

Norgren sa/8100/w1/50 Pneumatic Cylinder-Un -

Texas Instruments 505-4416 5054416 220vac input SPS Card-Distressed

Witten Stone Alpha SP 060s-mf1-4 - oc1-2s sp060s-mf1-4-oc1-2s I = 4-UN -

Bird gear MPV 00 I 10.0 = 482796 / 290633-un-

Kollmorgen dbl2m00080-b3m-000-s40 ID: 104852 Servo Motor-Distressed

ICO System Heater Hose 5,00m dn13-Distressed

Siemens DEMATIC p-pif95-x75 32.1699.576-00 02801734 Distressed

Jetter NANO-B NB-CPU-Distressed

Indramat MT-CNC mtcb 03-00 Rack-Distressed

Danfoss Frequency Inverter fcd315pt4p66exr1dcf10t22c0 2,6kva - UN -

Siemens lae10-110v LAE 10-110v Series 02 110v 5va flammw?chter-UN/BOXED -

Danfoss VLT 5003 Inverter vlt5003pt5b20sbr3d0f00a00-Distressed

Siemens 3nj6203-3ab00-1db1 fuse load isolators Bar-UN-BNIB

Haas 18-13-11-00/02 v1.4 PC Board LRS output control-un -

Sato m8480s-dsw Rev. 1.1 Thermal Print Head Control Board-Un -

IPR ULS 200 uls200 uls-200 Anti-Collision-UN -

Siemens j31070-a5711-f002-b1-85 mbbxl 400v 100kw a5e00295571 E: b2 Distressed

INA rwu45-e-hl g2 v3 017-880-882/042 Roller Guide Car-Un/Boxed -

Witten Stone Alpha Planetary Gear TP 010-mf2-91-031-000 - Distressed

Siemens Simatic s7 6es7 314-1ag13-0ab0 6es7314-1ag13-0ab0 E: 03 + M-Card-Distres...

Rikmeier Hydraulic Pump R 25/10fl-z-db 0,25 KW 5 Bar-Distressed

Siemens 1la7130-4aa66 1la7 130-4aa66 Electric Motor 5,5kw - UN/BOXED -

Kollmorgen PSR Power supply

Schneider Automation TSX a250 Bik 116 SFB-Master 6365-042244609 - Distressed

Endress + Hauser MYCOM-O com121-3a00 Transducer-Distressed

Siemens Sinumerik 6fx1122-8bd01 6fx1 122-8bd01 E-Stand: a-Distressed

Siemens Micromaster Simovert 6se3012-0ba00 6se 3012-0ba00 E: J-Distressed

Ophir l150w-a - .1-tr 173602a Trumpf 1230877 Thermopile Laser Power Meter-/B...

Siemens 3np5360-0ea86 3np5 360-0ea86 e:02 load isolators-UN/BOXED -

Which Uni-Line has-111dg 100060267.70 Sync Control Relay-Un -

Lenze ETML 152x2sfa530xx1b13 13268107 230v 1,50kw 2 HP Freq. Converter-UN/BO...

Ziehl Abegg fan, fan rh31m-2ek.3f.2k 0,63kw 2470/min 230v-Distressed

Siemens Simatic s7 6es7 414-2xg03-0ab0 6es7414-2xg03-0ab0 E-Stand: 04 Distressed

Ziehl Abegg fan, fan rh31m-2dk.3f.2r 0,62kw 2690/min 230v-Distressed

Allen-Bradley 22a-b4p5n104 Series a frequency inverter 0,75kw - UN/BOXED -

KEBA Micron ht4/Neutral/16846 Hand Terminal-Distressed

North Drive 500e SK 500e-750-323-a 0,75kw Inverter-UN/BOXED -

Kollmorgen dbl2h00040-b3m-00k-s40 Servo-Motor-Distressed

Ziehl Abegg fan, fan rh25m-2dk.3b.1r 0,32kw 2780r/min 230 V-Distressed

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5 385-8mb11 6es5385-8mb11 E: 05 Counter Module-SEALED -

EBM-PAPST Fan, Fan k3g250-av29-b2 0,7kw 3450r/min 200 V-Distressed

Kobold measurement Ring kalorimetrischer Flow Limiter Kal-K-UN -

Siemens overload relay 3ua68 00-3g 3ua68003g 400-630a - UN/BOXED -


Festo cpv14-vi cpv14vi 18210 Valve Island-Un/Boxed -

Siemens 2kg2121-0vb24-4ad9 Gear Motor

Sew Eurodrive rf37 dt80k4/BMG/TH Gear Motor

Turck BusStop fgdp 10m88-0003 - UN -

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5928-3ub11 6es5 928-3ub11 E: 08 + 6es5376-1aa31 - Distress...

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5928-3ub11 6es5 928-3ub11 E: 08 + 6es5377-0aa32 - Distress...

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5900-7ad11 6es5 900-7ad11 E-Stand: a UN-BNIB

Hirschmann mm4-4tx/sfp mm44txsfp Mice media modules-Distressed

Rexroth FD: 08w17 MMR: 5610120600 08w17 5610120600-UN/BOXED -

Cornelius Compressed Air Unit pearlmax 220098983-UN/BOXED -

Perske... began vs 42.20-2 rotary current motor

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5 955-3lc14 6es5955-3lc14 E-Stand: 05 Distressed

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5 265-8ma01 6es5265-8ma01

Siemens 7tr6200-0/bb 7tr6 200-0/bb - Distressed

Siemens c72451a 91a 2-2 c72451a91a22 Distressed

Siemens 7tt1940-1/dd 7tt1 940-1/dd - Distressed

Siemens m72149-u5890 Scoreboard TU < 65 ° C-Distressed

Siemens c72451 a191 a151 c72451a191a151-Distressed

Siemens c72451a 225a 10-3 c72451a225a103 Distressed

Siemens 7tl4510-0-z/cc x04 7tl4 510-0-z/cc - Distressed

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5 928-3ub11 6es5928-3ub11 e:8 + 6es5377-0ba31 Distressed

SIKO ig09m-0111 abx-1000-pp ig09m0111abx1000pp-UN/BOXED -

Bosch PC epr400 EPR 400 041351 -203401

Rittal 46/34733/001 operating housing command panel-un -

Bosch PC ram400 RAM 400 36762-309401 - UN -

Bosch PC t/z400 T/Z 400 36680-314401 - UN -

Siemens 7tl29 12-0aa1 7tl2912-0aa1 - Distressed

Siemens 7tm2732-2/cc 7tm27322cc-Distressed

Siemens 7tm4732-7/cc 7tm4 732-7/cc - Distressed

Bus St 601 st601 Distressed

Bosch PC e24v E 24v - 038766-206401 - UN -

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5 926-3sa11 6es5926-3sa11 E-Stand: 08-UN/BOXED -

Siemens sinaut 6nh9810-2t 6nh9 810-2t Modem MD 125 E-Stand: 03 Distressed

Farnell p350/125 P 350 125-UN/BOXED -

Elrest 107131 ASYS/can/p100/v1.31 BCE-elacan Front panel Control Unit-UN -

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5928-3ub11 6es5 928-3ub11 E: 01 + 6es5376-0aa21 - Distress...

Rittal El 2256 600 el2256600 Enclosure-UN -

Stephan Scand-AC VPM sl750-1 sl7501 Distressed

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5484-8ad11 6es5 484-8ad11

Konschok + Seidel Milling Spindle

Heidenhain ERN 170-5000 343 792 -01 Encoder/Encoder-Distressed

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5 955-3lc33 6es5955-3lc33 E-Stand: 01 Distressed

Festo 163398 wn08, dnc-63-140-ppv-a-kp Cylinder with Locking Unit-Un/Boxed

AEG mt23c-1041-000 MT 23 c-1041-000 Permanent Magnet AC Servo Motor-un -

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5 955-3lc14 6es5955-3lc14 E-Stand: 16 Distressed

Siemens sidac 4ep3601-3ds00 kommutierungsdrossel-UN/BOXED -

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5 456-4ua12 6es5456-4ua12 e:1

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5 955-3lc14 6es5955-3lc14 E-Stand: 11 Distressed

St?ber GEARBOX P 71 2 SP50m 130/165/32 P 712 SP50m-UN -

Stromag Spring Pressure Brake bzfm 2.5 V 10 Art. No. 401-02557 - UN -

Beluk BLR-cm 06 blrcm 06 blind output controller-/In Box

Alpha Planet Gear TPK 025-mf2-5-060-000 Art. No. 20014654-UN -

Siemens Simatic 6es7460-1ba00-0ab0 6es7 460-1ba00-0ab0

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5981-0ha11 6es5 981-0ha11 E-Stand: 03 Distressed

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5 981-0ha11 6es5981-0ha11 E-Stand: K.A. Distressed

Sew Eurodrive PLANETARY GEAR RPL 30-1ek rpl30-1-ek - UN -

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5 981-0ha11 6es5981-0ha11 E-Stand: 02 Distressed

Siemens Load Feeder 3rk1300-1cs01-1aa0 3rk1 300-1cs01-1aa0 e:2 - UN -

Siemens Sinumerik 6fx1124-6aa02 6fx1 124-6aa02 E: B

Siemens Simatic s5 Digital Input 6es5420-4ua13 6es5 420-4ua13 e:02 - SEALED -

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5955-3lc13 6es5 955-3lc13 - Distressed

Sick ws24-x2301 2015728 Channel Light Curtain-UN/BOXED -

Sauer & Danfoss STEERING Drive with Engine p125/05+ Drinks. SP 81

Dunkermotoren BG 63x55/snr 88563 02250 with Planet Gear PLG 52-UN -

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5 488-3la31 6es5488-3la31 E: 3- in Box

Schabmüller Steering Drive with p125/05 Engine + Drinks -.ims81-5

Danfoss Two Stage Pilot-Solenoid Valve pmlx 40 pmlx40 027f3033-UN/BOXED -

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5420-4ub14 6es5 420-4ub12

AEG Microverter 2.8/230v FREQUENCY INVERTER- -

Siemens sortplan Display 32.1531.998-00 32153199800 Distressed

Siemens 6es5484-8af11 6es5 484-8af11

Schneider Automation TSX QUANTUM 140 CPS 114 10

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5 305-7la11 6es5305-7la11 E-Stand: 02-SEALED -

SMB Servo Motor sbk7-0500-30-0

Siemens Line Filter 6sl3000-0be23-6aa0 6sl3 000-0be23-6aa0 36 KW Ver. a-Distress...

Hübner Berlin Encoder Hog 100 DN 3072 I hog100dn3072i-UN -

Indramat A.C. Servo Bleeder-TBM TBM 1.1-020-w1 tbm1.1-020-w1

Siemens g24 g5/25 wrgd 6ev3054-0gc 6ev 3054-0gc E-Stand: F-Distressed

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5305-7la11 6es5 305-7la11 E-Stand: K.A. - Closed OVP -

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5 305-7la11 6es5305-7la11 E-Stand: 4-SEALED -

Sew Eurodrive Movitrac 1006-403-4-00 1006403400 item no. 825527x-Distressed

Tax Card SR 6000 02sp02m sr600002sp02m-Distressed

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5187-5ua11 6es5 187-5ua11 + 7x Riser-Distressed

NICE vibration technology NEG 500102-s1

Pilz PNOZ x9 No.: 774606 safety switchgear-UN-BNIB -

Siemens smp-e227-a2 c8451-a12-a96-1

Allen Bradley 1772-lh Processor Interface Module 1772lh-UN -

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5 924-3sa12 6es59243sa12 E-Stand: 1 Distressed

Siemens Simatic s5-110a 6es5 900 7ad11 Central Assembly E-Stand: a-UN/BOXED ...

Phoenix Contact IBS STME 24 BK Dio 8/8/3-t 24vdc Bus Terminal at 8 Dig. input-Un...

Allen Bradley 1771-db/b Basic Modules Series: B 1771dbb

Angel drives gnm4 125-g8n Gear Motor-un -

Flender Sky 09.f4.s1d-5n00/1.2 09f4s1d5n0012

Siemens Micromaster 420 6se6420-2ab15-5aa1 E-Stand: d02/1.18 Distressed

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5 095-8mc01 6es5095-8mc01 E-Stand: 04 Distressed

VIPA Siemens vc3-bg27

Siemens ASM 400/401/500 6gt2002-0aa00 + 2x 6gt2002-0ab00 - Distressed

Sick c20s-060102a11 Transmitter-Un -

B & R ECPP 40if4-0n

VIPA Siemens vc1-8627

Festo ms6-sfe-f5-p2u-m12 no 538422 FLOW SENSOR-UN/BOXED -

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5 372-0aa61 6es5372-0aa61

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5 955-3lf12 6es5955-3lf12 E-Stand: 11 Distressed

Sew Gear Motor r17 dr63l4

Bihl + Wiedemann as-I 3.0 PROFIBUS

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5 955-3lc14 6es5955-3lc14 E-Stand: 08 Distressed

Siemens Professional Safe 3rk1903-3ba00 3rk1 903-3ba00

Indramat fwc-dsm2.1-c11-03v06-ms fwc-dsm2.1 Distressed

Indramat DSM dsm2.1 Distressed

Siebert scd30-270 LED Indicator Industrial Display 11.950820.90 with Tripod

Indramat fwc-dsm2.1-c11-03v07-ms Module-Distressed

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5 480-1aa12 6es5480-1aa12

Nemic-Lambda EWS 300p-12 Power Supply

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5 921-3ua12 6es5921-3ua12 E-Stand: 12 Distressed

Ssiemens SIMATIC s5 6es5187-5ua11 6es5 187-5ua11 E-Stand: 02-UN/BOXED -

Hirschmann Star Coupler Base Unit Rack ASGE 1-r E AC-UN/BOXED -

IER 520 Label Printer 520a02 Thermal Label Printer-UN/BOXED -

Schenck Load Cell Type: RCM 0.33

Keb Combivert f5 04.f5.s3a-zm00

Sew Eurodrive rf17 dr63l4/tf

Sew Eurodrive r17 dr63l4/tf Gear Motor-un -

ASM way Sensor ws17kt-5000-5-pp530-sab5

Keb RF Filter 19.e4.t60-1001

Alpha GEARBOX LP 120-m02-50-111-000 Distressed

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5242-1aa32 6es5 242-1aa32 E-Stand: a1 Distressed

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5946-3ua22 6es5 946-3ua22 E-Stand: 04 Distressed

Sew Eurodrive s32 dt71d2tf b8a Gear Motor

Berger Lahr ifa62/dpoisds/5dm - 154/0-001rpp41 & Motovario Drinks. NMRV 030 UNUS...

Sew Eurodrive r17 dr63s4/br/hr Gear Motor-un -

Rexrotth Indramat GEARBOX gtm100 -- nn-003d-nn16 - Gearbox

Keb Drive Technology 07.f0.r01-4a08 Inverter 1,8 KVA

MITSUBISHI Melsec fx2n-32mr-es FX 2 N 32 MREs-Distressed (lid top is missing)

Bauer geared motor with brake bs02-71v/d04la6-s/e003b9

Heidenhain ROD 426.003 1000 Encoder-UN -

SMC Rotary Clamp Cylinder emk2b63-50r Pneumatic Cylinder-Un/Boxed -

ELEKTRIM Gear Motor SKG 63-4b2

EBM PAPST FAN w2d300-cp02-31 FAN-UN/BOXED -

Italvibra Vibration Motor MVSI 3/100p-s02 Vibrator Motor Vibrator-UN -

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5 440-5aa11 6es5440-5aa11 E: 02-Un/In Box

Jean Müller SASIL a5l23011d103 SASIL-pl00/h31/ar-h/1w100-1m/mb15 - UN/BOXED ...

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5 488-3la31 6es5488-3la31

Leuze RK 78/4r-2000 - UN/BOXED -

RSF Elektronik MSA 670.23 msa670.23 720mm-UN/BOXED -

Kniel Power bsü 5.10 No. 222-000-21 - UN -

E. Dold & Sons KG Ader Break Relay ai940 ai9403ac50/60hz - UN/BOXED -

FEMA Honeywell pressure switch DWR 6 Pressure Limiter-UN/BOXED -

Siemens overload relay 3rb12 3rb1246-1eb00 3rb1 246-1eb00 - Distressed

Festo Linear Unit 161792 p108, DGPL - 25-260-ppv-a-kf-b - Distressed

Siemens Built - in Power Supply Unit svs2 g24 g5/25 wrgd 6ev3054-0gc 6ev 3054-0g...

KOYO Direct Logic 205 Programmable Logic Controller w/8 modules-Distressed

Yaskawa ugtmem - 01lb4 + HEDL - 6540 Encoder

Phoenix Contact Interbus IBS IP 500 ELR 2-6a di8/4 2751742-Distressed

Phoenix Contact Interbus IBS IP 400 me-ELR 2-3a di4

Phoenix Contact psr-spp-24uc/esd/4x1/1x2/600 Ord. no 2963967

OMRON INVERTER 3g3ev-ab015ma - Cues 1 Distressed

Lenze inverter e82ev751_4c - Distressed

Doepke Leakage Protection Switch Type DFS 4 40-4/0, 1-UN/BOXED -

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5095-8md01 6es5 095-8md01 E: 03 + 6es5375-1la15 - Distress...

Lust Inverter vf1202s 0,375kw - Distressed

Siemens 3rk1322-1bs00-0aa0 Qty: 1

Lenze 8300 8307_a.1f.23 338121-Distressed

Siemens-UPS Power Supply for ipc32-r - 6ap1 940-0gq00 - /In Box

Festo dgp-40-685 - ppva-B 161782 Linear Unit-UN -

Festo Linear Unit DGPL - 25-50 - ppva-KFB

Indramat DEAB 01-00 DEAB 0100 Distressed

Siemens halbleiterschütz 3rf1433-0jc04 3rf1 433-0jc04 - Distressed

Yaskawa GPD 315/v7 Inverter CIMR-v7am20p1-UN -

Magpowr hb61 HB 61-UN -

Eaton Hydraulic Motor 406-90-0021 406900021-UN -

Pacesetter Gearmotor 48 R 6 BFPP - 5h 48 R 6 BFPP 5h-UN -

Allen-Bradley 22-COMM-C Series A UNSEALED

Eaton Hydraulic Motor 406-90-0019 406900019-UN -

Eaton Hydraulic Motor 406-90-0025 406900025-UN -

Spire 912-0401 Load & Measurement Board-Un -

Thomson Electrak Pro Series pr2405-2b65-04m042 - Distressed

OMRON cj1w-id232 Input Unit-UN/BOXED -

Pfeiffer Vacuum EVB 025 PA evb025pa

Emerson SDN 10-24-100p sdn1024100p PSU Power Supply-UN/BOXED -

Bodine Gear Motor 48 RGBF pp-5h

Rittal CP 6392009 command panels VIP 6000 Enclosure

Siemens TELEPERM C m74003-a8311 e:02 - UN/BOXED -

Siemens 6ev5 000-1bc 6ev5000-1bc - BOXED -

Siemens TELEPERM e65000-f100-a12 - BOXED -

Schrader Bellows Inline Valve P/N n35544001 2460-UN/BOXED -

Schrader Bellows Inline Valve P/N n355-46-046 - UN -

Morse Power Gear 13 GCDB L-R 56c mio290 lo9k-UN -

AEG Control Unit THYRO-M 763-725-030.01 76372503001

Kollmorgen Seidel sr6-6smx7 4m Mat. No. 90083

Sew Eurodrive Gear Motor WA 30/t drs71m4/tf

MKS MASS Flo Controller 2179bx14cg1bv 10000 SCCM 

Schunk ose-b34 354310 oseb 34 SWIVEL UNIT-UN -

Westinghouse Electric Corporation nl1075b 2623d37g01 Sub 10-UN/BOXED -

Siemens Simatic s5 6es5242-1aa32 6es5 242-1aa32 E-Stand: a4 Distressed

Thomson Electrak Pro Series pr2405-2b65-04m042 Actuator





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  • 位: 营销部
  • 话: 0181-50695049
  • 机: 18105962658
  • 真: 0596-3119658


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